The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 48 Return to the Lottery

In the white space, Zhang Chen drank hundreds of drops of Guiyuan Liquid before he slowly recovered.

As the severe pain disappeared, Zhang Chen recovered. He found that with the improvement of his strength, from only a dozen drops to heal the wounds on his body to hundreds of drops to heal the wounds now, the effect of Guiyuan Liquid became less and less obvious.

At this time, Zhang Chen began to look around.

There was nothing around except a huge circular hollow building.

[Start calculating the return reward! ]

This time, the system voice no longer sounded from Zhang Chen's mind, but from the circular building in front of him.

As this voice sounded, a light curtain lit up in the hollow part of the circular building.

It began to quickly play everything Zhang Chen experienced in this world.

From the beginning of the conscription training to the last moment of the bomb explosion, everything Zhang Chen experienced was played out until the screen paused at the moment when Zhang Chen disappeared, and the system voice sounded.

[The task of destroying a worm nest is completed! Reward one advanced lottery! ]

[The task of upgrading to the rank of major general is completed! Reward one intermediate lottery! ]

[The task of surviving for one year is completed! Reward one primary lottery! 】

【Complete all tasks, and reward one advanced lottery! 】

【Do you want to draw now! 】

Zhang Chen suddenly realized that this task was divided according to difficulty.

In the previous world, Zhang Chen used all his lottery opportunities to exchange for Xuanyuan Sword. This time, Zhang Chen must use them well.


As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, the circular building in front of him slowly turned around and showed the back.

The back was very fantastic, with a huge roulette wheel, which was divided into five areas: ordinary items, consumables, combat items, genius treasures, and special items. The range of ordinary items occupied one-third, while special items only occupied less than 5% of the position on the roulette wheel.

"Use primary lottery!"

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, a pointer-like thing appeared in the middle of the roulette wheel and began to rotate faster and faster.

Until a certain time, the pointer suddenly began to slow down, and finally stopped on the ordinary items.

[Congratulations to the host for winning gold bars x10! 】

Zhang Chen had been prepared for this. The primary lottery was not bad. At least it could be used in the real world.

"Use the intermediate lottery!"

The pointer appeared again, but this time two pointers with different angles kept rotating. However, no matter how they rotated, the distance between the two pointers did not change.

"The two pointers rotated together, and the distance between the pointers did not shrink. In other words, it is very likely that they point to two different areas..." Zhang Chen thought.

Sure enough, after the pointer slowly stopped, it still pointed to ordinary items, but the other one pointed to combat items.

[Host, please choose the item classification! ]

"Combat item classification!" Zhang Chen did not hesitate.

As the white light flashed, a sports car that looked exquisite appeared in front of Zhang Chen.

[Congratulations to the host for getting an intelligent war car! ]

Zhang Chen looked at the beautiful and streamlined sports car in front of him and was a little confused.

Because Zhang Chen had never seen it in the previous world.

He put it in his storage space and said, "Continue! Use the advanced lottery!"

This time the pointers became three, and each one was at a different angle.

As the pointer stopped, Zhang Chen found that two of them entered the ordinary item area, but the other one entered the range of genius treasures.

Zhang Chen did not wait for the system to ask this time, and directly answered, "Genius treasure classification!"

A small white bug appeared in front of Zhang Chen.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Zerg brain worm larva! ]

Zhang Chen was really shocked this time.

Zhang Chen knew the combat power of the Zerg. In three years, they squeezed half of the living space of humans with high technology. If there were another five to ten years, and the Zerg evolved again, humans might not win.

Looking at the little bug that looked like a mealworm in front of him, Zhang Chen carefully put it in his storage space.

Just as he was about to draw all the rewards directly, Zhang Chen suddenly thought of the system's previous question about whether to draw now.

"If I keep the rewards for this draw, when can I draw them?"

[You can draw them before the next time you cross over, or use them to exchange for items in the next world after returning to the next world! 】

"That means, if I choose to leave it to draw later, I can't draw things from this world, right?"

[Yes! ]

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment.

First of all, there is nothing useful in this world. Now my own strength has reached a bottleneck. If I use it... never mind, who knows if I can survive in the next world? It is important to improve my own strength first.

"Use advanced lottery!"

Seeing the pointer spinning again, Zhang Chen actually regretted it a little.

But it's useless to regret it, after all, it has been used.

[Host, please choose a category! ]

After hearing the voice of the system, Zhang Chen looked up. This time, no one pointed to special items. Three pointers pointed to consumables, genius treasures, and... special items? !

"Special items!" After seeing the classification, Zhang Chen made a choice without any hesitation.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a new permission! The storage space in each world can bring back three items from this world! ]

Zhang Chen was a little confused after hearing this confusing bunch of words, "System, what does it mean?"

[The host in each world can bring back three items from this world! ]

"Really? Nothing needs to be consumed? Just put it in my storage space?"

[Yes! ]

Zhang Chen laughed.

This permission is a good thing. Three items, no matter which three items, it is equivalent to three more free draws in each world, and you can choose them yourself!

Zhang Chen felt refreshed when he thought of this.

[The draw is over, please name the space now! ]

The system interrupted Zhang Chen at this time.

Zhang Chen only had time to ask the system at this time, and looked around, "System, what is this place."

[A small space constructed by the luck in the artifact of heaven and earth! ]

"What's the use?"

[Build a world! 】

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes, "What's the use for me?"

[In the future, the space will be larger and can support multiple people to travel together or travel through different worlds separately! 】

At this time, Zhang Chen thought of a possibility!

"System, can I bring people in?"

[The host needs to have permission! 】

After listening to this, Zhang Chen was more looking forward to this place.

At this time, a bold idea came into Zhang Chen's mind.

Zhang Chen wanted to turn this place into a new world that can communicate with all the worlds, and he would be the builder of this world in the future!

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