The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 338: Divine Kingdom Barrier

As the people in the light shield disappeared, Zhang Chen didn't know that there were ten platforms with the same situation as here, and the same thing was happening.

A dizzy feeling came over him, and Zhang Chen felt that the distance he moved this time was not very far.

Sure enough, he arrived at the place soon.

Surrounded by a loess desert, it was obvious that there was no one here, and Zhang Chen and his friends were teleported here.

"Where is this? Is this the next trial?"

"What is this place? It looks so desolate!"

While everyone was talking, Zhang Chen had already walked to the front one step ahead of everyone. Of course, others were still observing the situation around them.

Zhang Chen looked at the people around him with a blank expression.

This group of people had actually forgotten what they were doing here.

Because there were so many people, they were not very worried. In their subconscious mind, they thought that there were so many people accompanying me, and it was not wrong to follow the crowd.

This is the herd mentality of people, and even the ascetics cannot escape it.

Zhang Chen ignored these people and walked straight ahead.

Zhang Chen always felt that something was wrong ahead, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so Zhang Chen decided to go and see for himself. Moreover, since the platform had teleported them here, there must be a purpose. Maybe a trial had begun.

Fatty and Voldemort followed Zhang Chen closely. Young Master Haoyue was also looking around. When he saw Zhang Chen walking in one direction, he was moved and followed Zhang Chen.

No matter how dissatisfied Chi Liu was with Zhang Chen before, now that they saw Zhang Chen was about to take action, the two of them couldn't help but follow him. Facts proved that Zhang Chen was like a magic power. Even though Zhang Chen was only entering the Wall of Immortals for the first time, Zhang Chen had a terrible intuition. He knew what to do next.

In addition to Zhang Chen's team, many experienced people and people with clear minds also quietly left the main force and began to look for this trial.

Zhang Chen also saw this group of people who quietly left the main force. There was no expression on his face, but Zhang Chen nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

There are still some smart people!

But Zhang Chen couldn't care about these people anymore, because he found something strange. There was a transparent invisible wall blocking his way.

Zhang Chen tried to hit the wall with a trace of sword energy, but found that the transparent barrier swallowed the sword energy silently, and there was no reaction on the transparent wall.

Zhang Chen frowned instantly.

The strength of this invisible barrier exceeded Zhang Chen's expectations. The most important thing was that Zhang Chen could feel that it was not just a matter of strength, but that this barrier might have some other special effects.

The young master Haoyue behind him also touched the invisible barrier with his orchid fingers.

However, Master Haoyue was shocked when he touched it, "I didn't expect that the platform would actually teleport us here. It seems that this is the last level!" Zhang Chen glanced at Master Haoyue, "Do you know what this is?" Master Haoyue nodded, "This is the barrier of the kingdom of God, which is the shell of this world. This time it seems that we need to rely on our own strength to break this world barrier, but it is said that the world barrier can only be broken by people who have entered the Tao and have a cultivation level comparable to the Mahayana stage." Zhang Chen's face darkened when he heard about the Mahayana stage. Now this group of people are generally in the Jindan stage. Even if there are strong people who have entered the Tao, such as Master Haoyue, they are at most comparable to the Nascent Soul, and they are still a step behind the real Nascent Soul masters. Zhang Chen thought about it and looked at Master Haoyue, "Are there any other ways besides breaking it violently?" Master Haoyue thought about it. "It is said that this world barrier is composed of various perfect rules. In theory, as long as there is the power to break the rules, the world wall can be broken. However, in reality, this operation is very difficult, because the world barrier has the function of recovery. Except for the rules that are higher than it, nothing else can break it."

Mr. Haoyue shook his head when he said this.

This is almost impossible to do. You must know that many masters in the Mahayana period cannot master the rules, let alone them.

Zhang Chen fell into deep thought as he looked at the barrier in front of him.


This is the first time Zhang Chen has heard of this word. No one in the previous world has ever said this word. Zhang Chen is also a little confused about this concept.

"Tell me in detail what the rules are?"

Mr. Haoyue glanced at Zhang Chen and was a little surprised. "Didn't your sect tell you about the rules?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

Mr. Haoyue looked at Zhang Chen strangely, but still talked about it. After all, every sect knows this thing, and it is not a secret.

"The power of rules is actually a mysterious thing. No one can tell what it is, but it is said that the power of rules is everywhere. As long as you understand the rules of a world, you can control the world." "For example, the power of origin is so popular because it contains a lot of rule power. These rule powers are condensed when the world is born. As long as you obtain the power of origin and comprehend the rules, your strength will increase greatly, and you may even have the opportunity to control the world where the power of origin is." "There are also artifacts. I heard from a senior in the sect that there is also rule power in artifacts, but it's just a matter of more or less. The strongest artifact contains rule power that can even be compared to several worlds!" Zhang Chen frowned when he heard it.

The rules are too abstruse to say this, and there is no difference between saying it and not saying it.

However, Zhang Chen still captured useful information.

There is the power of rules in the artifact!

This is good news for Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen does not have the power of origin now, but he has the artifact!

While Zhang Chen and others were talking, other people also discovered this invisible barrier. Some knowledgeable people also recognized that it was a world barrier, but they were powerless.

There are also some Dao masters among these people, but even the Dao masters shook their heads in disappointment.

This barrier is not something they can break now.

If the barrier cannot be broken, there is no need to think about the subsequent trials.

"How can this be?"

"This is too difficult!"

"Do I have to stay for another two hundred years?"

For a while, everyone quarreled.

Zhang Chen frowned and glanced at these people, then took out the formation and directly enveloped the five members of the team.

Master Haoyue also glanced at these noisy people, shook his head in disdain, curled his lips and rolled his eyes and said, "With such perseverance and Taoism, you dare to come to the Land of the Falling Gods? Do you really think there is no danger here and you can get through it safely?"

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