Because of the existence of the barrier of the Kingdom of God, all those who entered the Immortal Wall were thinking of countermeasures in this desolate Gobi.

Zhang Chen was also thinking.

However, what Zhang Chen was thinking was different from what these people were thinking. What Zhang Chen was thinking about was whether to use the Xuanyuan Sword.

After all, there are too many people here, more than those on the platform before. Zhang Chen can't guarantee that he can block everyone. The Xuanyuan Sword is a magical weapon after all, and there is no guarantee that there won't be envious people coming to snatch it.

So Zhang Chen was thinking of a foolproof strategy that would not expose the Xuanyuan Sword as a divine weapon, but also allow it to pass through the barrier directly.

But just when Zhang Chen was thinking of a plan, the fat man approached Zhang Chen with a mysterious look on his face.

He whispered, "Brother Zhang! Brother Zhang! I have something to tell you!"

Zhang Chen looked at the fat man a little strangely.

Something has been wrong with this fat man since he came here. He was always lively and energetic before, but he hasn't said a word since he came here.

"What's up?"

The fat man cautiously approached Zhang Chen's ear and said, "The original power I mentioned before is around here!"

Zhang Chen's eyes widened instantly, "Are you sure?"

The fat man nodded vigorously, "I'm sure! But what's a little strange is that I clearly feel that it's nearby, but the terrain here is completely different. The source of power I discovered before is obviously in a valley."

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment after hearing this, then suddenly stood up and walked towards Master Haoyue who was not far away, "What is behind this barrier?"

Master Haoyue was stunned when he heard Zhang Chen's words, "Of course it's from outside the territory!"

Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows after hearing this, "Outside the territory? Does that mean there is still ground outside?"

Master Haoyue nodded, "Of course!"

Zhang Chen lowered his head and thought silently.

At this time, a huge teleportation wave suddenly appeared, and then a group of people appeared here.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

It was clear that everyone was teleported on the platform before, so why was there still someone there?

The person who had just teleported here couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he saw that there were so many people here. "Brothers, there is also a world barrier in this place. Find the next teleportation array quickly!"

Then the group of people left in a mighty manner. Some of the people who were close were smart and went up to ask, "Fellow Taoist, what are you doing?"

The person who just teleported over looked at him and said, "Of course we have to find an exit."

"Is there an exit here?!"

"Don't we need to break the barrier?!"

Hearing the questions from the people around him, the man rolled his eyes at the people here, "Are you stupid? Can this barrier be broken now? Obviously there is a special teleportation formation that can teleport directly to the outside. Okay. Okay! I have to leave, otherwise it will be bad if someone gets there first!"

After saying this, the man quickly followed the large army.

Only then did the people present realize that there was more than one place, and there was such a thing as a teleportation array.

"I see, this is the real trial! Let's quickly find the formation!"

This sentence woke up the dreamer, and everyone immediately started to move and began to look for the teleportation array.

Young Master Haoyue and Chiliu inside the formation also heard it. Young Master Haoyue glanced at Zhang Chen who was indifferent and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, let's start setting off too?"

Zhang Chen glanced at Mr. Haoyue and Chi Liu, "You two also want to find the teleportation array?"

Mr. Haoyue narrowed his eyes, "Don't you think Fellow Daoist Zhang will go?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "If you want to go, go ahead, I won't go."

After saying that, Zhang Chen continued to meditate on the spot, but in his heart, Zhang Chen wished that everyone would leave.

Let's go! Let's go now! After leaving, I will use the Xuanyuan Sword to split the barrier to see what is behind it!

Young Master Haoyue felt that Zhang Chen always kept something secret from him, but that was normal. It was just a chance encounter, so Young Master Haoyue also smiled slightly, "In that case, we will meet again later!"

Zhang Chen nodded, opened a hole in the formation, and allowed Young Master Haoyue and Chi Liu to walk out.

Young Master Haoyue and Chiliu who walked out stopped when they reached a place where Zhang Chen could not detect them.

Chiliu was slightly startled when he saw Master Haoyue stop, "Aren't we looking for the teleportation array?"

Young Master Haoyue shook his head, "Don't worry, I always feel that Zhang Chen is interested in the barrier. It's very likely that he has some way to break the barrier, maybe it's a divine weapon!"

Chiliu perked up after hearing Master Haoyue's analysis, "If it is really a divine weapon, it will be a great opportunity for us!"

Master Haoyue nodded, "So we'll know what happens after a while."

"If Zhang Chen really has a divine weapon, how can we get it? Don't forget that besides Zhang Chen, he also has a terrifying follower." Chiliu asked with a frown.

Master Haoyue smiled slightly after hearing what Chi Liu said, "So we have to show some real skills!" After saying this, Master Haoyue gave Chi Liu a wink.

Chiliu had noticed it a long time ago and had closed his eyes before, avoiding this fatal glance.

At the same time, Chiliu felt relieved.

Fortunately, we have been together for a long time and already know what Mr. Haoyue might do.

Chiliu opened his eyes and saw Master Haoyue's half-smiling eyes.

The news that there was a teleportation array to get out of was soon known to everyone, so almost everyone started looking for the teleportation arrays. Needless to say, they actually found them, and they found two of them.

Since they couldn't break the barrier, they could only enter the teleportation array to find a way out.

However, in this way, the formation where Zhang Chen was located became conspicuous.

"Hey! Aren't the people in that formation going to leave?"

"Don't worry about them. It's probably because of the formation restrictions, so they can't hear us talking. Let him show off. It was because of him that I almost got eliminated before!"

However, some people suspected that the people in the formation had a way to break the barrier.

"Could it be that they have some way to break this barrier?"

"Don't make a fuss. This barrier is all rule power. Only those with a cultivation level above the Mahayana stage can break it. With our current level, it's wishful thinking. Even if he is stronger than us, he can't open this barrier unless he has a magic weapon!"

"What if he really has a magic weapon?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Even a Mahayana master may not have a magic weapon. How can he run around with a magic weapon?" The person who spoke looked at the person asking the question as if he was a lunatic, with a look of disgust on his face.

As the teleportation array was discovered, the number of people around Zhang Chen's array decreased, until no one was left.

Zhang Chen was not in a hurry, because he still needed to study the specific operation.

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