After saying that, Di Jun smiled evilly and looked at Duan Hong, "Do you want to try?"

Duan Hong had a gloomy face and did not speak.

Although he asked others to take action just now, he did not take action.

The reversion of the Shen clan has certain limits. The reversion of this remnant is a bit incredible. Even Duan Hong dare not take action easily. However, there are so many people here. As long as the remnant is consumed to a certain extent, it will be fish on the chopping board!

Thinking of this, Duan Hong snorted coldly, "You have consumed a lot of energy. How many times can you attack like this?"

Di Jun looked at Duan Hong and raised his eyebrows, "You want to try?"

Duan Hong did not answer, but looked at all the forces around him. He said loudly, "Fellow Daoists, please lend me a hand. Afterwards, the Divine Weapon Pavilion will give everyone a satisfactory reward!"

The forces present were all moved.

Although they were frightened by the strength of the Shen clan before, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the power of the Shen clan had been consumed by more than half, and this was a good time to beat the dog when it was down.


"The Shen Clan appears, and we should attack them!"

All the forces expressed their positions at once.

Zhang Chen's heart tightened after seeing this scene.

The development of the situation has now exceeded expectations. Before, it was only a few forces, but now that Di Jun has just appeared, so many forces are willing to participate.

Subconsciously, he glanced at the crack behind him.

The crack has begun to shake violently. I guess Su Bo will be able to come out soon. This may be the only good thing in this situation.

All the high-level forces present looked at Di Jun, and countless eyes with surging pressure directly pressed on Di Jun alone.

Di Jun's body sank slightly in the void, but he looked at everyone present calmly, "Since you have decided to join forces, then... who will come first?"

Everyone present was silent.

They are not fools. At this moment, Di Jun obviously still has some strength left. If he stands out at this time, he will die without knowing how he died. Moreover, the Divine Weapon Pavilion only said empty words at this moment. They have not seen any specific benefits, so how can they fight desperately.

As for calling for reinforcements from the other side of the light gate, no one has this idea.

This is the Shen Clan! According to legend, the eyes of the Shen Clan are rare treasures. After refining, one can even travel through time in the flesh!

This kind of treasure is hard to come by, so no one is willing to share it with others. If the people present had not been there all along, they would probably fight.

After hearing what Di Jun said, the old man Tianxie smiled coldly, "Hmph, do you think I can't do anything to you like this?" As he said that, the old man Tianxie turned his palm and a delicate small compass stood in his hand.

"This is the sect formation I refined. After it is opened, as long as everyone's strength is combined to attack you, how many times can you resist?"

After hearing this, Di Jun stared at the old man Tianxie, "You can try."

The old man Tianxie smiled lightly, and the compass instantly became larger, "Please help me, fellow Taoists."

Everyone immediately stood on the compass.

A pressure that almost crushed the void suddenly appeared from the compass.

The compass also began to show cracks.

Although the old man Tianxie felt heartache, he still hardened his heart when he thought of the eyes of the Shen Clan.

After feeling this pressure, Di Jun's face also became solemn.

This pressure was too terrible. Even if Di Jun was confident that he could withstand the first blow, he might not be able to withstand the second and third blows.

Old Man Tianxie naturally saw Di Jun's solemn expression, "What? Are you getting anxious now? Humph, it's too late!"

As soon as Old Man Tianxie finished speaking, a gray shadow came out of the compass, opened his mouth towards Di Jun, and a huge gray beam of light shot towards Di Jun.

The purple air around Di Jun instantly became twice as dense, and under Di Jun's control, it turned into a drill-like existence, directly blocking the beam of light.

As soon as it came into contact with the beam of light, Di Jun's face flushed.

The purple air around Di Jun instantly shone brightly and directly pushed the purple air in front of the compass against the gray beam of light.

"Since you are so optimistic about this formation, I will destroy it!" Di Jun roared at Old Man Tianxie with a ferocious face.

After seeing this scene, Old Man Tianxie was not panicked, but laughed instead.

"Haha, I knew you were too naive. My compass is not that easy to deal with."

After hearing what the old man Tianxie said, Di Jun felt something was wrong, but it was too late to stop. The next moment, the purple air hit the compass.

The compass instantly shone brightly and directly absorbed the purple air.

Di Jun was a little flustered at this time. He hurriedly tried to cut off the purple air, but he was pulled by the compass and couldn't cut it off. The endless purple air continued to pour into the compass. There were more cracks on the compass. It was obvious that it was overwhelmed, but the old man Tianxie didn't care at all.

Compared with the eyes of the Shen clan, it didn't hurt that the compass was destroyed!

Di Jun was entangled by the compass. After absorbing a huge amount of purple air, he began to become weak.

In a trance, Di Jun showed a bitter smile.

Am I going to die just after coming out of the God's Falling Land...

Zhang Chen was also anxious watching from the side.

He wanted to use Xuanyuan Sword to try to cut off the connection, but the connection was too big, at least more than ten meters wide, and Zhang Chen did not have the ability to directly separate the connection between Di Jun and the compass.

Just as Zhang Chen was anxious, a finger suddenly stretched out from the crack of the star gate behind him.

This finger was inconspicuous, but everyone present was slightly shocked the moment it appeared.

The finger pointed slightly at Di Jun in the air, and Di Jun, who had already been unable to hold on, instantly separated from the compass.

"So lively? Are you all here to see me, an old antique? But it's a bit too much for you to target the younger generation like this." A gentle voice came from the crack.

Zhang Chen was relieved instantly, "Brother Su, you finally spoke. If you don't speak again, we can't hold on."

Su Bo's voice came from the crack.

"I haven't come out yet. I'm entangled by something. It's estimated that there is still half an hour. You hold on."

Zhang Chen was shocked when he heard this, "Brother Su, don't say half an hour, I guess I can't hold on for ten minutes!"

However, no matter what Zhang Chen said, there was no echo in the crack of the star gate.

Zhang Chen instantly felt that the whole world collapsed.

Zhang Chen never thought that it would be even more dangerous after coming out of the Land of God's Fall.

All the people from all the forces who had sensed Su Bo's aura did not dare to speak. After waiting for a while, they found that the powerful man in the crack actually said that it would take half an hour, and then they became bolder again.

Duan Hong said to the people from other forces, "Hurry up! Time is running out!"

Zhang Chen saw the ice crystals around Duan Hong, took a deep breath, and looked solemn.

"Come on, let me see what you can do to me!"

One update today, and make up in two days. I'm not in good condition recently.

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