Duan Hong curled his lips after seeing the change in Zhang Chen's eyes.

Duan Hong would have crushed an ant who has not reached the Mahayana stage if it weren't for the fat Taoist who caused trouble before. Duan Hong was naturally unhappy when he saw Zhang Chen's eyes.

"Looking for death, the ants still want to resist!"

As he spoke, Duan Hong waved his hand, and streaks of blue light rushed out of Duan Hong's body in the void. A ferocious-looking giant beast made of blue ice crystals took shape in front of Duan Hong.

Zhang Chen's face became even more solemn when he saw this scene.

Zhang Chen didn't even have time to react to the previous iceberg. Zhang Chen himself didn't have the confidence to block this attack.

When he was anxious, Zhang Chen also had a doubt in his heart. Usually the system should have started to prepare to return at this time. Why is there still no movement in the system this time?

What Zhang Chen didn't know was that the system never said that the trial would be over when he came out of the Fallen Star Sect. For the system, it was also a trial at this moment.

Soon Zhang Chen concentrated his mind again. There was no way. This time the enemy was the strongest existence Zhang Chen had ever seen. Zhang Chen did not dare to be careless.

This time Di Jun has no way to continue to help him...

Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced at Di Jun. Di Jun looked a little miserable now, with wounds all over his body, some of which were still oozing blood. He looked sluggish and clearly had no fighting ability.

At this time, Duan Hong saw Zhang Chen still looking around and couldn't help but sneered, "I hope you can be so relaxed soon."

Although Zhang Chen is not strong enough, he is still very good at talking. "Old man, you don't need to worry."

Duan Hong's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to press in front of Zhang Chen.

The giant ice crystal beast formed in the void immediately rushed towards Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen held the Xuanyuan Sword tightly, and sword energy burst out all over his body. Beside Zhang Chen, five giant swords tens of meters high hung upside down.

Duan Hong snorted coldly when he saw Zhang Chen's actions, "Struggling in vain!"

Old Tianxie who was beside Duan Hong's eyes lit up when he saw Zhang Chen's actions.

"It's a good trick. I don't know who created it. This kind of trick should be considered a masterpiece."

After Duan Hong heard what Old Man Tianxie said, he also focused on Zhang Chen's tricks. Duan Hong didn't look carefully just now, but now that he looked at it, his brows immediately furrowed.

"This ant actually has such a subtle move? Use your spiritual thoughts to integrate into the sword moves, transform the sword energy into spiritual energy, and let the moves move according to your thoughts. Not bad!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Hong changed the subject, "But this ant is destined to struggle to the death!"

Old Man Tianxie didn't say anything. Although he also wanted to kill Zhang Chen, after all, Duan Hong had taken action now. If he took action again, wouldn't it be clear that he looked down on Duan Hong? So this face still has to be given.

Five giant swords condensed into shape, but under Duan Hong's ice crystal beast, it was obviously not enough.

Although each giant sword is tens of meters in size, compared with the ice crystal beast, it may be as long as a longer wooden stick.

"Shape Lock Mind Blade!"

Zhang Chen opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed in his eyes. This golden light was emitted involuntarily after Zhang Chen's soul was highly activated.

As Zhang Chen finished speaking, the five giant swords adjusted their positions and rushed towards the ice crystal beast.

Even so, Zhang Chen was still worried.

"Ten Thousand Sword Jue!"

Countless sword energy condensed in the air with vigorous spiritual energy, and rushed out after the five giant swords.

It is naturally impossible to compete with the ice crystal monster by relying on these two moves alone. All Zhang Chen needs is to buy himself a little time, and a little is enough.

After performing these two moves, Zhang Chen took out the purple gourd from the storage space, poured a large mouthful of spiritual wine into his mouth, and hung the purple gourd directly on his waist.

After doing all this, Zhang Chen held Xuanyuan Sword horizontally and slowly closed his eyes.

Although the speed of the ice crystal beast was much slower than the previous iceberg, it was still very fast compared to Zhang Chen's sword moves. In less than a moment, it was already close to the five giant swords.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Sword Jue issued by Zhang Chen had already caught up with the five giant swords in front. Countless sword energies directly wrapped the five giant swords, forming a line dominated by five giant swords and countless sword energies. Fu's huge sword energy beam.

After seeing this scene, Old Man Tianxie once again had a flash of surprise in his eyes, "This boy is not simple. Such completely different sword moves can actually cooperate so tacitly. It seems that there is still something wrong."

Duan Hong glanced at Old Man Tianxie and said, "It's just a chicken and a dog!"

As he said that, Duan Hong fired another blue aura from his hand. The aura came from behind and hit the ice crystal behemoth's body directly. The ice crystal behemoth's already fast speed increased again, and its size also became larger.

Soon, the ice crystal beast collided with the light beam composed of sword energy.

Sure enough, after the collision, the light beam began to shatter, and the ice crystal beast rushed forward with a devastating momentum.

However, what Duan Hong expected was that although the sword energy beam did not block the ice crystal behemoth, it still slowed down the ice crystal behemoth, and even stopped the ice crystal behemoth for a time because of the huge number.

Duan Hong raised his eyebrows when he saw this, "This guy's moves are a bit interesting."

In fact, Duan Hong was secretly frightened.

You must know that the difference in cultivation between Zhang Chen and him is more than a few realms. If calculated, even a person in the Mahayana stage cannot stop Duan Hong's attack, but this kid has already done this before he has even passed the tribulation. This incredible thing is unimaginable to Duan Hong.

Soon the sword energy pillar was completely destroyed by the ice crystal beast, and then the ice crystal beast attacked Zhang Chen who closed his eyes.

Before the ice crystal beast approached, a huge pressure had already appeared, and Voldemort behind Zhang Chen was directly pressed into the void.

From the beginning, Voldemort did not move, not because he did not want to, but because he had no choice.

His cultivation was too different from the people around him. Although he was far away from these people from various forces, even so, the pressure they emitted from them was not something that Voldemort, a small character in the Qi Refining Period, could contend with.

The approach of the ice crystal beast made Voldemort unable to support himself and was directly suppressed to the point of being unable to move.

Although Voldemort also wanted to help Zhang Chen, he was willing but unable to do so, and could only watch the huge ice crystal beast approaching quickly.

Boss! You must block it!

Voldemort kept shouting in his heart.

I don’t know if it was because he heard Voldemort’s voice that Zhang Chen moved at this time.

Zhang Chen slowly raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, raised it above his head, and then chopped it down at an extremely slow speed.

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