However, Xu Chu's blade only destroyed a part of the front, and there were still ice crystal blade wheels on both sides rushing towards the soldiers in the army.

Xu Chu continued to charge towards the opposite Wu army as if he didn't see it.

Seeing the ice crystal blade wheel getting closer and closer to Cao's army, Voldemort thought that this place would soon be a purgatory-like scene, but soon, what happened next overturned Voldemort's worldview.

These ordinary soldiers followed the orders of the sergeant and the general inside, raised their weapons directly, and shouted, "Break!"

Then the ice crystal blade wheel that was about to reach the edge of the army seemed to be hit hard by something, shattered into countless pieces and dissipated in the air. After doing this, the soldiers before seemed to have done something insignificant, put down their weapons, and continued to charge.

Originally, Voldemort thought that the blade wheel had arrived, and the next scene was a scene of blood and flesh flying. Perhaps these soldiers could block it, but they would also have to pay the price of many lives.

"This... What is going on..." Voldemort was a little confused.

Although Voldemort was stunned, the war was still going on.

Xu Chu was very close to the vanguard of the Wu army, and he could even see the sweat hairs on the faces of the soldiers in the front of the Wu army.

In a flash, Xu Chu did not hesitate and raised the long sword in his hand. A dark red rainbow rose directly from the Wu army.

In just a moment, dozens of vanguards in front of the Wu army had turned into broken limbs and corpses. Then Xu Chu drove straight in, killing his way out like a tiger into a flock of sheep.

At this time, Zhou Yu's voice sounded again, "General Xu is indeed unparalleled in martial arts and extraordinary bravery, but General Xu has never thought about why Gongjin let General Xu join our army?"

Zhou Yu's voice was not only calm without a trace of panic, but also full of calmness.

"Change the formation! Yizi knife wheel formation!" Without giving Xu Chu time to think, Zhou Yu's order was issued.

The Wu army's original charge stopped instantly, and they began to shrink towards Xu Chu's location, turning into a circle. Every soldier was constantly moving and circling, looking like a huge knife wheel. Xu Chu in the middle was constantly being cut, and the Cao army outside could not break through for a while.

Xu Chu felt that he could not move an inch in just a moment, and could only stop where he was and keep killing the Wu army around him. For a while, Xu Chu was trapped in the Wu army.

At this time, the Cao army had also rushed over, with several people forming a small team, three teams forming a small square formation, and then several small square formations forming a large square formation. The moment they came into contact with the Wu army, they dispersed.

Next was the deafening shouting and killing, and the sound of countless swords entering the body.

It was also the first time that Voldemort saw such a brutal side.

Voldemort had a lot of experience in fighting. He had even experienced wars in the wizarding world, and he was even a commander. But Voldemort had never seen people dying silently like a millstone. Tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people fighting together, Voldemort had never seen it before. Even a cruel man like Voldemort was a little uncomfortable. The tragic situation at the scene was evident.

Not long after the two armies came into contact, the sky suddenly turned dark red, and dozens of fireballs came towards the Cao army camp with a whistling sound.

Until this time, Xu Chu, who was trapped in the Wu army, took action.

"The sky is full of flames! The nine stars are hanging lights!"

As Xu Chu's voice fell, the red in the sky became thicker, and countless flaming arrows fell from the sky.

For a time, countless fireballs and arrows formed a confrontation.

The fireball soon fell towards the Cao army below. With the continuous rumbling sound, the ground was plowed by the fireball with long traces. As for the Cao army in the trace, there was naturally no body left. In just this moment, one-tenth of the entire Cao army was cleared, and more Cao soldiers around were burned by the flames on the fireball and could no longer continue to fight.

However, the Wu army was not better. Countless flaming arrows fell from the sky and shot at the Wu army indiscriminately. Except for the soldiers holding shields, other soldiers could only rely on the weapons in their hands to dodge. Although the power of the arrows was not as good as the fireballs, the coverage range was wider. Almost two-fifths of the Wu army were injured. As for the dead Wu army, except for those who were very unlucky and were shot directly in the head, there were few other casualties.

The soldiers in the Wu army were just about to breathe a sigh of relief when screams suddenly came from the center of the army.

The screams came one after another. In less than a moment, the Wu army found that the distance between him and his comrades was a little wider, which showed how great the casualties were.

At this time, around Xu Chu's body, nine flames were rising and falling in the air and rotating rapidly. Every time they rotated, a Wu army soldier would be killed or injured. In just a moment, the Wu army suffered heavy casualties.

For a moment, there were no Wu soldiers within three meters around Xu Chu, or in other words, there were no living Wu soldiers. Just this one time, the Wu army was at a disadvantage.

And the balance of victory was also tilting towards Cao's army.

Voldemort had not participated in the battle. On the one hand, it was because he was Zhang Chen's friend and just watched the battle. On the other hand, it was because Voldemort was incompatible with the soldiers around him. Even if he participated in the battle, in a battle of this magnitude, Voldemort's strength alone was relatively weak.

Xu Chu had a chance to catch his breath and speak until this time, "Zhou Yu! Dare to fight me!"

Xu Chu's roar spread throughout the battlefield. After hearing Xu Chu's words, the momentum of the entire Wu army weakened, while the momentum of the Cao army became even higher!




The Cao army, which had already fought hand-to-hand with the Wu army, shouted "Kill" while slashing at the Wu army with their machetes.

Soon the losses of the Wu army increased, and small gaps appeared in the originally unbreakable military formation.

Voldemort nodded when he saw this.

Now it seems that the overall situation has been decided. Next, it depends on when the Wu army will be defeated. The victory of the Cao army is only a matter of time.

However, just when Voldemort was thinking this, Zhou Yu's voice suddenly came from the Wu army, "General Xu, you look down on me too much. Do you think we have lost?"

Zhou Yu had just finished speaking when shouts of killing suddenly came from both sides of the battle between the two armies. Then, in the open space on both sides, teams of Wu soldiers suddenly showed up and surrounded the Cao army.

Xu Chu's face changed when he heard the shouts of killing from both sides.

"We've been ambushed! Break out with all your forces!"

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