Cries of killing rang out from all directions.

The sound of tens of thousands of people shouting in unison was enough to shock people's hearts. In addition, Wu Jun's ambush troops also had battle formations, so the shouts of killing were even more touching.

The rhythm of Cao's army that was fighting was instantly disrupted. Coupled with Xu Chu's breakout order, Cao's army, which had strict military discipline, also experienced a slight commotion for a while.

Through Wu Jun's military formation, Zhou Yu's various orders spread throughout the battlefield.

"All officers and men in the army listen to the order and change formations!"

Following Zhou Yu's order, the Wu army, which was spinning at high speed like a knife wheel and fighting Cao Jun, suddenly escaped and withdrew, turning into an arrow formation again, piercing Cao Jun's square formation fiercely.

While changing formations, some Wu troops maintained their previous circular formation, trapping Xu Chu who was constantly trying to break through.

The nine flames around Xu Chu's body have not disappeared yet, so Wu Jun's soldiers cannot approach him. However, they can temporarily trap Xu Chu if they cannot approach him.

Several Wu soldiers who were close to Xu Chu had already taken out the lasso and pinned the legs of the horse under Xu Chu, making it clear that they wanted to trap Xu Chu.

Xu Chu was also in an embarrassing situation at this time. Wu Jun had obviously been prepared for it, or this kind of battle situation had been expected by Zhou Yu.

Xu Chu felt anxious secretly.

Xu Chu had never underestimated Zhou Yu.

After all, Zhou Yu's reputation is well known. He had already gained a huge reputation when he worked under Sun Quan. In other words, Zhou Yu deserves the most credit for Soochow becoming as powerful as it is now.

However, it was well known that Zhou Yu was in poor health, so Xu Chu's plan was to directly decide the outcome of this battle with his personal force.

In fact, it is not uncommon for military generals to rely on their personal force to determine the outcome of a war in previous battles. It can even be said that this is the easiest way for many brave generals to compete with other generals. To capture the thief first, capture the king. It is applicable at any time.

Although Xu Chu's plan was good, it was obvious that Zhou Yu was not fooled.

Zhou Yu was resourceful and had already thought that Xu Chu would provoke the generals, so Zhou Yu was not moved at all. He even set a trap early, waiting for Xu Chu to rush up alone, trapping Xu Chu, and surrounding Cao's army and annihilating him.

Although Xu Chu still has a lot of trump cards that he has not used yet, if his subordinates suffer too many losses, no matter how many trump cards Xu Chu has, none of them will be of any use in the end.

Now Cao Jun's military formation has begun to have a trace of chaos. If the chaos is allowed to develop, the battle may be lost. After all, the Thousand Miles Dike was destroyed by the ant nest.

Xu Chu made a quick decision, jumped off his horse, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the direction where Zhou Yu's voice came from just now.

Countless Wu troops were killed by Xu Chu along the way. Although each Wu army could not stop Xu Chu for a moment, Xu Chu was surrounded by a sea of ​​Wu troops. It was still difficult for Xu Chu to rush in front of Zhou Yu.

At this time, behind Wu Jun, Zhou Yu was sitting on his horse looking at the battle situation in front of him with a dignified expression on his face.

Although Zhou Yu had used many tricks and even set up an ambush in advance in anticipation of the enemy's opportunity, this only leveled the balance of victory, and it was still difficult to win.

It has to be said that Cao Cao's army is indeed the most brave and adept at fighting. Cao Cao's military management is indeed powerful. Compared with Wu's army, the combat effectiveness of these Cao's troops has even reached the point where they can fight one against two. Even if Zhou Yu's mechanisms are exhausted, he can only Level the strength of the two armies.

But judging from the current situation, Zhou Yu's strategy has already worked.

Looking at the current battle situation, Zhou Yu's face was still solemn.

The counselor next to Zhou Yu saw this scene and was a little puzzled, "Why is the military counselor so sad? Now our army has a great advantage, and it is only a matter of time before Cao's army is defeated."

Zhou Yu glanced at the man and shook his head, "You only saw the surface, but you didn't see how dangerous it is."

Speaking of the current situation, Zhou Yu knows better than anyone else. Although Wu Jun seems to have a great advantage now, this ambush move is simply a stroke of genius, which directly puts huge pressure on Cao Jun. But Zhou Yu knows better that these are actually all false. .

If Xu Chu rushes in front of him at this time, all the advantages will be wiped out. If Cao Jun still has a backup plan at this time and the battle situation becomes stalemate, Cao Jun will win miserably in the end. But in fact, Zhou Yu has a way to solve these problems. What Zhou Yu is worried about is Zhang Chen, who came to see him before.

That's right, Zhou Yu is not afraid of Cao Jun's thousands of troops, nor is he even afraid of Xu Chu, who is astonishingly powerful. The only thing he is worried about is Zhang Chen.

Although Zhou Yu and Zhang Chen only had a brief contact, Zhou Yu knew that Zhang Chen was very capable. If Zhang Chen joined the battle at this time, there would be no need to fight this battle, and the Wu army would definitely be defeated.

In Zhou Yu's eyes, Zhang Chen alone could defeat the thousands of troops in front of him!

"Don't be careless. Even if your advantage is now revealed, you must keep an eye on Xu Chu's movements. If you find that you can't resist, report it in time. After the order, send some fire oxen to attack Cao Jun's formation!"

The more Zhou Yu thought about it, the more worried he became, and he directly ordered to the soldiers beside him.

"My subordinates take orders!" The soldier on the side clasped his fists and said before riding his horse to the camp behind the Wu army.

Not long after, a rumbling sound came from a distance, accompanied by violent vibrations on the ground, and the sound of thousands of horses galloping towards the battlefield.

The Wu army seemed to have practiced for a long time. After hearing the sound, they did not even look back and retreated to both sides.

Xu Chu was fighting in the Wu army. Suddenly, the pressure was relieved. Xu Chu just breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly saw a red light coming from the front. Accompanied by a burst of roaring sounds, a group of red-eyed bulls raised their horns and rushed over frantically.

Xu Chu's face changed when he saw this and shouted, "The fire bull is charging! Attention, all troops!" After shouting this, Xu Chu no longer cared about others and directly picked up the long sword in his hand and placed it across his chest.

This fire bull was extraordinary in power. In addition, it had been sprinting for a long time, and its power was unstoppable. Even Xu Chu had to be cautious, not to mention the soldiers behind him.

Xu Chu roared, raised the long sword in his hand fiercely and raised it above his head, and directly spun a knife flower in the air.

Eight light red whirlwinds under the knife flower grew from small to large, and rushed straight towards the fire bull sprinting in front.

Soon the tornado collided with the fire bull, and the fire bull was shattered by the hurricane in the first time, but the flames on the fire bull suddenly grew several times larger with the help of the power of the tornado, and directly swallowed several Wu soldiers who were unable to dodge before gradually disappearing. After the flames disappeared, the Wu soldiers who had been burned to death were revealed.

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