When the whirlwind rushed forward, Xu Chu's face turned pale. It was obvious that this move consumed Xu Chu a lot.

However, Xu Chu seemed to be fine. He took a few deep breaths, held the long sword in his hand horizontally, and rushed forward a distance while the Wu army had not come yet.

Here Xu Chu could already see the rear army of the Wu army and Zhou Yu's personal soldiers.

"Zhou Yu! Give me your life!"

Xu Chu made up his mind and rushed straight to where Zhou Yu was, regardless of the Wu army that had surrounded him again, at the cost of being cut by the Pu Dao!

The battle on the battlefield entered a white-hot stage, and Zhang Chen's side had gradually understood the military formation.

In the army commander's room, Zhang Chen and the black-clothed counselor sat opposite each other. In front of them was a sand table with some simple markers on it. At this time, these markers had been integrated with each other because of some special positions, giving people the feeling that these things were originally a set of natural formations.

"Sir, this is probably all the military formations are. Although it sounds simple, the soldiers can do it now after a lot of practice. But when Feng Xiao Military Advisor came up with it, we were all amazed. Although they were discovered by others during the battle and came up with this set of things, it is still much less powerful than ours." The black-clothed strategist quietly wiped the sweat from his forehead and said seriously.

Zhang Chen nodded thoughtfully. Following the strategist's words, he fiddled with the sand table a few times. The originally integrated markers instantly changed into another aura, and the markers looked more consistent. "Well, I can hear all these, which is relatively simple. But Feng Xiao Military Advisor is also a genius. He can think of this method. I am indeed not as good as him." Zhang Chen felt a little regretful about Guo Jia's death. If he could meet Guo Jia before he died, he might have gained more.

The black-clothed strategist explained to Zhang Chen conscientiously, and he was also a little frightened.

This lord is really too terrifying. He is the one who knows the most about military formations under Xu Chu and has done the most research. But when he and Guo Jia learned military formations, it took several years to achieve some success. But this lord can already arrange a simple military formation after he explained it once. This talent is simply amazing.

But what the counselor didn't know was that Zhang Chen had already understood the principle of military formations after hearing the theory about military formations.

To put it simply, military formations are actually a special formation. The only difference between them and formations is that the arrangement of formations is fixed and requires sufficient spiritual energy to operate, while military formations only borrow the concept of formations, with people as the formation base and standing methods as the formation eyes, and the effect of a weakened version of the formation is achieved by coordinating the tacit understanding between people.

Although Zhang Chen's research on formations cannot be said to be at the master level, he knows a thing or two about many formations, so naturally his understanding of military formations is completely different from that of ordinary people.

Just talking about the theory, replacing the formation, and then making some deductions and changes can form a military formation. Zhang Chen is naturally good at doing these things.

If the counselor knew Zhang Chen's true thoughts at this time, he would probably flee immediately.

At this moment, suddenly a soldier outside the military tent shouted loudly, "Report! Sir! It's not good, the battle on the front line is not going well, General Xu Chu is trapped deep in the enemy's army, and our entire army is surrounded by the enemy! Now we can't contact General Xu, whether we support him, please decide!"

Zhang Chen frowned, stood up and walked out of the military tent, looking at the half-kneeling soldier outside, "You should find other generals for this kind of thing, why are you looking for me?"

The soldier shook his head bitterly, "Other adults are fighting, and now there is only one person in charge in the entire military tent."

In fact, the soldier didn't want to come to Zhang Chen.

Although Zhang Chen had solved the terrifying howling before, the generals were more reliable in matters such as marching and fighting. If there were really no one else, the soldier would definitely not bother Zhang Chen.

Before Zhang Chen could speak, the black-clad strategist who came out with Zhang Chen immediately asked, "How long can our army hold out? Why did this happen?"

The soldier shook his head in embarrassment, "I don't know. I just heard that it seemed that the Wu army had ambushed us and they are fighting hard now."

The black-clad strategist continued to ask, "What about the army formation? We need to rely on it now! Wait for our support! Quickly mobilize the soldiers of the entire barracks and let's go to the front line!"

Every question from the black-clad strategist was very sharp, and the soldier couldn't raise his head. He said with a hint of anxiety, "The army formation was a little confused when it encountered the ambush before, and it is being adjusted now, but the Wu army is also catching We are not letting go of our current gap, so the situation is stalemate now, and we can only fight desperately for the time being. "

The black-clothed strategist was about to ask something, but was stopped by Zhang Chen who was standing beside him. Zhang Chen frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly turned his head and said to the black-clothed strategist, "It's useless to say these now. You go and organize the combat power of the entire military camp immediately. Everyone who can fight must come, even the cooks! In addition, find me some war horses, not too many, just a hundred or so will be enough. "

The black-clothed strategist was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what Zhang Chen wanted these things for, but seeing Zhang Chen's indifferent eyes and calm temperament, the black-clothed strategist remembered Zhang Chen's talent in the military formation just now, and immediately clasped his fists.

"Yes, I will obey your order! I will do it now!"

After that, he took the soldier who came to report and hurried to the military camp to get busy.

After the two men left, Zhang Chen released his spiritual sense and explored the direction of the battlefield.

When the spiritual sense passed by the battlefield, Zhang Chen found that the spiritual energy around was very chaotic, just like a headless fly, colliding with each other. Zhang Chen instantly thought of the military formation mentioned by the black-clothed counselor before.

"In theory, since this military formation is a weakened version of the formation, it can naturally condense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Now it seems that the Wu army should also have such a thing as a military formation, and although it looks less powerful than the Cao army, it has more changes. Is this Zhou Yu's arrangement?"

Although he has not yet explored the battlefield, Zhang Chen has already figured out the situation of the battle.

Soon the spiritual sense entered the battlefield, and Zhang Chen frowned.

The situation is more severe than what the soldiers said.

At this time, the military formation of the Cao army has been seriously deformed. Although it can still play a role, it is already at a disadvantage. If it continues like this, even if the Cao army can win, it will be a miserable victory in the end.

"We can't go on like this!"

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