Zhang Chen asked curiously, "What is Qingluan?"

The black-clothed counselor's face was gloomy, "Qingluan is a very terrifying weapon, which contains a lot of sand and black gunpowder. Once it falls to the ground, we will definitely lose with these ten Qingluans!"

Zhang Chen nodded, "Oh. Since it will only happen after it falls to the ground, wouldn't it be better not to let it fall to the ground?"

The black-clothed counselor was stunned, "Ah?"

Just when the black-clothed counselor was stunned, Zhang Chen had disappeared from the spot, and appeared in the sky the next moment.

And in order to show off, Zhang Chen specially changed into his white elder robe with gold edges.

"I come from the human world! Free and easy to travel in all realms!"

Under the sunlight, the shadow of Qingluan became larger and larger, like the haze in the hearts of Cao's soldiers.

Zhang Chen instantly appeared in the air and looked at Qingluan passing by his head, his face was uneven.

The black-clothed counselor had already told Zhang Chen the basic situation of Qingluan before.

The Qingluan was specially invented by Dongwu.

Originally, the Qingluan was just a large crossbow cannon that fired crossbow arrows, but as the war intensified, the crossbow arrows were gradually replaced by the current large Qingluan filled with black gunpowder.

However, it also came with huge costs and terrible consumption.

In normal battlefields, weapons like the Qingluan would not appear. In the current battlefield, the Qingluan is equivalent to a nuclear weapon.

However, Cao Cao also developed a countermeasure through Guo Jia.

Guo Jia developed a formation through formations and generals. This formation can withstand a fierce attack. The only sequelae is that this formation can only be arranged with a fixed formation diagram, and the consumption of a formation diagram is also extraordinary.

Because of this, both sides had restrained themselves before. If they were a little irrational, this would be a huge amount of money.

However, how much the Qingluan cost had nothing to do with Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen's sleeves fluttered in the air. He didn't even want to use the Xuanyuan Sword to deal with this dead thing.

The blue phoenix flew through the air, and a ray of light suddenly flashed in Zhang Chen's sleeves. The Cao army and Wu army on the ground looked up at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen raised his right hand and casually slashed at the blue phoenix that was gradually moving away. A white line shot out like lightning, accurately passing through each blue phoenix, flying into the sky and disappearing.

The blue phoenix that was originally landing in the sky suddenly showed a sign of instability. After shaking twice, it exploded in the air.

A small orange mushroom cloud rose from the sky, and the huge air wave squeezed out all the surrounding air. Zhang Chen was the first to be affected and instantly disappeared in the orange mushroom cloud.

The power of the explosion did not decrease afterwards. Because it was not far from the ground, the Cao army and Wu army on the ground became the second group to be affected.

The soldiers who were slightly closer were all shocked and bleeding from their seven orifices. Although they did not die, they had lost half of their lives and had no ability to continue fighting.

In the distance, Xu Chu looked at the blue phoenix that exploded in the sky with his mouth slightly open. At this time, Xu Chu didn't know what to say.

Qingluan is a weapon that every general has to worry about. Even a fierce general like Xu Chu would be a little scared when seeing Qingluan.

Although their martial arts values ​​are very high, Qingluan is too powerful. Xu Chu dare not test its edge, and Xu Chu has never seen anyone who can blow up Qingluan in the air. Although Zhang Chen was a little mysterious before, in Xu Chu's view, he was just a hermit with some strange abilities. But now it seems that Zhang Chen's martial arts value is simply off the charts, and he is many times stronger than him.

The air wave generated by Qingluan stunned most of the soldiers around. The soldiers outside could not care about the formation at this time, but began to wake up their teammates around them. For a while, the battlefield entered a rare period of relaxation.

Zhou Yu looked at the mushroom cloud in the sky from a distance, and sighed with a melancholy face, "It's all over... Order the whole army to call back the troops." After that, Zhou Yu rode back calmly.

The sound of clang clang clang sounded from afar, and all the Wu army changed their faces after hearing this sound.

Many generals in the army didn't understand why they had to retreat when they had such a big advantage now. Even though Qingluan was destroyed, the previous advantage was still there. It was because the gong was too sudden that many Wu soldiers didn't react and just stood there in a daze.

Soon the mushroom cloud in the sky turned white and was blown away by the wind, instantly dispersing in all directions. After the mushroom cloud dissipated, Zhang Chen's figure in the air slowly emerged. Under the sunlight, the gold edge of Zhang Chen's robe shone.

"Attack the formation. Charge." Zhang Chen put his hands behind his back, looked at Zhou Yu's back in the distance, and whispered.

Although the voice was small, Zhang Chen's voice still spread throughout the battlefield, and the 500 people who came with Zhang Chen before seemed to have received some orders. They instantly formed a formation that the black-clothed counselor had never seen before, and rushed towards the Wu army who had not yet recovered.

Although there were not many of these 500 people, they ran with a tacit understanding honed over the years, as if they had been doing the same action for decades. They quickly rushed into the Wu army who were still stunned. Blood and screams rang out from the battlefield again.

All this changed too quickly, even the Cao army could not react. Only Xu Chu saw this situation and knew that it was time to counterattack. He immediately roared, "Kill!"

Many Cao soldiers didn't know what happened, but when they heard Xu Chu's "kill", all Cao soldiers immediately clenched their weapons and rushed towards Wu's army, "Kill!"

An hour passed.

The battlefield became quiet, the soldiers returned to the barracks to rest, the injured went back to bandage their wounds, and only the soldiers who were cleaning up the mess remained on the battlefield.

These soldiers searched for the living on the battlefield while carrying the bodies whose blood had completely dried and coagulated. From time to time, groans were heard on the battlefield.

Xu Chu and Zhang Chen stood on a small hillside, looking at the messy battlefield. Xu Chu's armor was covered with black and red blood, and the wounds were simply bandaged. Several deep wounds were still bleeding, but Xu Chu didn't care.

"Sir, today on the battlefield..."

Zhang Chen looked at Xu Chu, "Don't tell anyone, this battle has nothing to do with me, I'm just a bystander."

Xu Chu opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. In Xu Chu's understanding, these are all military achievements. Only if you have outstanding military achievements can you be appreciated by the lord, but unfortunately Xu Chu does not know Zhang Chen's true thoughts.

Zhang Chen and Cao Cao are actually in a cooperative relationship, not a superior-subordinate relationship. Zhang Chen is just doing Cao Cao a favor so that he can stay in Cao Cao's camp more safely. As for other things, Zhang Chen doesn't want to care at all.

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