Coming out of the military tent in the morning, Zhang Chen stretched himself.

"Nice weather."

Zhang Chen didn't sleep last night. Although the decisive factor on the battlefield yesterday was that Zhang Chen destroyed all the Qingluans, the battle formation of 500 people also played an important role.

Zhang Chen had seen the feasibility of the battle formation on the battlefield before. These soldiers were just ordinary people, but they could burst out more than ten or even a hundred times their own strength. What if all these soldiers were replaced by cultivators?

Zhang Chen didn't have much ambition, but now the return space is different from before.

If the current return space is based on Zhang Chen's future plan, it will be a huge transit station and a place where all the worlds gather. If Zhang Chen wants to do this, he must make the return space capable of self-protection. Only in this way can the sea accommodate hundreds of rivers. After all, if you want to accommodate hundreds of rivers, you must be the sea.

Zhang Chen spent the whole night yesterday studying the feasibility of this matter, especially the tacit understanding.

Before, Zhang Chen used his spiritual consciousness to directly transmit his ideas in order to achieve quick results, but this also wiped out his further talents, which means that no matter how hard these soldiers work in the future, they can only reach this level.

The return space in the future will definitely not be like this. As Zhang Chen contacts more and more worlds, more worlds will definitely know about the return space. And judging from the nature of the system, the world will be stronger as time goes by. If the growth rate of the return space cannot meet Zhang Chen's requirements, then in the end it will only become someone else's wedding dress.

Zhang Chen had actually thought of this kind of thing before, so he asked Su Bo for advice. Su Bo didn't have any good methods at the time. First, the strength of Zhang Chen and the return space was too weak. Such a large return space has only Zhang Chen and Voldemort so far, which is far from enough.

Second, although Zhang Chen has shown his talent and Su Bo has seen the foundation of the return space, these things are not strength, at least they cannot be converted into strength in a short time, so Su Bo thought of letting Zhang Chen introduce those people in the real world, on the one hand to expand the strength of the return space, on the other hand, it can also complement the real world and give the real world resources for cultivation.

Zhang Chen has been busy with his sword intentions during this period. If he had a meeting so early like today, it should have been before forging the weight-bearing armor.

"Boss." Voldemort's voice suddenly sounded behind Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen turned his head helplessly, "I know what you are going to say, but not this time."

Voldemort was a little anxious, "But my current cultivation is just short of this one step, and with this one step, I will definitely be able to break through!"

After hearing Voldemort's words, Zhang Chen sighed, "That's why I can't let you go."

"Have you ever thought about the future? No one has ever walked this road, at least this road is completely unfamiliar to us. If you want to take this road, then no one can help you. I have also walked on a road that no one has walked before. If I hadn't accidentally entered the sword path, maybe I would still be climbing in the foundation-building stage now." Zhang Chen said to Voldemort with a serious face.

Voldemort was stunned.

After returning from the battlefield yesterday, Voldemort was ready to go to the battlefield again, but was stopped by Zhang Chen in the end.

Voldemort couldn't figure out why, so Voldemort was thinking about it all night. Voldemort thought of the most likely reason, whether Zhang Chen was worried that his strength would surpass him and he would not be able to control himself. This idea entangled Voldemort all night.

But Voldemort didn't expect that Zhang Chen's answer would be like this.

"But, I only have this one way." Voldemort said confusedly.

Yes, Voldemort is a person who changed his career halfway. If it weren't for the fragments of soul found in the Land of Gods that opened up a new world for him, Voldemort might still be thinking about how to combine magic and aura.

Zhang Chen shook his head, "I also changed my career halfway. Even my foundation is just an ordinary person. I slowly climbed up from an insignificant little person until now. I know this feeling, but this is a dangerous road. I hope you can consider it. You can think about it today. If you have made a decision, you can come to me tomorrow."

Voldemort nodded and left.

Zhang Chen sighed as he watched Voldemort leave. Before, when Zhang Chen gave Voldemort a crown, he felt a little sorry for him. At that time, in order to be stronger, Zhang Chen sent part of his evil spirit into Voldemort's body. Although it seems that Voldemort is fine now, it is still Zhang Chen who is sorry for him. Now Zhang Chen just wants Voldemort to think clearly.

After talking to Voldemort about these things, Zhang Chen had no interest in continuing to watch the morning sun.

Now the war here has come to an end temporarily. Even if there is another war, it must be Xu Chu who leads people to attack the Wu army's camp. There is no need for Zhang Chen to show up. After all, Zhang Chen's appearance is unfair to the Wu army. If Zhang Chen continues to participate at this time, Zhang Chen's Tao heart may leave regrets.

Now Zhang Chen has entered a strange state.

On the one hand, Zhang Chen's sword intent is about to break through, but with it comes Zhang Chen's Tao heart beginning to show signs of instability. Whether it is anxious to forge heavy armor or come to the battlefield all the time, it is actually not in line with Zhang Chen's easy-going personality.

As Zhang Chen's practice time gets longer and longer, Zhang Chen's vision is constantly improving. Now Zhang Chen is no longer thinking about surviving as before, but living better.

So Zhang Chen is ready to start practicing step by step.

Before, whether it was practicing or fighting, Zhang Chen had experienced too much, and the progress was too fast, so Zhang Chen had no time to consider many details. Now, it is just right to take advantage of the few years in this world that Zhang Chen can slow down, consolidate his cultivation, and arrange other things by the way.

In addition to Zhang Chen himself and returning to the space, Zhang Chen actually has other things to do.

Su Bo doesn't have a body yet, Zhang Chen has to find a way to find a body for Su Bo, or reshape a body, even if Su Bo himself can contribute, this is also a big project.

And Di Jun, Di Jun's injury is not known now, how to deal with things in the real world, and what to do with Zhao Xinghuo in the future, these are all things Zhang Chen has to prepare.

"Hey, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Now that the stall is bigger, it is naturally busier. Let's start with the recent things first." Zhang Chen thought about these things that he would do in the future and comforted himself.

After sorting out his thoughts, Zhang Chen went directly to Xu Chu and told Xu Chu about his plan to leave, and was retained by Xu Chu.

Xu Chu is not stupid. If Zhang Chen were here, he could find excuses to drink with Voldemort every day. But after Zhang Chen left, it would not be easy for Xu Chu to drink again. After all, those counselors in Cao's army are not gigolos.

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