The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 417: The Greatest Strategist

During this period of time in the Eastern Han Dynasty, counselors were the most satisfying existence, because since ancient times, wars were the business of generals. In many cases, counselors only made plans behind the scenes. However, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was completely different. Counselors could also lead troops to fight and even command generals. Therefore, although Xu Chu was a general, if these counselors were really determined, Xu Chu would not be able to explain it. He couldn't kill them, right?

Because of this, Xu Chu personally tried to keep Zhang Chen, but was still rejected by Zhang Chen.

Originally, Zhang Chen didn't plan to stay here for long. Now he was also dragged by the war. Otherwise, he would have gone back a few days ago.

Xu Chu tried to keep Zhang Chen again and again but failed. He could only sigh, "Since the lord has decided to leave, I don't know when it will be?"

"Two days later."

Xu Chu frowned and said, "So urgent?"

Zhang Chen nodded, but secretly complained in his heart, "You don't know my situation. If you are the same as me, you can only be busier than me."

After telling Xu Chu that he was leaving, Zhang Chen left directly, because Xu Chu was actually quite busy now.

The war had just ended. Now, on one hand, we had to clean up the battlefield and boost morale, and on the other hand, Xu Chu and his men had to consider how to counterattack.

Zhang Chen had no experience in this regard, so he naturally wouldn't join in the fun. Moreover, Zhang Chen's own cultivation had to be consolidated, so he naturally wouldn't think about these issues.

After solving these problems, Zhang Chen left the barracks directly.

Now Zhang Chen has become a legend in the barracks. He can fly in the air and catch Qingluan with his bare hands. These are things that ordinary people can't do, but Zhang Chen has done them. Naturally, many soldiers regard Zhang Chen as a god.

Zhang Chen was also afraid of trouble, so he simply teleported away to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After teleporting out of the barracks, Zhang Chen found a Gobi nearby. After expanding his spiritual sense, he looked around and found that there was no one around for a hundred miles. He nodded with satisfaction, "This is a good place."

After that, Zhang Chen condensed a sword energy in his hand and stabbed the Gobi below.

Without any sound, the sword energy went deep into the ground and disappeared. However, Zhang Chen could sense with his spiritual sense that his sword energy disappeared after entering the ground for two miles.

Zhang Chen was quite satisfied with this attack. He took a deep breath and his hands instantly and quickly sent out sword energy.

The sword energy Zhang Chen sent out now was somewhat different from the previous ones. These sword energies had no sharp edges. If they were used to hurt people, they would not be as sharp as before. They could only smash people to death with sword energy.

The sound of booming was continuous and resounded through the sky. The surrounding Gobi was directly smashed by Zhang Chen's continuous sword energy and turned into yellow soil that filled the sky. Zhang Chen's hands did not stop and continued to throw sword energy down.

An hour passed like this.

When Zhang Chen stopped and the smoke dissipated, a huge bottomless pit had appeared on the ground. This pit was smashed out by the sword energy.

Zhang Chen's face turned pale in the sky.

The sword will that had just stabilized in Zhang Chen's body began to become unstable, and the realm that had already advanced began to fluctuate.

At this time, Zhang Chen was not panicked but very calm.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Chen directly took out the magnet that he had copied before.

"Whether it will succeed this time depends on you."

Zhang Chen's consciousness all penetrated his body and wrapped the magnet. The penetration of consciousness in the magnet was not as difficult as in the crystal, but because of the soul breath left by Voldemort, Zhang Chen still spent some effort.

Soon all the consciousness entered the magnet, and Zhang Chen sat in the deep pit and began to comprehend the soul way in the magnet.

This was a method that Zhang Chen had thought of a long time ago.

Now Zhang Chen's cultivation has made a breakthrough. If there is no huge stimulation or opportunity in a short period of time, the chance of further advancement can only be zero.

Zhang Chen's current method is to use up all his spiritual energy and put his body in a state of hunger and thirst. At this time, relying on the soul way he has comprehended, he can instantly improve his realm. Although this is a bit risky, it can allow Zhang Chen to break through quickly in a short period of time.

As time passed, the magnet began to soften slowly as Zhang Chen comprehended it. The soul path inside began to be absorbed by Zhang Chen, and the magnet began to gradually lose its adhesiveness. Zhang Chen's mental power also showed special fluctuations. This fluctuation was very faint, but there was a kind of psychedelic mood. If there were people around, various hallucinations would occur.

Zhang Chen absorbed the soul path left by Voldemort while merging with his sword path. Although no one had walked the soul path, Zhang Chen had seen its power. The strong man who entered the path was killed instantly. If Zhang Chen's sword path could have this kind of attack, then Zhang Chen's sword intent must be more powerful, like a tiger with wings.

However, Zhang Chen would not take Voldemort's path, because this path was not easy to walk. Zhang Chen had suffered losses, so he naturally had to be more cautious.

At night, Voldemort came out of the barracks and took a deep breath.

He had already thought about it. No one had walked this road, and no one even knew what difficulties were behind it, but he only had this one road. If there was really no road, then he would make a road himself.

"Hmm? This wave..." Suddenly, a wave familiar to Voldemort came from the distance of the military camp.

"Could it be the boss?" Voldemort thought of this, and his figure flashed and quickly rushed to where Zhang Chen was.

At this time, Zhang Chen had also reached a critical moment.

Zhang Chen did not absorb all of Voldemort's Dao. Zhang Chen just picked some useful things and learned by analogy. In fact, Zhang Chen still comprehended the Dao of Sword, so it didn't take that much time. But even so, Zhang Chen was still very cautious. He only carefully touched Voldemort's Soul Dao and stopped at a taste.

With Zhang Chen's comprehension, Zhang Chen's strength began to increase rapidly, and the spiritual energy that was previously consumed began to fill up rapidly. It was completely filled up in a short time.

However, the spiritual energy did not mean to stop. The spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was still rapidly drilling into Zhang Chen's body. Zhang Chen frowned slightly.

This feeling of eating more after being full is not pleasant.

At this point, Zhang Chen could only carefully and slowly reduce the intake of spiritual energy. Although Zhang Chen's realm is now beginning to loosen, it has not yet completely broken through. Zhang Chen's sword intent is still changing sharply.

If someone is there at this time, they can see that the small sword in Zhang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness has turned into a ball of clear water.

This ball of clear water that contained Zhang Chen's sword intent not only contained Zhang Chen's sword intent, but also the soul path that Zhang Chen had comprehended.

However, the breath of the soul path was very faint, and it only floated around the clear water in the form of mist.

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