Zhang Chen has been trying to find the best time to break through. Now Zhang Chen's spiritual energy is extremely abundant, and his realm has begun to stabilize. Zhang Chen only has one chance. If he cannot break through this time, his cultivation is still a small matter. Zhang Chen is worried that his soul will be damaged.

The spiritual energy around Zhang Chen has become extremely rich at this time, and countless spiritual energy has begun to turn into colorful light bands around Zhang Chen.

In addition to the abnormal spiritual energy, there are also violent fluctuations of the soul around Zhang Chen.

When Voldemort came over, he could no longer see Zhang Chen's figure, and could only see a colorful light ball in the deep pit.

Although he didn't know what happened, Voldemort could feel that the spiritual energy here became irritable, coupled with Zhang Chen's strong fluctuations of the soul, Voldemort knew that Zhang Chen had reached the most critical moment.

The weather has changed dramatically without knowing it.

The sky, which was originally full of moonlight and stars, was covered with a layer of dark clouds at some point. The dark clouds magically only stayed within a radius of three miles and did not disperse. Moreover, the dark clouds tended to grow larger and larger, and the surrounding spiritual energy began to become strange. For a time, a heavy and oppressive atmosphere permeated the entire dark cloud.

Voldemort looked solemn, "What's going on?"

Voldemort didn't know what Zhang Chen was doing, but Voldemort could guess that Zhang Chen should be using his soul path to break through the realm.

But Voldemort had seen Zhang Chen break through before, but Voldemort had never experienced this situation.

On the sea thousands of miles away, an independent mountain emerged from the sea, with green trees and green grass all over the ground, and the creation was beautiful.

Su Bo looked up at the same time and said in surprise, "Huh! So fast? I thought it would take at least a while, but I didn't expect that I would break through again after only a few months. However... it would be a bit difficult to break through here." Su Bo thought about it, flicked his finger, and a light spot instantly rushed into the sky and flew towards where Zhang Chen was.

The white light flew across thousands of mountains and rivers in an instant, and without Voldemort noticing, the white light sank directly into the dark clouds.

The dark clouds that were expanding suddenly stagnated, and then slowly began to condense again.

In just this short moment, the dark clouds that had already condensed their momentum weakened by three points.

Soon, the momentum of the dark clouds could even be felt in the distant Cao Jun and Wu Jun camps.

Xu Chu touched his stuffy chest with some doubts, and muttered, "What the hell is going on? Did I drink too much recently?" Xu Chu looked at the wine bowl in his hand and drank it directly, "Who cares, drink it first!"

On the Wu Jun side, Zhou Yu, who was playing the piano, was more sensitive than Xu Chu. The sound of the piano stopped abruptly and looked at the sky.

"The might of heaven is revealed. What happened?" Zhou Yu was somewhat doubtful. Zhou Yu knew that the last time the might of heaven appeared was when Zhang Jiao of the Yellow Turban Army drew down the thunder. At that time, all the armies were attacking Zhang Jiao. Zhang Jiao stood alone on the cliff. In less than a moment, countless thunders roared down. Zhou Yu would never forget that scene.

Now the might of heaven appeared again, and even this might was even more powerful than before.

Voldemort waited until the second half of the night in this oppressive environment.

Suddenly, Zhang Chen's aura surged, and the already violent spiritual power around him was instantly pushed aside by Zhang Chen's own aura.

Zhang Chen also had a sharp aura on his body, and his aura rushed straight into the sky. In the air, he seemed to have consciousness and rushed towards the dark clouds in the sky.

A very bright flash emerged from the dark clouds, and then a silver light band quickly hit the sharp aura that Zhang Chen had just emerged.


In just a moment, thunder rolled in.

A strong power of heaven was suppressed instantly. Voldemort was close, but he felt slow in his movements. His strength was suppressed by half.

The lightning like a dragon of light instantly hit Zhang Chen's sword intent. Zhang Chen's sharp sword intent was hit by lightning and paused in the air. The two soon came to a stalemate.


Soon another lightning bolt emerged from the dark clouds. This lightning bolt was thicker and louder than the previous one.

After the lightning bolt appeared, it seemed to be attracted by something and hit Zhang Chen's sword intent again.

Zhang Chen's sword intent was a bit far-fetched to resist the first lightning bolt. After being hit by the second lightning bolt, Zhang Chen's sword intent instantly withered.

Originally, Zhang Chen's sword intent had just been re-condensed. Although its power was stronger than before, its foundation was unstable. It was already the limit to be able to block a lightning bolt. Now it was hit by two lightning bolts and instantly retreated back into Zhang Chen's body.

However, the two lightning bolts were the limit of repelling Zhang Chen's sword intent. Now Zhang Chen's sword intent returned to his body, and the power of the two lightning bolts was exhausted. After winding in the air for a while, they disappeared.

After the sword intent was forced back into Zhang Chen's body by the lightning, Zhang Chen, who was sitting cross-legged in the deep pit, spit out a mouthful of blood.

Zhang Chen opened his eyes instantly, looking at the dark clouds in the sky and the lightning that had just disappeared. A trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, but more of it was indeed heroic.

Zhang Chen could feel that there was a kind of anger in the dark clouds, as if to tear Zhang Chen into pieces.

"In this case, let's try it and see if you beat me back to my previous state, or I broke your damn rule."

Zhang Chen showed a trace of decisiveness on his face and stood up from the ground. He had grasped the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand at some point.

The dark clouds in the sky seemed to sense Zhang Chen's provocation, and the rumbling sound continued, as if roaring at Zhang Chen.

Voldemort knew that he could not help here, and immediately left the range of the dark clouds. The aftermath of just a flash of lightning had prevented Voldemort from exerting nearly half of his strength. Voldemort was not stupid, and naturally would not try to stop a chariot with his arms.

Zhang Chen glanced at the roaring dark clouds, and gently raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand. A sword energy without any breath directly cut off a small part of the dark clouds in the sky.

The dark clouds were provoked by Zhang Chen, and the originally dark dark clouds began to slowly turn black and red. In the dark clouds, the original white flashes had begun to turn black and red, and the entire dark clouds instantly expanded by more than twice.

The power of heaven is unpredictable.

A blood-red lightning that was much smaller than the previous lightning appeared directly above Zhang Chen's head and bombarded down.

Zhang Chen backhanded a sword, and countless sword energy gushed out of the Xuanyuan Sword.

But soon Zhang Chen discovered that this lightning was different from the previous one. Not only is the destructive power stronger and more powerful, but it is also silent.

The moment the Xuanyuan Sword came into contact with the blood-colored lightning, Zhang Chen was injured by the blood-colored lightning, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

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