Zhang Chen didn't expect that he just showed Zhang Xiaoyu his smart chariot a few days ago, and Zhang Xiaoyu actually agreed directly.

The next day Zhang Xiao Yu came to Zhang Chen to ask for money.

"Not to mention the venue fee, the various company opening certificates, operating licenses and various related documents alone will cost about 100,000," Zhang Xiao Yu confidently stretched out his hand towards Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen took out the bank card he had just received two days ago and handed it to Zhang Xiaoyu, "There is 500,000 in it. Let's start the company first, and I will figure out a way later."

Zhang Xiaoyu took the card and left directly. Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Xiaoyu's handsome back and felt like crying.

One person originally had money by himself, but ended up spending 3 million on the second day. On the third day, he even gave away his bank card. Zhang Chen didn’t even get the bank card yet!

Fortunately, Zhang Chen came up with 100,000 yuan in advance, otherwise eating would be a problem now. After sighing, Zhang Chen stopped thinking about this.

Zhang Chen doesn't want to tell his parents about starting a company now, because they have never seen so much money, and Zhang Chen is afraid that they will worry.

"Let's wait until the company is on the right track." Zhang Chen thought silently.

However, there is still good news these days. The house Zhang Chen bought before is now ready for move-in.

With an area of ​​200 square meters, fine decoration, and a high-end community, Zhang Chen decided to pick up Lin Xue and go take a look.

As soon as he came downstairs, Zhang Chen received the system notification again.

[Warning to the host, the transmission will start in 24 hours, and the plane of this transmission will be selected when the host enters the return space! 】

Zhang Chen paused when he heard the news.

This is the first time that the system allows you to choose a plane!

Although I don’t know why the system keeps changing during this period, the system is becoming more and more comprehensive and user-friendly, which is also a good thing for Zhang Chen. At least he doesn’t have to worry about disappearing from this world without saying a word. .

Zhang Chen had a feeling that these changes in the system were related to the absorption of the fortune of heaven and earth from the Xuanyuan Sword.

Without stopping, Zhang Chen was ready to take Lin Xue to see their new home in one day.

After first going to the sales office to get the keys and key card, Zhang Chen went to Zhuhai University without stopping.

Before arriving, Zhang Chen called Lin Xue and told her that he was waiting for her at the door. Then he went to the door of Zhuhai University and waited for Lin Xue to come out.

Soon Lin Xue's Cayenne drove out and stopped beside Zhang Chen.

"Why did you want to come to school today?"

Zhang Chen opened the car door and got in, "Isn't this the place to take you home?"

Lin Xue rolled her eyes at Zhang Chen and said, "Come on, by the way, my dad's birthday is in a few days. You have to think carefully about what kind of gift you can prepare for my dad!"

"What does our dad like?" When Zhang Chen heard this, he immediately became jealous again.

When Lin Xue heard about our dad, she said angrily, "Don't be dishonest! My dad usually has no other hobbies but likes drinking, and this time he asked you to go by name. You have to behave well!"

After hearing this, Zhang Chen nodded and patted his chest, "Don't worry, I promise to satisfy the chief!"

Lin Xue pursed her lips and smiled, then drove away.

What Lin Xue and Zhang Chen didn't expect was that everything they did was seen by Zhang Deshuai, who was following Lin Xue.

Zhang Deshuai originally just took his brother out for dinner, but he didn't expect to see this scene.

Next to him is Zhang Deshuai's younger brother Zhang Dechou.

Zhang Deqiu saw Zhang Deshuai staring at the place where Lin Xue had just left, and he immediately understood what his brother was thinking.

"Brother, how about it, do you want me to teach that boy a lesson?"

Zhang Deshuai glared at Zhang Dechou, "Don't cause trouble for me! Don't forget that the young master you taught me a lesson last time, it was me who begged for mercy and used my family connections to get you out of the situation!"

Zhang Deqiu smiled awkwardly, "It was an accident that time. I don't know his details, but I know the boy who got into Teacher Lin Xue's car!" After speaking, Zhang Deqiu said with disdain, "He is A poor student got into contact with Teacher Lin Xue without knowing what was going on.”

Zhang Deqiu shook his head, "I still can't use those methods of yours." There are still bruises on Zhang Deshuai's wrists. He doesn't think that the gang of gangsters led by his younger brother can defeat Zhang Chen.

"But, we can use other methods..." Zhang Deshuai thought for a moment, "By the way, you said he is a student here?!"

Zhang Deqiu nodded, "And he is also a student of Teacher Lin Xue."

When Zhang Deshuai heard this, a smile appeared on his face, "Teacher-student love! Hehe, I see how arrogant you are this time, and Lin Xue, a little bitch, dares to reject me over and over again. Let's see!" After that! Then he turned to Zhang Deqiu and said, "In a few days, you will contact several newspapers, and then..."

the other side.

The Cayenne was driving halfway, Zhang Chen said to Lin Xue, "How about I do it? You've been in class all day, how about you let me be your driver today?"

Lin Xue also happened to be a little tired. Although university lecturers were not as tired as high school, the workload they had to do every day was still relatively large. Seeing that Zhang Chen was coming to drive, he naturally agreed, "Okay, then you drive." Slow down, by the way, do you have a driver’s license?”

Zhang Chen opened the door and said with a smile, "I learned it when I first entered university."

After changing positions, Lin Xue yawned, and Zhang Chen drove the car very smoothly.

After driving for a while, Zhang Chen turned around and prepared to talk to Lin Xue about the new house, and saw that Lin Xue had fallen asleep in the car.

Zhang Chen smiled and drove the car directly to the high-end community where his newly bought house was located.

After Lin Xue woke up from the car, she found that the car had stopped at some point.

"You woke up."

Zhang Chen smiled at Lin Xue in the driver's seat.

Lin Xue looked at the time and saw that more than an hour had passed.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"That's good. You've been tired these days."

Lin Xue felt warm in her heart after hearing this, but soon Lin Xue realized that this was not a rental house.

"By the way, where is this?"

Zhang Chen hugged Lin Xue gently, "This is our new home."

After getting out of the car, Zhang Chen took Lin Xue to the door of the house he bought.

"Look, there is an elevator here. We are still on the 12th floor, the middle floor, so the lighting is not affected, and there will be no trouble with the temperature difference because it is too low or too high." Zhang Chen said and opened the door with the key in his hand.

"There are three keys here. I'll give you one later. This will be our home from now on. It's close to Zhuhai University and a business district, so life is very convenient." At this point, Zhang Chen turned his head and looked at Lin Xue. "The most important thing is that the security here is very good. No strangers will come to harass you again."

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