The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 53 The enemy appears!

That night, the two moved into the new house, but Zhang Chen still didn't realize his imagination in the end.

The next morning, Zhang Chen was woken up by a phone call.

"Zhang Chen, all the certificates have been processed. From today on, you are Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Chen really didn't expect that Zhang Xiaoyu looked capable, but her work efficiency was so high. "All the certificates are ready? It only took one day!"

Zhang Xiaoyu was a little proud on the phone, "Just kidding, don't you see who went to do it? The 100,000 yuan is not wasted!"

Zhang Chen realized that it is sometimes more convenient to have money to pave the way.

On the phone, Zhang Chen arranged the follow-up work. In fact, it was nothing. He just asked Zhang Xiaoyu to find an office in the next few days, and then find the necessary talents. Zhang Chen planned to wait until he came back to do the rest.

After making arrangements, Zhang Chen left a note for Lin Xue and went out directly.

[One minute to enter the return space! ]

As the white light flashed, Zhang Chen disappeared.

It was still the same white space as before, but this time Zhang Chen noticed a change.

The previous white space had nothing but the circular building used for the lottery return, and the surroundings were bare. But after entering this time, Zhang Chen found that there was a white mist rolling not far away. As the white mist rolled, Zhang Chen could vaguely see a square black shadow inside.

"It is estimated that this system will have new functions soon."

However, since it has not been built yet, Zhang Chen will not care about it. Anyway, he will definitely know when it is built in the end.

[Please go to the Sky Track to select the plane! ]

Zhang Chen walked to the circular building and a light curtain appeared on it. The light curtain showed a starry sky, in which there were only a few bright stars, and a few were red.

It turned out that this building was called the Sky Track!

"System, how to choose?"

[The red world is the world that has been experienced, and it is not available for crossing for the time being. The highlighted part is the world that can be crossed. After staring at the world, the basic information of the world will appear! ]

Zhang Chen stood in front of the Sky Track and stared at one of the brightest stars.

[The high-magic plane is currently undergoing a historical change! ]

At the same time, a picture of broken mountains and rivers entered Zhang Chen's sight.

Zhang Chen watched the two opposing people in the picture wave their hands and feet, and the aftermath of the battle caused huge damage to the surrounding environment. There was even one person who closed his eyes for a while and summoned countless meteor showers. Cold sweat instantly flowed down Zhang Chen's forehead.

"So this is the high-magic plane! It's too dangerous. Now I can only go to death." Zhang Chen hurriedly shifted his sight, fearing that he would accidentally choose this plane.

The following ones also made Zhang Chen sweat. They were either high-magic planes or high-martial planes. Mountains and rivers were broken at any time. Zhang Chen even saw a plane that used nuclear bombs to fight!

"What kind of place is this?! Too scary, right?" Zhang Chen couldn't help but complain.

Until now, Zhang Chen realized that he could live smoothly until now because the system took care of him. If he had arrived at these planes for the first time, Zhang Chen would not be here today.

But no matter what, he had to choose one. Zhang Chen shifted his sight to the last world, which was not very bright compared to other worlds.

"This is the last one. I hope it will be as I wish. Don't come to too strong planes again."

Zhang Chen set his sights on the last plane.

[Low-level fantasy plane, social reform is in progress! ] At the same time, another picture came into Zhang Chen's mind.

In the picture, a group of people were on guard with swords and swords. Behind them were cages with piles of slaves in the cages. At the same time, Zhang Chen found that this was a huge ship.

Zhang Chen slapped his thigh immediately when he saw this, "The system is this!"

At the same time, Zhang Chen was also very happy.

"Haha, I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect there was another low-level plane. I can make good use of it!"

[Host confirmed to enter this plane! ]

As the system voice came, the light curtain of the sky track suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, a rapidly expanding blue vortex appeared in the middle of the light curtain. Until the vortex filled the entire sky track, the system voice came again.

[Start transmission! 】

Then Zhang Chen felt a suction force coming, and following the suction force, Zhang Chen entered the blue vortex.

At this moment, in a small alley, Zhang Chen's figure suddenly appeared.

[System task released! ]

[Survival task: Survive for three months]

[Optional task: Help this world accelerate the process of change! ]

Zhang Chen smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth after seeing that there were only two tasks.

"Sure enough, the plane I chose is reliable. Look, not only is there no danger, but there is even one less task!"

Just when Zhang Chen was proud, the system suddenly sent a prompt.

[Warning, the space-time channel is found to be distorted again! ]

[Warning, this plane is upgraded to the middle martial plane! ]

[Warning, a person who is connected with the luck of many worlds is found to be an invader, and the system emergency plan is started! ]

[Emergency task: Kill the invader first! ]

This series of prompts from the system confused Zhang Chen, and at the same time, Zhang Chen also knew one thing, it turned out that not only he could travel through time, but also many people could travel through time!

This time Zhang Chen dared not be arrogant anymore. If he laughed again and something unexpected happened, Zhang Chen would have nowhere to cry!

After calming down, Zhang Chen walked out of the alley.

As soon as he left the alley, a wave of sound came over him, and there were hawking sounds everywhere, which was very lively.

This is a square, and it looks like a market.

The surroundings gave Zhang Chen the feeling of medieval Europe, but strangely, Zhang Chen found that many people around him were yellow people with black hair.

"What kind of world is this? Let's figure out this world next!" Zhang Chen touched his chin and wandered around the street.

The flow of people here is not small. Zhang Chen was blocked three or four times along the way. This time he was blocked on a traffic jam again. There were people in front of him, and there was a quarrel. Obviously something happened.

Zhang Chen didn't want to care about these troubles. Just as he was about to leave, Zhang Chen suddenly felt someone touching his pocket.

Looking down, Zhang Chen instantly found the figure of a child who disappeared quickly in the crowd.

Looking around, Zhang Chen found that there were several other children doing this kind of stealing, and these children were very smart, often looking for those who were well-dressed and looked relatively wealthy.

Seeing these children squeeze out with the crowd after they succeeded one by one, Zhang Chen smiled and quietly followed them.

If you want to find out the specific situation of this place, aren't these little local snakes the best candidates?

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