Zhang Chen followed one of the children as they walked through the alleys.

The child followed him to the door of a dilapidated-looking residential house. After looking around to see that no one was there, the child opened the door and walked in.

Zhang Chen saw this scene from the corner of the alley. While the door was not closed, he ducked to block the door and followed the child in.

After entering, the house is not very big. There is a yard. It seems to have been abandoned for a long time. These boys should also be latecomers.

Zhang Chen ducked to the roof and looked through the holes in the roof at the children inside, dancing and shouting.

"Today is a great harvest! Hehe! Look at this! Gold coins!" One of the children excitedly raised his hands and showed off to the surroundings.

Although another child also looked excited, he was obviously not very arrogant, "Everyone had a great harvest today. It will be nice to do this kind of thing more often in the future!" At this point, the child changed the subject and said, "The reason why we can do this today is Such a great harvest is all because of Liu Shan!”

After finishing speaking, the child pushed the child sitting on the ground next to him and said, "Liu Shan, get up and say something."

A child stood up, and Zhang Chen recognized him at a glance as the child who had stolen from him.

"Okay, okay, you all made money, but I was unlucky. I stole from a poor man today, and he even discovered me."

Zhang Chen smiled when he heard this. Instead of hiding his figure, he jumped off the roof and opened the door.

"I didn't expect you to be quite clever. If I hadn't discovered that you had an accomplice, I might not have been able to find you."

It was obvious that these children were frightened by Zhang Chen, especially Liu Shan, who had sneaked into Zhang Chen but found nothing.

Zhang Chen didn't hesitate too much, and he didn't want to explain. He knocked out the other children, leaving only Liu Shan.

Zhang Chen heard clearly from the rooftop that this Liu Shan should be the leader of this group of children. He is at least a decision-maker, and he seems to be a smart person.

Zhang Chen walked to an old chair and sat down, looking at Liu Shan who was restless, "Don't be nervous, I'm just here to ask some questions, and I'll leave after I finish."

Liu Shan saw that Zhang Chen would not hurt him for the time being, and he had just knocked out his companion, "You, what do you want to ask?"

Seeing that Liu Shan was cooperating honestly, Zhang Chen started to ask the questions he wanted to ask the most.

Only then did Zhang Chen realize that this world was like the European Middle Ages.

The difference is that there are no big countries in this world, only some principalities and small kingdoms, and this town belongs to a kingdom.

After understanding the general situation, Zhang Chen knocked Liu Shan unconscious.

"Now that the general situation is understood, now it is time to find deeper information about this world."

Zhang Chen just wanted to know the general situation of the world through Liu Shan, and Liu Shan definitely didn't know other information.

Now it's time to think carefully about how to deal with the intruder.

As soon as Zhang Chen finished thinking, the system sent a prompt.

【warn! There are abnormal space fluctuations within 1000 meters around the host! 】

This warning came too suddenly, and Zhang Chen immediately hid it.

Soon, Zhang Chen discovered that an aura that was completely different from ordinary people appeared in his perception.

Is this an intruder...

Zhang Chen did not act rashly, and the intruder obviously did not notice Zhang Chen.

Soon the intruder came into Zhang Chen's sight.

Zhang Chen took a closer look. He looked no different from ordinary people, but the most eye-catching thing was the black and white Taoist robe he wore.

The intruder was obviously very cautious. He first took out a lot of transparent stones and fiddled with them underground for a few times. Zhang Chen found that the intruder completely disappeared from his sight, but Zhang Chen's perception reminded Zhang Chen that the intruder was Right there.

Seeing this, Zhang Chen became more cautious. After all, he didn't know the intruder's methods yet.

Now that the intruder has chosen to hide himself, Zhang Chen is patiently waiting outside for him to come out.

In the evening, finally, the intruder came out.

Zhang Chen keenly discovered that the aura of the intruder had become stronger in such a short period of time.

The intruder looked around, put away the few transparent stones, attached two yellow talismans to his body, and ran out quickly. Zhang Chen did not scare the snake, but continued to follow him.

Unexpectedly, the trick I used to track those children was used twice in one day!

Zhang Chen observed the intruder while chasing him.

As he observed, he discovered that the intruder was actually not very strong, because the intruder had not even been flying for such a long time. Instead, he had been changing the talismans attached to his body and running straight in one direction.

Zhang Chen guessed that he was either going to join his companions or go on some mission.

For two days, Zhang Chen secretly followed the intruder.

Finally on the third day, the intruder came to the door of an abandoned hunting lodge in a small forest.

"Third brother! Third brother, open the door quickly!"

Zhang Chen hid behind a tree and watched what happened.

"I'm coming!"

Soon another person wearing the same robe opened the door and looked around, "How are you? You haven't been discovered?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Can the natives of this world still follow me?"

"It's better to be careful. After all, if we are discovered this time, we will fall short."

"Don't worry, this world has not been explored before. There is no other unnatural interference phenomenon. It is just an indigenous plane! However, a medium-sized spiritual vein can be found. It seems that we have really found it this time!"

"Go in and say it, go in and say it."

As the two intruders entered the hut, Zhang Chen also fell into deep thought.

Medium-sized spiritual veins, as well as unnatural interference phenomena, coupled with the unified Taoist robes and previous talismans on the two people...

"It seems there are a lot of secrets behind it."

In fact, Zhang Chen had thought that there would be other time-travelers before, but he didn't expect that he would meet them now, and they would even be on the opposite side.

This also gave Zhang Chen a deeper thought. This group of people was obviously not arranged by the system, so what was their purpose? And the system, why would it allow itself to travel through time?

Zhang Chen felt that this time he might unveil a little bit of the mystery of the system.

In the next few days, Zhang Chen kept observing this place, but there was no useful information until the third day, when the system gave another prompt.

【warn! There are abnormal space fluctuations within 1000 meters around the host! 】

At the same time, Zhang Chen discovered that there was a slight distortion in the somewhat dilapidated hunting cabin.

Soon, the door of the hut opened, and this time three people came out. The two intruders stood behind a stranger, and the stranger walked in one direction under the guidance of the two people behind him.

At the same time, Zhang Chen vaguely heard words such as "spiritual pulse", "reward", and "sect".

Zhang Chen smiled slightly.

After waiting for so long, you are finally here!

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