Zhang Chen followed them into the woods, and the three of them stopped in front of a cave on the mountain wall.

The three of them didn't know how to discuss it. One of them stayed at the cave entrance to guard, and the other two went directly into the cave.

The one on guard was the intruder who had been in the hunting cabin before.

After the two went in, the intruder stood there and kept looking around.

Zhang Chen saw that there was not much chance for a while, so he hid.

It was not until midnight that the other two came out of the cave. One of them put a few pieces at the entrance of the cave and then the cave disappeared.

After Zhang Chen followed the three back to the hunting cabin, he saw that the three had gone back to the house to rest, so Zhang Chen secretly returned to the previous cave.

Seeing that the three people looked cautious before, this place must be very important to the intruder, and maybe they would come again in the future. Zhang Chen decided to wait and see.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, Zhang Chen observed the surroundings. If Zhang Chen hadn't known before that this was where the cave was, he couldn't see any difference from the mountain wall next to it.

Zhang Chen carefully threw a few stones in. After finding that the stones could enter smoothly, Zhang Chen no longer hesitated and walked into the cave.

The cave was a little dim, but there was still a faint light on the ground. Those were the stones placed by the invaders before they left.

Zhang Chen observed it for a while and did not move.

After all, they were placed when they left. Zhang Chen felt that these stones should be related to the cave being hidden.

Ignoring this, Zhang Chen continued to walk into the cave. As he went deeper, he could clearly feel that the direction of the cave was slowly spreading underground.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, a light source appeared in front of the cave, and Zhang Chen immediately sped up.

It was not until he was near the light source that Zhang Chen discovered that the light was actually some transparent stones on the stone wall.

These stones were very similar to those placed in front of the cave, but they were larger.

These stones only emitted a faint light and were extremely dim, but there were so many of them that Zhang Chen glanced at them and saw no less than a hundred pieces.

"Is this the spiritual vein that the invaders mentioned?" Zhang Chen murmured, and continued to go deeper. The transparent stones around him became larger and brighter, and finally, he came to the bottom of the cave.

The bottom of the entire cave is a huge hole, which looks like it was formed naturally. Now the surroundings are illuminated by these stones as bright as day. The light sources around them are like stars, making Zhang Chen feel like he is in the galaxy. Coupled with the rich spiritual energy around him, it makes Zhang Chen's cells all over his body active.

While Zhang Chen was enjoying the beautiful scenery, the system issued a notification again.

[System prompts that there is a plane luck reaction within 1000 meters around the host! ]

This time Zhang Chen was really jealous.

After taking out the Xuanyuan Sword from the Kunlun plane, Zhang Chen's Xuanyuan Sword was sealed, and the system also prompted that the plane luck could only be unsealed, and it was one plane to unseal one seal.

But since then, Zhang Chen has never heard of any talk about luck.

Now suddenly hearing about luck, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Zhang Chen will definitely not miss it.

Just as Zhang Chen was about to leave, he suddenly sensed a breath approaching here quickly.

Zhang Chen's face changed, and he looked around and saw that there was no space for Zhang Chen to hide. He immediately flew to the top of the cave.

He found a less conspicuous place to hide, and the intruder who had just arrived here in the evening appeared at the entrance of the cave.

"Hehe, two idiots, this kind of good thing will definitely be handed over to the sect. Wouldn't it be an idiot if you don't take advantage of it now!" As the intruder said, he was looking for something.

After turning around, the intruder stood in a place and nodded with satisfaction, "The spiritual energy here is the most concentrated, right here."

After saying that, he sat cross-legged and actually practiced under Zhang Chen's nose.

Zhang Chen was watching at the top of the cave the whole time. Now Zhang Chen is more certain that this must be a real cultivator!

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen quietly took out the spiritual energy beans and secretly ran the sword formula.

The rich spiritual energy around covered the spiritual energy emitted by Zhang Chen when he was moving, but the sense of crisis still made the intruder alert.

Seeing that the intruder seemed to have discovered him, Zhang Chen finally stopped hiding and used the sword control technique. The Xuanyuan Sword turned into a stream of light and stabbed the intruder. At the same time, four spirit soldiers surrounded the intruder.

The intruder reacted quickly. A long sword appeared with a flick of his right hand. Then a flame gushed out from the long sword, completely wrapped the long sword, and slashed at the Xuanyuan Sword. However, the intention was unintentional, and the outcome was doomed.

Under Zhang Chen's control, the Xuanyuan Sword evaded the long sword flexibly and stabbed the intruder from behind at a tricky angle.

The intruder's face changed drastically after the Xuanyuan Sword changed direction. "Sword Cultivator!" As he shouted, a golden light flashed around him, and a talisman vaguely emerged from the intruder's chest.


The Xuanyuan Sword flashed past the intruder, and the golden light around the intruder was directly shattered, and then the intruder slowly fell to the ground.

Until his death, the intruder looked unwilling.

Zhang Chen heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the invader fall to the ground.

To be honest, Zhang Chen seemed to be very relaxed just now, but the strength of the invader should never be underestimated.

Zhang Chen frowned as he looked at the four listless spirit soldiers around him.

The invader only used one move from beginning to end, and it missed directly, but the aftermath almost made the four spirit soldiers lose their combat effectiveness. If it weren't for the sneak attack, Zhang Chen would have really died here this time.

[Kill an invader! The system is absorbing relevant information! ]

[Transforming and extracting items! ]

As the system prompts, a message suddenly comes to Zhang Chen's mind.

After Zhang Chen digests it, his face becomes completely gloomy.

These three people are fellow brothers from the same sect, and they belong to a sect called Lingtian Sect.

And through the information from the system, Zhang Chen learned that this sect is extremely powerful and its influence has spread across four planes. This is a newly discovered plane, and the three of them are just the weakest cannon fodder in the sect.

"I didn't expect there would be such a terrifying behemoth!" Zhang Chen knew for the first time that there was a force that could affect multiple worlds. Zhang Chen couldn't imagine how powerful this force was.

"It seems that I need to hide my identity. I must not let them enter the real world, otherwise the whole world might fall!"

Zhang Chen is in a very complicated mood now. Such a huge monster suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Chen, and he was still alone. What secrets does the system hide... These things made Zhang Chen's head big.

After pondering for a moment and thinking about the precautions behind, Zhang Chen turned his eyes to the corpse on the ground.

"Since you can't think of so many, just wait and see. Next, let me see what valuable things you have!"

The author is here again! Please recommend and collect!

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