The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 57: Pretend to be awesome and then run away!

After the battle, Zhang Chen did not move. Although the blade light had disappeared, the alien spiritual power in the blade light had entered Zhang Chen's body.

Now Zhang Chen could not move even if he wanted to. All his attention was on the wound of the blade light.

Now a trace of sharp spiritual power was constantly drilling into Zhang Chen's body from the wound. At the same time, Zhang Chen's body was also autonomously attacking the invading alien spiritual energy.

Zhang Chen's body once again became a battlefield.

[Emergency mission completed, to prevent accidents! Please return to the host! ]

The system prompt came at this time.

Zhang Chen was unaware of it. Now Zhang Chen's whole mind was used to resist the spiritual energy on the blade light.

Now Zhang Chen's wounds did not bleed. Instead, due to the influence of the blade light, the blood turned into a bunch of knives and raged in Zhang Chen's body. He had no other way. The only thing he could do now was to try to use the spiritual energy in his body to dissolve this special spiritual energy.

So on this battlefield full of mess, only Zhang Chen stood there like a statue.

As time went by, Zhang Chen was finally able to move.

Zhang Chen raised his right hand with difficulty and took out a ball of Guiyuan Liquid from the space. He poured it directly into his mouth without looking at how many drops were in it.

As the effect of Guiyuan Liquid was shown, the wounds on Zhang Chen's body began to heal slowly. At the same time, Guiyuan Liquid also provided Zhang Chen with a part of new spiritual energy, giving Zhang Chen the opportunity to wrap this group of alternative spiritual energy with his own spiritual energy.

The advantage of this is that Zhang Chen does not have to worry about this spiritual energy suddenly running away and taking his life, but the disadvantage is also obvious. Zhang Chen can only exert 50% of his strength. If the spiritual energy used exceeds 50%, it is very likely that this group of alien spiritual energy will break through the blockade.

Zhang Chen, who had recovered, threw out a few spiritual beans, summoned spiritual soldiers to dig himself out of the collapsed passage, and then opened the storage rings on the two invaders. After picking and choosing, he remembered to check the system notification.

[Emergency task completed! The system is absorbing the invader's own luck! ]

[New plane information detected, please return to the return space for details! 】

Zhang Chen knew from seeing so much information that the system was going to make a big move this time. In fact, Zhang Chen really wanted to return immediately to see the changes in the return space, but Zhang Chen still had an important thing to do!

Summoned a few more spirit soldiers, increasing the number of spirit soldiers to ten.

Zhang Chen felt his head was a little dizzy, which was caused by summoning too many spirit soldiers.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen didn't need them to fight or do any complicated actions, just dig a hole!

That's right, dig a hole. Zhang Chen has not forgotten the system's prompt when he came here before. Zhang Chen is determined to get this luck!

Being carried to the bottom of the cave by a group of spirit soldiers, Zhang Chen asked a group of spirit soldiers to find a place and start digging down.

While a group of spirit soldiers were digging a hole, Zhang Chen began to try to eliminate the alien spirit in his body.

It's strange. In Zhang Chen's impression, spirit energy is very gentle, but this invader doesn't know how to do it. He turned the spirit energy into such an aggressive one. Even a strand of alien spirit energy requires Zhang Chen to use ten strands to counter.

This meant that it was destined to be a protracted battle in Zhang Chen's body.

At this time, in the Lingtian branch sect far away in countless planes, a man frowned while holding a wooden sign in his hand.

"Come here! Go prepare the Tianzheng Yi!"


A man who looked like a servant beside the man bowed slightly and turned to go out.

"Three trash! They can't even handle such a small matter!" The man crushed the wooden sign in his hand while speaking.

"I want to see what this barbarian land is all about!" After saying that, the man stood up and flew into the air, flying towards a palace not far away.

Not long after, a space fluctuation came from the palace and quickly disappeared.


Zhang Chen had been in this cave for three days. During these three days, ten spirit soldiers dug day and night. When a spirit soldier disappeared, Zhang Chen would fill in another one, and finally dug something.

What was dug was a small irregular golden stone.

When the spirit soldier just dug this stone, he felt that the surrounding environment had changed.

When Zhang Chen picked up the stone, he felt refreshed, as if he was transcending and the whole world was in his hands.

[The system detects the luck of the plane! Do you want to absorb it? ]

After Zhang Chen agreed, he found that the golden stone in his hand disappeared instantly.

[The reward will be settled in the return space! ]

Zhang Chen was about to return when he suddenly felt a palpitation.

The next moment, Zhang Chen felt a shocking breath slowly oppressing him, and at the same time a voice sounded in Zhang Chen's ears.

"I want to see what is stopping me in this barbaric land!"

Although Zhang Chen did not see the owner of the speech, Zhang Chen still felt a frightened look.

This power... the person who came is a master!

Zhang Chen immediately chose to return without hesitation.

[Start returning in 5 seconds! 】

As the countdown was about to end, Zhang Chen suddenly had the idea of ​​disgusting the other party. He gathered the most spiritual energy he could use and yelled at the people around him, "Who are you! You are so arrogant! I will make you suffer when grandpa comes back!" Then a white light flashed, and Zhang Chen disappeared on the spot.

Not even a minute after Zhang Chen disappeared, the cave suddenly began to collapse, and then a flash of white light flashed, and the entire cave was split in half.

In the air, a man in a white robe still had a flickering sword light on his fingers. When he saw the scene in the cave, his face was gloomy, and then as if he thought of something, the man closed his eyes and felt something, and soon opened his eyes, "Sure enough, he came for luck..."

"Hmph! You ran fast! And these people... What a bunch of trash! They can mess up even the smallest things for me!" The man said, turned around and flew away. Halfway through the flight, he seemed to feel aggrieved. When he waved his hand, a ray of light fell into the cave. After a while of shaking, only a big pit was left on the spot.

"Fortunately, this bit of luck has little impact on my plan. There should be a lot of it in this world. Send someone to collect the rest first. This world must fall into my hands. As for the thief... Humph, I will find you sooner or later!" After the man finished speaking, he instantly flew away.

In the return space, Zhang Chen appeared in front of the sky track with a look of secret satisfaction.

“Haha, just pretend and run! So exciting!”

[Rewards will be settled now! ]

[Due to the emergency task! Ordinary rewards will be issued normally! ]

[All tasks completed, get one advanced lottery! One intermediate lottery! ]

[Get a share of the luck of heaven and earth! The first seal of Xuanyuan Sword is lifted! ]

[The system will start upgrading in 3 minutes! Please leave the return space! ]

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