A series of prompts made Zhang Chen smile crookedly. The unblocking of Xuanyuan Sword was within Zhang Chen's expectation. Zhang Chen had also prepared for the system upgrade. However, he did not expect that all the tasks could be completed, which made Zhang Chen feel that he had made a lot of money.

However, although the system was to be upgraded, Zhang Chen was still prepared to use the lottery.

It was still the familiar roulette. Zhang Chen used both lotteries at once.

[Get a box of treasures! ]

[Get the blessing of the sea god! ]

After the two lotteries were all drawn, Zhang Chen was thrown out of the return space before he could carefully look at the items he drew.

In a bush, Zhang Chen's figure suddenly appeared.

"This system is good in everything, but this transmission is a bit inhumane." Zhang Chen complained while patting the dust on his body.

Since the system has been upgraded, Zhang Chen can handle the company's affairs during this period. After all, it has just started, and there must be many problems in the early stage.

In addition, I don't know what Xu Da is doing recently. I haven't seen him for a long time. Zhang Chen is going to see him.

But first, I should go home and have a good sleep. The three invaders I had been watching before had exhausted Zhang Chen.

After returning to the new community, Zhang Chen found that Lin Xue had left after he entered the house.

It was still early, so Zhang Chen decided to sort out his gains from these worlds at home.

First, the items he had just drawn.

The treasure was nothing special. It was a box, but a box the size of a palm was really rare.

Then there was the blessing of the sea god. The name sounded magical, but it was actually a necklace, and the style was for women.

"Leave it to Xue'er. She must look good wearing it!" Zhang Chen thought happily after playing with it for a while.

Then there were the items he had drawn in the previous world.

The intelligent tank was now parked in the underground garage. Fortunately, there was no weapon system on it, but all the materials were high-strength alloys. Although Zhang Chen couldn't explain it, he gave the car to Zhang Xiaoyu to deal with first.

There was another thing that Zhang Chen almost forgot, that was the Zerg brain worm larvae.

It looks like this brainworm larva is just a ball of fleshy worms, and it is the type that is not dangerous at all. Since getting this brainworm, its appearance and size have not changed at all. Zhang Chen has forgotten about it. Fortunately, it did not starve to death. Zhang Chen plans to take time to raise it and see if there will be any changes.

Next is Xuanyuan Sword, which is also what Zhang Chen is most looking forward to.

Xuanyuan Sword has been unsealed, and its current appearance has changed a little from before. I don’t know if it is because of the seal or because of Zhang Chen’s lack of strength. Xuanyuan Sword does not have the strength to match the reputation of the heaven and earth artifact. But this time, Zhang Chen found that if he looked carefully at the edge of Xuanyuan Sword, he would find a flash of light from time to time.

Although it was just a slight change, Zhang Chen still comforted himself.

"It’s good to have changes. At least the first seal has been lifted. I hope the world behind can have new functions."

After checking Xuanyuan Sword, Zhang Chen began to clean up the sundries in his storage space.

In addition to some clothes and daily necessities, Zhang Chen had some bottled pills, five or six books looted from the invaders, a pair of scimitars, and two long swords.

"Well... I dare not use the pills now, and I can't understand the words on the books. As for weapons... I have the Xuanyuan Sword, what's the use of them?" Zhang Chen suddenly found that he seemed to have lost a bit this time. Not only was he injured now, but he also brought back a bunch of things that were useless to Zhang Chen now.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it seems that the system has made the most money this time... No, it should be said that the system has made the most money every time.

When Zhang Chen thought of this, he felt that his life was full of tragedy. The result of working hard to fight for life and death was that the system got the advantage in vain.

Zhang Chen complained to himself for a while, and decisively put everything back into the storage space.

It was still early, so he called Xu Da. As soon as the call was connected, Zhang Chen heard bursts of singing from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Da Zi, where are you? Why are you still singing?"

"Chen Zi, I'm at the school's art festival!"

Zhang Chen was happy when he heard it.

"Hey, is our eldest son Xu going to enter the entertainment industry?"

"Hey, don't talk bad about me, I'm here just to feel the artistic atmosphere!"

Zhang Chen shook his head and laughed, "I guessed what you were thinking a long time ago, is it because there are so many beauties at the art festival?"

"Hey, you found out. By the way, are you coming? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's go out for a drink later?"

"Okay, I'll be there later."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen packed up and went out.

Zhuhai University's art festival is very famous. Zhang Chen also participated in the previous sessions, but he was just a behind-the-scenes worker. However, it must be said that this art festival is very large. Even the newspapers and news in Zhuhai City will use special pages to report on the art festival in these few days.

However, in the past few months since he got the system, Zhang Chen has not even returned to school a few times, let alone things like the art festival.

On the way, Zhang Chen stopped a taxi and headed straight to Zhuhai University.

As soon as he arrived at the gate, Zhang Chen saw Xu Da standing at the school gate waiting for him.

"Chenzi! Here!"

Zhang Chen walked towards Xu Da and suddenly felt that he was being stared at. Zhang Chen quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of the perceived gaze. At a glance, he saw Zhang Deshuai surrounded by people.

Not far away, Zhang Deshuai was being interviewed by a bunch of reporters. He happened to see Zhang Chen appearing at the school and looked at him. Perhaps Zhang Deshuai did not expect Zhang Chen's senses to be so sharp that he turned around and saw him at the first time.

When Zhang Chen looked into his eyes, Zhang Deshuai suddenly pulled up the corners of his mouth and showed an inexplicable smile.

Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Deshuai with a smirk on his face, and his heart moved, and he became a little alert.

It seems that Zhang Deshuai has some confidence, so he should keep his voice down recently.

At this time, Xu Da came over and patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder.

"Chenzi, what are you looking at!"

Zhang Chen turned around, smiled and shook his head, "Nothing, I just seemed to see an acquaintance." After that, he put his arm around Xu Da's shoulders, "Let's go, we haven't seen each other for a long time, we must have a good reunion today."

"Haha, that's right, it just so happens that you haven't been to school for a long time, brother will take you to see the beauties at the art festival!"

"Get out, I'm not like you."

Xu Da reacted instantly, and approached Zhang Chen with a smirk on his face, "Yes, I forgot that you and your Xue'er! Haha, how about it, have you two made it a done deal? I heard that you live together."

Zhang Chen laughed and scolded, "You are just gossipy! Hurry up!"

The two walked into Zhuhai University arm in arm, Zhang Deshuai looked at Zhang Chen's back from behind, thinking angrily.

Let you be arrogant for a while, I wonder how you can be proud after this matter is settled!

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