After wandering around the art festival, Zhang Chen and Xu Da went to a restaurant they used to frequent.

"Boss! Just the same! Four dishes and one soup!" As soon as he entered the door, Xu Da yelled at the kitchen.

"Okay! You guys haven't been here for a long time! Find a place to sit!"

Zhang Chen and the two of them didn't drink, they just had lunch, and then went to the places they often visited before. After that, Xu Da had to leave because he had something to do.

"Okay, those who should get together have gathered together, you can go and do your business." Zhang Chen said to Xu Da with a smile.

Xu Da smiled apologetically, "I can't help it, I'm about to enter society, and I don't have much time to play now."

Zhang Chen nodded, "No one is the same, hurry up and get busy."

Xu Da nodded, "Okay, call me if you need anything." After that, he left.

Zhang Chen was not interested in being alone. Just as he was about to go see Lin Xue, Zhang Xiaoyu called.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang."

When Zhang Chen heard Zhang Xiaoyu call him Mr. Zhang, his head felt heavy.

"Hello? Mr. Zhang? Zhang Chen! Talk! I know you are listening!"

Zhang Chen said hurriedly, "Sister Xiaoyu, what's wrong? What's the matter?"

After hearing Zhang Chen's voice on the other end of the phone, he immediately said, "Okay, Zhang Chen, all the funds you gave me before have been used up. Please give me some more funds quickly. It's a critical moment now!"

Zhang Chen was shocked when he heard this, looked at the time and said speechlessly, "Sister, my dear sister, that's hundreds of thousands! It's less than 24 hours, only a dozen hours excluding sleeping time, and you spent it all !”

"Stop talking nonsense! Isn't it because of your company? Hurry up, I have accounted for the whereabouts of every fund. The problem of the venue has been solved today. If you are worried about it then, go and see for yourself."

"Okay, okay, let's meet in three hours at the coffee shop where we met before, okay?"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen bared his teeth.

Xiaoyu's ability to do things is beyond words. This efficiency is indeed very high, but the speed of spending money is directly proportional to the efficiency of doing things!

After checking the time, Zhang Chen took out a VIP card and said with a wry smile, "I thought I wouldn't need you anymore, but I didn't expect that I would need you again in just a few days."

After finishing feeling sorry for himself, Zhang Chen took a taxi and walked home.

After returning home and grabbing a bag, Zhang Chen hurried to the jewelry store where he sold gold.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Chen saw Manager Fang who had received him before.

Manager Fang also saw Zhang Chen and handed the customers he was receiving to the salesperson at the back. Manager Fang ran to Zhang Chen.

Before he could reach Zhang Chen, he extended his hand warmly, "Mr. Zhang, you're such a busy man and you're here. I haven't seen you for a few days. Welcome."

Zhang Chen smiled and shook hands with Manager Fang, "If you say busy, I'm not as busy as you. Look at the business in this store, making money every day!"

Manager Fang smiled and led Zhang Chen to the table, "If you don't dare, let's not stand here anymore. Let's sit down and talk."

Zhang Chen nodded. Soon, the salesperson in the store handed over two glasses of water. Manager Fang took a sip and said, "Mr. Zhang, why do you want to come to our store today?"

Seeing what Manager Fang said, Zhang Chen went straight to the point, "It's like this. As for me, funds have been a little tight recently. Although selling the gold previously solved the urgent need, it was still a bit short. Now I'm here for you." What?”

Manager Fang smiled and said, "Did Mr. Zhang bring out something again?"

Zhang Chen nodded and took out the small box of treasures from his bag, "Manager Fang, let's take a look."

When Manager Fang saw this rusty little box, he was a little unimpressed. After opening it, Manager Fang's eyes lit up with the various gems, diamonds, and agate jewelry inside.

No longer caring about Zhang Chen, Manager Fang began to study it carefully.

After all, these things are jewelry, and Manager Fang is in this industry, so he was naturally attracted to them.

This is amazing. Not to mention other things, one of the diamonds is a rare 25 carats, and the manager can tell at a glance that it was cut by hand a long time ago, but this This kind of hand-cutting has a history of nearly 500 years according to current calculations. What shocked Manager Fang even more was that this box was obviously all together. It had a natural sense of historical vicissitudes on it. It can be said that just from the workmanship alone , this box is not only jewelry, but also antique jewelry!

You know, not to mention this box, even one piece of it is priceless, but if so many antique treasures flow into the market, it is likely to lower the market price.

"This...this...Mr. Zhang, this is too expensive. I can't make the decision yet. Why don't you wait and I go ask our general manager for instructions?" Manager Fang said to Zhang Chen with some embarrassment.

Zhang Chen was a little surprised.

Isn't it just some jewelry? Such a small amount of jewelry is just a drop in the bucket compared to the ones in this jewelry store. Why do you need to ask the boss for instructions? Could it be that...there are other ways to access this box of jewelry?

"Okay, I happen to have nothing to do now, but Manager Fang had better hurry up." Zhang Chen pondered for a moment and nodded.

"It won't take long, an hour at most. Mr. Zhang, you can look around and see if there's anything you're interested in." After saying that, Manager Fang immediately ran to the back and made a phone call.

This jewelry store is actually a chain store, affiliated to a large international jewelry and antiques group in Zhuhai City.

Zhang Chen's box of antique jewelry was passed up layer by layer until it reached the ears of the senior management.

Within half an hour, a woman dressed very fashionably walked into the jewelry store.

Manager Fang immediately went up to her and told the woman about Zhang Chen's situation.

After listening, the woman walked directly to Zhang Chen and stretched out her hand, "Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am Mo Zhuyu, the general manager here."

Zhang Chen was looking at various luxury goods in the jewelry store. After hearing the voice, he turned around and saw a tall and beautiful woman.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Chen." Zhang Chen smiled and gently shook the woman's hand.

The woman was stunned the first time she saw Zhang Chen.

She originally thought that the seller should be a middle-aged man, even if he was not middle-aged, he should be entering middle-aged soon, but she didn't expect Mr. Zhang to be so young.

But she quickly reacted and smiled apologetically at Zhang Chen, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to be so young."

Zhang Chen shook his head, "It's okay, let's talk about business."

This time, the two entered a private room at the back of the jewelry store.

In addition to Zhang Chen and the woman, there was an old man with gray hair and glasses.

"Mr. Zhang, can you let me see what you brought?" Mo Zhuyu said politely.

Zhang Chen took out the small box again and handed it to the woman, "Of course."

Mo Zhuyu carefully put the box on the table and nodded to the old man beside him, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Chen."

Mr. Chen raised his glasses, but did not open the box, but looked at the small box steadily.

"Look at this small box. It's not ordinary. Although there are many traces on it, you can tell from the patterns and workmanship on it that it is not an ordinary object. There are also traces on it... This box should have been in the sea before. It looks like it has a history of more than 400 years. This box alone is a rare good thing!"

The author Jun appeared again. These chapters are transitional chapters. Although the author Jun did not want to write these relatively watery things, he had to write them for the smoothness of the plot, so everyone forgives! There is also the issue of updates. There are three updates every day, but the morning update has been changed to around 8:30 in the evening. Yesterday, many readers asked me to insist on not stopping the update. I guess you didn’t see it, so I will explain it here. Finally, please vote for recommendation and add it to your collection!

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