Even Zhang Chen was a little embarrassed by what Mr. Chen said.

This box was drawn using a high-level lottery, and Zhang Chen didn't know the specific origin of it.

While Zhang Chen was thinking about it, Mr. Chen had already put on his gloves and gently opened the small box and began to study the jewelry inside, "It's even more amazing inside."

Mr. Chen excitedly explained to Mo Zhuyu who was standing aside while appraising it, "Look, this box protects the jewelry inside very well. Even under the erosion of sea water, these jewelry have not been severely weathered and corroded. This is truly a miraculous craftsmanship!”

“Also, the cutting of diamonds and jewelry, although they are all cut by hand, is different from the many tools we have now, but the cut surfaces are full and lustrous, fully displaying the characteristics of the jewelry. The accessories on the side also complement each other, making the jewelry It feels even more luxurious and exquisite! It’s enough to hold a small auction!”

When Mo Zhuyu heard what Mr. Chen said, he coughed twice and said to Zhang Chen embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen usually can't help but say a few words when he encounters something he likes."

Zhang Chen shook his head indifferently, "It's okay, I just want to know some specific situations."

Mr. Chen also found that he was a little embarrassed. Although he was embarrassed, he was still excited.

Mo Zhuyu reminded him at this time, "Mr. Chen, how much do you think this box of jewelry is worth?"

When it came to the price, Mr. Chen, who had been confident just now, frowned, "It's hard to say. Although they are all high-quality products, if we buy them individually, we may not be able to achieve the expected results. As I just said, it is best to Let's hold a small auction, but if we hold an auction, the price..." As he said that, Mr. Chen looked at Zhang Chen.

When Zhang Chen heard Mr. Chen's vague words, he frowned and said, "Is there a problem with the price?"

Mo Zhuyu saw that Zhang Chen might be a little dissatisfied, and quickly explained, "Mr. Zhang, don't get me wrong, it's like this. Mr. Chen just said that this box of jewelry can be held in a small auction, but you also know that the auction The prices of things at the auction generally fluctuate, and everything depends on the buyer's price, so I can't give you an accurate value now. Of course, if you are in urgent need of money, we will also pay you a part first for our auction. What do you think? We only charge 10% of your items.”

Zhang Chen thought for a moment. Although ten percent was high, it was a no-cost transaction. Zhang Chen would not lose anything at all. He nodded and agreed, "I have no problem with this, but I need capital turnover now, so... …”

After hearing Zhang Chen's words, Mo Zhuyu understood what Zhang Chen meant. He turned to Mr. Chen and said, "Mr. Chen, please give me an estimate of the price."

Mr. Chen pondered for a moment, "This box is full of high-quality products. It stands to reason that each piece cannot be purchased without nearly ten million, and there are many types here. However, if so many appear on the market at the same time, the price will be difficult to grasp." Yeah…but at least 15 million is still available.”

Upon hearing this, Mo Zhuyu looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think of the price? We will pay you 15 million first, and then your auction items will be auctioned in our auction house."

Zhang Chen did not expect that this small box of jewelry would be of such great value, so Zhang Chen immediately agreed.

The two parties hit it off immediately and the formalities were completed immediately.

Soon Mo Zhuyu walked up to Zhang Chen with a bank card and a contract.

"Mr. Zhang, this card contains 15 million, and this is our contract. Check to see if there is anything missing."

Zhang Chen shook his head, took the contract and put it away directly.

"Don't look at it. It's not the first time I've worked with you. I can trust you."

When Mo Zhuyu heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "With such a win-win cooperation, I hope Mr. Zhang will not forget us in the future."

After leaving the jewelry store, Zhang Chen exhaled and felt relieved.

I, Zhang Laowu, am rich again!

Zhang Chen, who had money, was also determined. He looked at the time and saw that it was not the time he had agreed with Zhang Xiao. Yu, but Zhang Chen still called.

"Hey, Sister Xiao Yu! Come to the cafe!"

"What's wrong? It's not time yet!"

"It's okay. Let's meet at the coffee shop. Just hang up now!"

"Hello? Hello!" Zhang Xiao Yu, who was in charge of decoration in the new office space, put down the phone, feeling a little confused.

What's wrong with this morning hair? Why is he so tough all of a sudden?

Zhang Chen was sitting in the cafe drinking coffee at this time.

People feel refreshed when happy events happen. Now that he is rich, Zhang Chen even thinks that the coffee that he originally thought was not good to drink is pretty good.

Soon Zhang Xiao. Yu came to the coffee shop.

Zhang Chen waved to her.

Zhang Xiao Yu sat next to Zhang Chen with a bad expression.

Zhang Xiao Yu actually felt angry after seeing Zhang Chen.

This Zhang Chen is simply a hands-off shopkeeper. Not only does he not care about anything, he even only gives himself a little start-up capital.

Do you still want to start a company with just a little money? ! Zhang Xiao and Yudu doubted whether his decision to work for this poor man was wrong.

Zhang Chen saw Zhang Xiao Yu's face looking a little ugly, but he still took out a card with a smile on his face.

"Sister Xiao Yu, you have worked hard these days. This is the starting capital for the future."

Zhang Xiao Yu didn't accept the bank card. He was angry at first, but now he couldn't bear it anymore when he heard Zhang Chen mentioned the start-up capital, with a look of contempt on his face.

However, although he was angry, Zhang Xiao Yu was still relatively restrained.

"You should take it back. If it's still tens of thousands, it doesn't matter whether I take it or not. I tell you, it's impossible to start a company with such a small amount of money, especially for a technology company like this. The minimum initial investment is tens of millions!"

Zhang Chen saw Zhang Xiaoyu's face full of dissatisfaction, and knew in his heart that Zhang Xiaoyu was arrogant and wanted to start his own company. His starting point was still good. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Yes, yes, how can I not listen to Sister Xiaoyu? Look!" Zhang Chen pushed the card on the table over, "This is also my attempt to help. You know, although I want to start a company, I don't know anything about these. Everything needs you to do, so now everything is based on Sister Xiaoyu!"

Zhang Xiaoyu saw Zhang Chen's appearance as a younger brother, and thought that Zhang Chen was his boss after all, so his anger subsided a little. At this time, Zhang Xiaoyu's phone rang.

"Hello? Yes, yes! Okay! I'll go over now!" After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiaoyu stood up and prepared to leave.

"Something happened at the company site. I have to go there quickly. I'm leaving first."

Zhang Chen saw that Zhang Xiaoyu didn't take the card, so he quickly took the card and put it in Zhang Xiaoyu's hand, "After all, I am the boss of this company, so just consider it as my contribution."

Zhang Xiaoyu didn't have time to argue, so he put the card in his pocket and hurried out.

"By the way! The password is the initial password!" Zhang Chen, standing in place, watched Zhang Xiaoyu stop a taxi and immediately shouted.

After Zhang Xiaoyu left, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

There was 10 million in the card, Zhang Chen took out 5 million for turnover, and gave the rest to Zhang Xiaoyu.

Now that the funding problem has been temporarily solved, Zhang Chen is also ready to consider other things.

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