The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 61 The system has changed dramatically

After leaving the coffee shop, Zhang Chen did not go home directly, but took a detour to a pet shop to consult a professional breeder about raising insects.

After leaving the pet shop, Zhang Chen carried two large bags of things in his hands.

There were boxes, feed, and coconut soil, which are essential for raising insects.

Maybe because there are not many people like Zhang Chen who raise reptiles, the breeder is very enthusiastic about Zhang Chen. If he hadn't sold a lot of breeding items to Zhang Chen at the end, Zhang Chen would have almost believed it.

Zhang Chen looked at the pile of things in his hand and couldn't help laughing and crying, "This is too enthusiastic!"

After returning home, Zhang Chen put all these things in place, took out the brainworm larvae and put them in the prepared box.

As soon as he put it down, the larvae drilled into the coconut soil.

Zhang Chen put a few mealworms as food for the larvae and then stopped caring about it.

Zhang Chen, who finally finished everything, breathed a sigh of relief and began to treat his injuries.

These days, Zhang Chen has been consuming this alien spiritual energy all the time, and at the same time studying it carefully.

After such a long struggle, Zhang Chen felt that this kind of spiritual energy was like a kind of spiritual energy that was compressed and strengthened by a special method. Zhang Chen wanted to study it carefully, so until now, these rootless spiritual energy has not been exhausted.

In the next few days, Zhang Chen resumed his previous living habits, but because his cultivation had reached the peak, before he found a way to break through, Zhang Chen could only practice his body. For convenience, Zhang Chen rented a private gym.

The things inside were all available, but the price was not low. In just a few days, Zhang Chen spent tens of thousands.

"These things are good, but they are a bit too expensive, and they don't seem to be very useful for my cultivation." Zhang Chen thought while exercising with equipment in the gym.

If someone came in and saw Zhang Chen training, they would probably be scared to death.

All the equipment used by Zhang Chen is the heaviest, and the speed of the treadmill is also the fastest. It can be said that there is no equipment in the entire gym that a normal person can exercise with.

Zhang Chen got off the treadmill and came to the large barbell. He lifted it with ease. The barbell showed a clear arc because it was too heavy on both sides, but Zhang Chen didn't care and kept adding weight on both sides.

[System upgrade completed! ]

This system prompt made Zhang Chen very excited.

To be honest, Zhang Chen has been a little worried about the system these days. After all, the system is now the foundation of his life, especially after Zhang Chen saw the wider world outside. There is a saying that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. This sentence also applies to Zhang Chen. After seeing the vast world outside, Zhang Chen couldn't imagine that if he suddenly lost the system, he would never see the future again.


Zhang Chen put down the barbell in his hand, and the barbell hit the ground, causing the entire floor to jump. In the ordinary gym downstairs from Zhang Chen, all the people who were exercising were startled by the sound and looked up at the ceiling.

You know, all the decorations in the gym are extremely sturdy and durable. Even the floor is made of at least 4 layers of soundproofing materials, just to prevent the weight from falling to the ground and making too much noise. But Zhang Chen's barbell is too heavy. Although there is soundproofing material to block it, the sound is still transmitted through vibration. Even the impact of this one makes most people feel that the ground jumps.

But Zhang Chen doesn't know this. Now he is excitedly watching the system update.

[This upgrade sets up a plane-level firewall! ]

[The system and the host are deeply bound to form a symbiotic mode! Provide artificial intelligence! ]

[The mission plane and the conquest plane are completely separated! ]

[New buildings are added to the return space! New functions are added to the return space! Please enter the return space for details! ]

In the past, any one of these upgrades would make Zhang Chen excited for a long time, but now they all appeared because of this upgrade!

What Zhang Chen cares about most now is this artificial intelligence.

"System, can I use artificial intelligence now?"

[Artificial intelligence is turning on! ]

[Turn on successfully! ]

At the same time, a clear voice suddenly came from Zhang Chen's mind.

"Hello, host!"

"Hello, hello, what's your name? Can you answer some of my questions? Give me some help?"

Zhang Chen couldn't hide his excitement.

A long time ago, Zhang Chen felt that this system was good in every way, but the setting was not user-friendly enough. There was no one to ask casually. Zhang Chen only had a vague understanding of many things. He had to figure everything out by himself, which was too troublesome.

"Hello, host. You haven't named me yet, so I don't have a name now. My voice is also automatically matched. As for answering questions, this is my job, and I will also guide the host."

Zhang Chen calmed down, "How about this, you call me system? It just so happens that I am also easy to call it. Don't call me host anymore. Just call me Zhang Chen directly."

"Okay, Zhang Chen." The system said seriously.

Zhang Chen didn't care about these, and couldn't wait to ask a bunch of questions, "By the way, what's the matter with returning to space? And what's the use of this heaven and earth luck? Where does the system come from?"

These are the questions Zhang Chen wanted to know. Zhang Chen had read many system novels online before, but none of them was as unreliable as his own system. Not only were the functions limited, but it also always pitted him.

"Zhang Chen, the return space is a small world opened up by the system through your efforts. This world is a space shared by you and the system. The luck of heaven and earth is the most important thing in a world. As long as you master most of the luck of heaven and earth in a world, then this world belongs to you, so the luck of heaven and earth is the most important thing in a world. As for where the system comes from, you can't know it now due to the authority issue."

Zhang Chen only then knew some inside information. No wonder the system had such a big reaction after detecting the luck of heaven and earth. It turned out to be the most precious thing in the world.

After a pause, Zhang Chen wondered, "No, since the return space is shared by me and the system, why do I need the system's consent to enter?"

The system was a little embarrassed at this time, "Before, due to the incomplete construction of the return space, you were not given permission, but from now on you can enter the return space at any time, but you can only enter once a day and stay for only 1 hour at a time, this is to prevent you from accidentally causing obstacles to the return space under construction."

Zhang Chen felt like the master of the system when he heard this, and he answered every question. This artificial intelligence is good!

"Then I will enter the return space now!"

Zhang Chen couldn't wait to see what changes there were in the return space this time.

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