The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 65 I've been waiting for you for a long time!

After sensing that this breath might disappear at any time, Zhang Chen quickened his pace.

Since he came to this world, Zhang Chen knew that his perception was useless for zombies. The breath he sensed now was human, and the crying sound should be a baby. In this case, he must save it.

Zhang Chen is not a saint. He will kill people, and he is even ruthless to insects, but no matter what, this new life in this world should not be ended like this. He has not yet felt the beauty of this world.

Zhang Chen rushed all the way to the hospital and ran towards the room where the breath was.

There was not a single zombie in the hospital. Zhang Chen did not think too much about this weird situation.

Anxious mood affected Zhang Chen's judgment.

Zhang Chen did not think that it was the end of the world now. The baby's crying was so loud and spread so far, why was there no zombie around. Many adults who have the ability to protect themselves have died, why can a baby survive until now?

All the way to the room where the breath was, the crying sound was now inaudible. Zhang Chen was very anxious and immediately turned the door in front of him.

As soon as he opened the door, Zhang Chen smelled a strong stench of decay.

The room was dark, with piles of broken bodies in the corners, and the source of the stench was here.

In the middle of the dim room, a female figure with her back to Zhang Chen was shaking gently.

It looked like a woman was shaking a child in her arms.

But Zhang Chen's face changed drastically, because the breath he sensed was actually above his head at this moment!

It's over! This is a trap!


A black shadow came from above Zhang Chen's head with wind pressure.

Zhang Chen had no way to fight back in a hurry, so he leaned back and made an iron bridge, using the inertia of his body to block the attack with the Xuanyuan Sword.

The black shadow and the Xuanyuan Sword collided with each other, making a ding sound, and paused for a moment.

Zhang Chen took advantage of this opportunity to see that the one attacking him was actually a meat whip with bone spurs.

Although the attack was blocked, the huge force on the meat whip still knocked Zhang Chen to the ground.


The force with which Zhang Chen hit the ground was so great that even the floor tiles on the ground cracked into spider webs.

Although Zhang Chen was not hurt by the huge force, his own strength was dispersed by the shock.

At the moment when Zhang Chen fell to the ground, the back of the woman who was shaking in the middle of the room moved, turned around and rushed towards Zhang Chen who had just landed and was exhausted, and at the same time a sharp roar suddenly sounded.

Zhang Chen was startled and quickly responded by pinching the sword formula.

"Sword Control Technique!"

The Xuanyuan Sword drew a cold light and blocked the attacking black shadow.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

After several consecutive crisp sounds, the black shadow roared in pain, jumped onto the roof, grabbed the unknown object on the roof, and rushed out directly from the back door of the room.

Zhang Chen stood up at this time.

After being alert for a while and finding that there was no other danger, Zhang Chen came to the window and used the Xuanyuan Sword to cut the black curtains directly. The warm sunlight filled the whole room, but when he saw the scene in the room, Zhang Chen's heart was extremely cold.

In the corner of the room, countless baby heads were piled up here, all of which were in pieces. On the other side of the room was a pile of broken limbs, most of which were baby corpses.

The room was full of blood. The curtains that Zhang Chen thought were black now showed a hint of their original color under the sunlight. The black on them was actually formed by the coagulation of blood.

There were also ten black nails with blood stains nearly half a meter long at the door of the room.

Zhang Chen observed carefully. The edges of the nails were very sharp and looked very hard, even comparable to ordinary steel.

Zhang Chen stood up and took a deep breath, looking at the place where the shadow had escaped before, muttering, "You can't run away..."

Coming out of the room, although Zhang Chen's heart was cold, he didn't have much anger in his heart after seeing the scene that seemed like hell.

Zombies are not human beings. It is understandable that they can eat people instinctively, but Zhang Chen can't accept it, so it must die!

With full perception, Zhang Chen began to wander around the entire hospital.

Soon, Zhang Chen felt a faint breath moving quickly on the third floor of the hospital.

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, "I caught you!"

In the corridor on the third floor of the hospital, a female zombie was running wildly.

Her hands were covered with blood. If you look closely, you will find that the nails on all ten fingers are missing. This is what Zhang Chen just cut off with the Xuanyuan Sword.

But what is strange is that she is holding a baby with a big head in her arms. The baby only has white eyes and dark gray skin. Obviously, this is a small zombie.

The female zombie ran to another dim room on the third floor before stopping.

The layout of the room is very similar to the previous room. There is not so much rotten smell, but the bloody smell is stronger than the previous room.

After entering the room, the female zombie directly pulled out a relatively fresh baby arm from the corner. Like a mother, she held the baby zombie, shaking it, and stretched the bloody baby arm in front of the baby zombie.

The baby zombie's mouth suddenly split into three parts, and a flesh whip stretched out from the middle. With the bone spur at the front end, it pierced directly into the broken arm and began to suck.

As the baby zombie sucked, the flesh and blood in the baby's broken arm was sucked into the baby zombie's mouth like jelly, and the originally plump arm slowly shrank.

At this moment, the female zombie suddenly turned around and knocked a ball that attacked her to the ground.

Although it was knocked down, a tall figure appeared from the original place in an instant.

The figure was wearing armor and his body was a little illusory. He held a big sword in his hand and chopped it directly at the female zombie.

The female zombie dodged the big sword and retreated to the side.


The big sword hit the ground, smashing cracks on the floor.

As the female zombie opened her mouth and roared, three petals of flesh and bone buds gushed out of her mouth, and opened instantly, and a meat whip thicker than the baby zombie pierced the figure directly.


As a sound of sour teeth sounded, the whole body of the spirit soldier was pierced by the meat whip, but he was not hurt at all, except that the originally illusory figure became a little dimmer.

If this figure was replaced by Zhang Chen's former enemies, they would definitely be familiar with it, this is Zhang Chen's spiritual soldier!

At the same time, the figure continued to wave the big sword in his hand at the female zombie fearlessly.

The other arm of the female zombie that was not holding the child was chopped off.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the female zombie used the same trick again, used the meat whip to force back the illusory spiritual soldier, and ran directly to the back door.

Just when she came to the back door, she didn't expect that the back door was kicked open from the outside, and the door panel pressed the female zombie directly against the wall.

In a burst of dust, Zhang Chen walked in from outside the room holding the Xuanyuan Sword.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

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