Looking at the female zombie smashed against the wall, Zhang Chen did not hesitate and swung out the Xuanyuan Sword directly, piercing the female zombie's head accurately through the door panel.

The female zombie was silent after the last roar.

However, Zhang Chen would not relax his vigilance this time, because in Zhang Chen's perception, the faint breath had not disappeared.

Zhang Chen recalled the Xuanyuan Sword and looked at the door panel vigilantly.

Sure enough, a baby zombie soon crawled out from behind the door panel.

It bared its teeth at Zhang Chen and made a series of roars. After seeing that Zhang Chen did not move, the baby zombie turned around and pulled the female zombie who had already been silent, making a series of gurgling sounds.

[Task: Kill 100 mutant zombies (1/100)! ]

Zhang Chen did not care about the system's prompts, but looked at the baby zombie who kept gurgling at the female zombie's body and sighed.

Originally, Zhang Chen thought that zombies were completely devoid of humanity, but now it seems that it is not known whether it is because this little zombie is a baby or for some other reason that it still retains a trace of humanity.

In an instant, Zhang Chen suddenly did not want to kill it anymore. He reached out to call back the spirit soldiers and walked out the door without looking back.

At the moment when Zhang Chen turned around, the very faint breath in his perception suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, a strong wind came from behind.

Zhang Chen reacted quickly, turned around and waved his hand to block it in one go.

After Zhang Chen turned around, he saw a meat whip returning to the mouth of the little zombie.

After the little zombie saw that the first attack did not hit Zhang Chen, he did not continue to attack Zhang Chen, but directly lay down beside the female zombie and chewed the flesh and blood of the female zombie.

The little zombie ate more and more flesh and blood, and his originally abnormally large head became even bigger. Finally, after eating another bite, the little zombie opened his mouth and roared at Zhang Chen.

Following the roar, the little zombie's mouth began to wriggle, and suddenly five flesh whips sprang out. The five flesh whips waved in the air for a while, and then attacked Zhang Chen from different directions.

Zhang Chen performed the sword control technique expressionlessly, slashing five times in a row in the air, and the five flesh whips were cut off and fell to the ground, wriggling constantly.

The little zombie screamed in pain, but because of its open mouth, the scream sounded a little different.

Zhang Chen walked towards the little zombie step by step, and the Xuanyuan Sword gently slashed the little zombie's neck, turned around and walked out.

Behind Zhang Chen, the little zombie had stopped moving. As Zhang Chen left the room, the little zombie's head and body slowly separated, and finally both fell to the ground.

[Task: Kill 100 mutant zombies (2/100)! 】

Zhang Chen looked at the system prompts, feeling very heavy. He had just come here the second day and encountered zombies that could set traps. Those survivors who originally lived in this world had experienced such terrible things...

Walking out of the hospital, Zhang Chen wandered aimlessly on the street.

His previous desire to find survivors faded a lot after experiencing a series of things in the hospital.

After searching for so long, he only found a pair of zombie mother and son in the end. It was a blow to Zhang Chen.

However, he accidentally planted willows and willows became shades. Just as Zhang Chen was walking aimlessly, he suddenly heard the roar of a car engine. Although the sound was small, Zhang Chen still heard it.

After hearing the sound, Zhang Chen couldn't help but speed up.

The sound gradually became louder, and at the same time, there were bursts of zombie roars.

This time, Zhang Chen was sure that this must be a survivor, because Zhang Chen found eight obvious breaths in his perception.

However, after hearing the zombies' voices, Zhang Chen's face changed and he instantly sped up.

He didn't want the hope he just encountered to be bitten to death by this group of zombies.

Zhang Chen walked forward and finally saw the group of survivors at the intersection ahead.

More than 20 zombies were surrounding three vehicles and grabbing the roofs.

All three vehicles were durable jeep off-road vehicles, and iron nets were installed on the windows. The body was also reinforced with steel plates. It was obvious that they were modified.

The three vehicles were lined up in a row, and four people stood on the roofs, holding machetes and sharpened steel pipes and constantly waving and attacking the zombies that were scratching around the vehicles.

Zhang Chen also saw three drivers and a woman in the car.

After seeing that the convoy was not in danger for the time being, Zhang Chen did not rush over, but secretly observed.

Among the people on the roof, there was a middle-aged man holding a machete, who was obviously the leader. He kept issuing orders, and he was more calm in fighting than the other three people. He killed the most zombies. Zhang Chen could tell at a glance that this middle-aged man should have undergone professional military training.

Because whether it is the knife holding posture or various command terms, they are often used in the army. There is also a toughness in this middle-aged man. Even if he has never been a soldier, he has been in contact with the army.

Soon, these zombies were solved, and more than a dozen of them were killed by the middle-aged man.

"Hurry up!" The middle-aged man gestured to the three drivers below, and then directed the others to evacuate.

Zhang Chen looked at the middle-aged man who was calmly commanding, and there was no panic in the retreat, and he nodded secretly.

This person is not bad.

Seeing the convoy set off, Zhang Chen exerted his strength and immediately followed.

There are only a few people in the entire convoy, so even if their gathering place is large, they must not be far away from the gathering place.

Sure enough, in just half an hour, the convoy drove into a small forest.

Zhang Chen secretly thought it was smart when he saw this.

The forest can effectively block the spread of sound. Even if there is any noise accidentally, it is not easy to alarm the zombies. Moreover, since there are forests here, it means that the land is good. Some plants can also be planted here to supplement vitamins.

Zhang Chen followed the convoy from a small road into the depths of the forest. On a sign on the side of the road, Zhang Chen saw the words "Forest Park".

"Even if there are people in this kind of place, there are few people, and there are many hidden places in the forest. It is not easy to be exposed in the city. As long as you are not stupid enough to attract a large-scale zombie tide, it is very safe here." Zhang Chen analyzed the living conditions here while following the convoy.

Soon, the convoy drove to an open space in the woods.

There is a three-story building in the center of the open space. The doors and windows of the building have been reinforced, and they are still using the same specifications. It is obviously a steel plate made by the assembly line. Zhang Chen estimated that this gathering place should have run through many places.

There are some people patrolling around the building, obviously to prevent lone zombies from accidentally coming here.

Zhang Chen did not go out directly, but hid in the woods.

Now Zhang Chen has no shortage of food and water. Zhang Chen decided to observe the situation here more, and it would be best if he could meet someone who went out to collect supplies.

But no matter what, Zhang Chen is still happy now. If there are survivors, there will be a large gathering place, so there may be high-end talents. Zhang Chen can give them a good research environment, so there is a chance to change the world!

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