In the next few days, Zhang Chen kept waiting for a convoy to come out again to collect supplies. Finally, on the fourth day, Zhang Chen saw another convoy walk out of the building.

Zhang Chen immediately followed the convoy and walked into the city again.

A few hours later, the convoy stopped on a street. Several men got off the car with various homemade weapons, but the drivers of each car stayed in the car to prevent accidents from happening and not being able to start the car in time.

There were five survivors who got off, including the middle-aged commander Zhang Chen saw in the convoy last time.

Except for the middle-aged man, Zhang Chen could see that the remaining four were quite nervous, looking around all the time, and even one of the people holding a steel pipe had a weak leg.

Zhang Chen quietly followed a few people and walked all the way to the supermarket on the street.

There were scattered zombies wandering on the road. The middle-aged man did not move, but commanded the people behind him to go up and kill them, and gave instructions on the side.

Yuan Yulun was the leader of this small gathering place.

He had been in the army before and had been in the army for 6 years. After retiring, he kept the habits of the army and exercised every day.

On the day of the end of the world, Yuan Yulun saw his wife bite his children and his mother to death in his home. In grief and the desire to survive, Yuan Yulun killed his wife.

Yuan Yulun, who originally wanted to call the police, found that the whole city was screaming. Yuan Yulun, who finally realized that the sky was falling, immediately walked to the window sill and saw an unforgettable scene.

The originally bustling crowd on the street was almost gone, but large patches of blood appeared on the street, which was shocking.

In this way, Yuan Yulun survived with the various skills he learned in the army, and came to the current gathering place by observing the habits of zombies.

On the way to survival, Yuan Yulun gathered some survivors, and with nearly three months of improvement, there was the building that Zhang Chen saw before that looked as solid as a rock.

"Focus! Don't look at the knife in your hand! Look at the zombies in front of you! Remember, the zombies' weaknesses are the neck and head. If you can't kill them with one strike at the first time, first disable their mobility! In the end, no matter what, you must prevent being bitten by zombies." Yuan Yulun instructed on the side while holding the machete in his hand ready to support at any time.

The most precious resource in the doomsday is not supplies, but people, especially those with combat effectiveness.

Just two months ago, the zombies in the city suddenly went crazy and roamed the city like a carpet. Yuan Yulun's gathering place suffered heavy losses in these waves of wandering. The team that was originally looking for supplies was almost wiped out. There were less than 40 people in the entire gathering place, and more than a dozen of them were women and children.

There was no way, Yuan Yulun could only select new team members from these people.

However, Yuan Yulun still underestimated the fear of people's hearts. In this month, more than a dozen people had accidents due to training.

The few people in front of him were the last batch.

Listening to Yuan Yulun's command, the remaining four people surrounded the zombies together.

"Attack the zombie's head! Don't be afraid! Their reaction is not as fast as ours!" Yuan Yulun was a little nervous.

The surrounded zombie was not afraid at all. The human flesh and blood attracted it and it rushed directly to the four people in front of it.

The four people were standing in scattered positions, and the zombie rushed directly to the person closest to it.

The closest person was the young man whose legs were weak before Zhang Chen found out.

The young man saw the zombie rushing towards him, closed his eyes in fear, and shouted and hit the zombie with the steel pipe in his hand.

The zombie's thigh was swept and twisted, and it was swept to the side of the road by the steel pipe in the young man's hand like a broken sack.

Even though the thigh was broken, the zombie still struggled on the ground to get close to the young man.

The young man closed his eyes and waited for a long time. After finding that he was fine, he opened his eyes and saw the zombie crawling on the ground at a snail's pace.

Looking at the zombie in front of him, a touch of excitement appeared on the young man's face.

I did this! I'm so strong! I can kill these zombies too!

An abnormal blush appeared on the young man's face, and he excitedly picked up the steel pipe and hit the zombie's head.


One, two, three times!

The young man became more and more excited, and the zombie's head was like a broken watermelon. Even though it had become a pile of rotten meat, the young man did not stop.

"Hahaha! Come and bite me again! I'll kill you first! Kill you!"

With each hit, the young man released the fear that had been suppressed for several months in this doomsday.

Yuan Yulun saw the crazy side of the young man, sighed, looked up at the sky and sighed, "If you don't want to die in the doomsday, you have to become crazy..."

At this moment, Yuan Yulun suddenly found a small black dot in the sky.

The black dot grew bigger and bigger, and finally Yuan Yulun saw clearly that it was actually a black eagle!

Looking at the eagle's red and creepy eyes, Yuan Yulun's heart trembled.

Zombie beast!

Yuan Yulun reacted quickly and yelled at the people around him.

"There are zombie beasts! Get back in the car!" After shouting, Yuan Yulun hurriedly pulled the person closest to him to the jeep.

The remaining two people also noticed the zombie beasts swooping down from the sky, and hurriedly followed Yuan Yulun's footsteps and ran towards the convoy.

Yuan Yulun shouted at the young man who rushed over at the door of the convoy, "Get in the car! Quick!"

Suddenly, Yuan Yulun found that the young man was still hitting the zombies that had turned into meat paste with a steel pipe. Yuan Yulun immediately said to the people in the car.

"Wait for me here!"

The rest of the people in the car were all shocked at this time.

"No! Yuantou! It's too dangerous!"

"Yuantou! He's crazy!"

Anyone can see that the young man's spirit has collapsed a little. At this time, Yuan Yulun still wants to save him. It's simply looking for death!

Yuan Yulun turned back and looked at the people in the team firmly, "I won't give up anyone! If one day you are in the same situation as him, have you thought about what to do!" After saying that, Yuan Yulun rushed out without looking back.

The eagle in the sky was getting closer and closer to the ground at this time, and the speed was also increased.


Yuan Yulun had come to the young man at this time, and without saying a word, he pulled the young man and ran towards the direction of the team.

The young man was obviously startled, and his conditioned reflex was to pull Yuan Yulun's thigh.

Yuan Yulun didn't expect the young man to attack his thigh, and he fell directly to the ground.

At this time, the young man kept muttering, "I'll beat you to death! I'll beat you to death!" At the same time, he was about to swing the steel pipe at Yuan Yulun's head.

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