The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 68 To be or not to be

The steel pipe gradually grew larger in Yuan Yulun's eyes, and then occupied all his sight.

At this critical moment, a cold light flashed in front of Yuan Yulun's eyes, and the enlarging steel pipe in front of him was directly divided into two.

The young man holding the steel pipe lost his balance and fell to the ground because the steel pipe was cut off.

Then a somewhat heavy voice came.

"Sometimes, crazy people are more terrifying than zombies." This was of course Zhang Chen's voice.

Zhang Chen has been watching everything that happened here in the dark. At the same time, this scene also made Zhang Chen aware of the more terrifying aspects of the apocalypse.

When he saw the young man smashing the corpses of zombies all the time, Zhang Chen knew that this young man was hopeless.

In fact, not only Zhang Chen knew this, everyone here saw it. This young man was hopeless. Of course, Yuan Yulun was not a fool. He knew it very well, but he still held on to a bit of luck. He thought he could save it. Get off him.

It was this trace of luck that plunged Yuan Yulun into the quagmire of death, but it was also this trace of luck that allowed Zhang Chen to appear without hesitation and save Yuan Yulun.

I don’t know whether to say Yuan Yulun is lucky or unlucky.

Yuan Yulun looked towards the place where the sound came from, and immediately saw Zhang Chen walking out of the box wearing a suit of scrap metal, and said gratefully, "Thank you very much."

Zhang Chen walked to Yuan Yulun and shook his head, "Don't thank me. The reason why I came out to save you is because you are different from those people." As he said this, Zhang Chen pointed to the people in the jeep.

Of course Yuan Yulun knew what Zhang Chen was talking about, but he shook his head and said nothing.


At this time, the roar of the zombie eagle sounded again in the sky. Yuan Yulun's expression changed greatly and he pointed at the zombie eagle that was already close behind Zhang Chen and said, "Be careful!"

A smile appeared on Zhang Chen's lips.

With just this warning, Zhang Chen knew that he had saved the right person this time.

Without looking behind him, the Xuanyuan Sword in Zhang Chen's hand was raised back, and it accurately crossed the zombie eagle's neck in the air. Then Zhang Chen casually tilted his head, and the zombie eagle passed by Zhang Chen's face and fell directly. Two meters behind Yuan Yulun.

Yuan Yulun stared at this scene with his mouth wide open.

There is only one word in my mind, handsome.

After everything was over, Yuan Yulun took Zhang Chen into a separate jeep.

in jeep

Yuan Yulun, who was in the passenger seat, thanked Zhang Chen who was sitting in the back seat, "Brother, thank you for saving my life this time."

Zhang Chen shook his head, "As I said, I saved you because I was moved by your principles when I saw you rushing out again." Not wanting Yuan Yulun to talk about this anymore, Zhang Chen changed the topic, turned to look out the window and said, A young man waving the steel pipe in his hand on the ground.

"You don't care about him?"

Yuan Yulun looked at the young man outside the car window and said with a complicated expression, "He can't be saved. Even if we take him with us, it won't be of much help to our gathering place. In the end, it is very likely that his mental disorder will harm the entire gathering." People of the earth.”

Zhang Chen looked at Yuan Yulun and nodded with satisfaction.

He values ​​love and righteousness, does not give up on his teammates easily, and is decisive enough to give up on the useless person he almost sacrificed his life to save. This kind of person is rare even before the apocalypse, let alone the apocalypse.

The convoy did not collect supplies this time, but drove directly back to the gathering place.

At the same time, Zhang Chen also really saw the inside of this building in the Forest Park.

Although it is a bit dilapidated, it overall looks clean. It seems that it should be cleaned frequently.

Along the way, Yuan Yulun kept introducing the situation of this gathering place to Zhang Chen.

"We have a total of 48 people here. If nothing happens to Xiao Zhen... Oh, Xiao Zhen is the young man from before. If nothing happens to him yet, and including you, brother, there will be 50 people in this gathering place!"

Zhang Chen nodded clearly. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the entire first floor of the building was filled with debris and jeeps. He couldn't help but asked strangely, "Why are the debris piled on the ground like this? Is it because of fear?" Zombies coming in?"

Yuan Yulun nodded with a smile and explained, "Yes, this building has three floors in total. Because there are too few people, the first floor is left idle. This can also provide an extra defensive belt. It happens that there are originally three floors in this building. There is also a place to store a lot of debris.”

Later, Yuan Yulun took Zhang Chen to the second floor. The stairs of this building were in the middle. Zhang Chen found that all the people walking in the left room were men, and those walking in the right room were all women.

Zhang Chen smiled when he saw this scene, "Is this a man on the left and a woman on the right?"

Yuan Yulun also smiled and nodded, "Well, at first we planned to separate men and women, but later we found that the number of people was still too small, so we arranged them all on the same floor, so that it would be easier for men and women to move around each other."

Under Yuan Yulun's introduction, Zhang Chen went directly to the third floor.

The third floor seemed a little quiet, while the room on the left was a little lively, with many men and women coming in and out. On the other hand, the room on the right was a little quiet.

Without waiting for Zhang Chen to ask, Yuan Yulun started to explain.

"The left side of this floor is the office space, the room on the far left is the conference room, and then our office space. The right side is for people who have decided to live together or have children, because it is quieter than the second floor and it is not easy. Disturbing the child’s rest.”

With that said, Yuan Yulun took Zhang Chen into the first room on the left.

The room was very simple, like a small office, but there was a door next to it, which looked like a bedroom.

Yuan Yulun poured a cup of tea for Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen looked at the steaming tea and smiled, "It seems that life in the gathering place is good, there is also boiled water and tea."

Yuan Yulun smiled, "There is no other advantage here, there is a well in the basement, and the tea is collected when we collect supplies."

Zhang Chen took a sip of tea, and the charm of tea lingered in his mouth for a long time. Even if Zhang Chen didn't understand tea, he knew that it was a good thing, "Good tea."

Yuan Yulun sighed, "Yes, if this kind of tea was placed before the end of the world, I wouldn't even see it. I didn't expect that now that the end of the world has come, I can still enjoy it."

Zhang Chen smiled, "So the end of the world is actually not bad, isn't it?"

Yuan Yulun shook his head and said seriously, "Now it's just barely survivable, but if If the zombie problem cannot be completely solved, the whole world will be doomed sooner or later. Not to mention decades, even now, the problem is very serious. Not only are there all kinds of zombies threatening us, but there are also various diseases and the biggest problem - food! "

Yuan Yulun took a sip of tea and continued gloomily, "There are already some clues now. Many places where zombies often roam can't grow anything except weeds, which are tenacious plants. There are also many water sources contaminated by viruses. We can only use groundwater, but sooner or later, the groundwater will be full of viruses. "

Thinking of this, Yuan Yulun sighed, "At that moment, humans may really cease to exist."

After speaking, Yuan Yulun stopped talking and stared at the teacup in a daze.

Zhang Chen looked at Yuan Yulun, who was a little out of shape, and smiled slightly, "So, do you choose to survive or perish?"

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