After saying these words, Yuan Yulun stopped talking and stared at the teacup in a daze.

Zhang Chen looked at Yuan Yulun, who was a little out of state, and smiled slightly, "So, are you willing to do something for the human beings in this world?"

Yuan Yulun looked up at Zhang Chen after hearing what Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen saw the doubt in Yuan Yulun's eyes, "I know what you are thinking, it's nothing more than thinking how this kind of thing is possible, right?"

Without waiting for Yuan Yulun to speak, Zhang Chen continued to talk to himself.

"You have seen my ability. I believe that since you have gathered all these survivors, the army or local government cannot, so there must be a large gathering place somewhere."

At this point, Zhang Chen found that Yuan Yulun had a look of true faith, and he couldn't help but add fuel to the fire.

"My goal is there, I plan to find all the scientific researchers from there to break this virus together!"

Zhang Chen finally said decisively, "Even if I can't conquer it now, I want to leave a glimmer of hope for survival for the people behind!"

Yuan Yulun stood up directly when he heard this, and shouted excitedly.

"Well said! Brother Zhang Chen! I want to join too!"

That night, during the group dinner, Yuan Yulun solemnly introduced Zhang Chen to everyone in the gathering place.

And arranged for Zhang Chen to live on the third floor.

Lying on the bed again, Zhang Chen suddenly felt happy. Thinking back to what he said to Yuan Yulun during the day, he felt a little sorry.

If it weren't for completing the mission, he would never wade into this muddy water, but Yuan Yulun really considered the survivors in this world, and now he is in danger.

Zhang Chen thought about it and a sentence popped up in his mind.

The greatest heroes serve the country and the people!

People like Yuan Yulun really deserve to live a hundred years!

But now is the end of the world. Even if Yuan Yulun has such an ambition, he can't realize it by himself. If Zhang Chen hadn't expressed his thoughts in front of him, Yuan Yulun might have thought about staying here all his life and watching the human beings of the whole world perish!

"It's better before the end of the world!" Zhang Chen sighed.

Thinking about it, Zhang Chen laughed again.

If there were no apocalypse, a chivalrous person like Yuan Yulun might still be lost to the public.

A sense of enlightenment suddenly rose in Zhang Chen's heart.

The next day, Zhang Chen woke up before dawn and came to the gathering place early in the morning to do some physical training.

When it was dawn, Yuan Yulun also came out. He was a little surprised to see Zhang Chen doing physical training, but on second thought, this was reasonable.

If it weren't for this long and hard training, Zhang Chen would never be so strong.

"Zhang Chen, you come out to exercise so early? Haha, I'm still a little uncomfortable. I always came out alone before." Yuan Yulun chatted with Zhang Chen who was doing push-ups while doing warm-up exercises.

Zhang Chen smiled while doing push-ups, "I didn't expect that there would be people in this apocalypse who kept the habit of exercising in the morning like me."

"After all, a good body is the key, isn't it?" Yuan Yulun smiled and continued to do his own training.

Zhang Chen nodded, looked at Yuan Yulun who also started training, and continued to train.

After the training, Yuan Yulun came to Zhang Chen's room.

"Zhang Chen, there is something that may be good news for you."

"Just call me Xiaochen, what's the matter?"

"A few days ago, we received a group of radios from the mountains north of the city. The radio said that they were government troops and were looking for survivors. There was also plenty of food and water there."

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment, looked up and asked Yuan Yulun, "Do you think what the radio said is credible?"

Yuan Yulun shook his head, a little hesitant, "The north mountain was originally the granary of the city, so I still believe that they have enough food and water, but about their identity... I really don't believe it."

Zhang Chen thought about it.

This is interesting.

Using radio to spread news... It's ridiculous. The possibility of ordinary survivors having radios is very small. Those who have radios are generally small gathering places that collect information as much as possible. This group of radios is nothing more than two situations.

One possibility is that what they said is true, so there must be an officer with high authority there, who may have special channels to know the current situation in various places.

Another possibility is that what they said is false, but if it is false, they just want to attract people to join them. In this way, even if it is false, there will be at least one senior official in the government system, otherwise it will not be convincing.

Zhang Chen thought of this and stood up.

"I'm going to go."

Yuan Yulun frowned, "Are you sure you want to go? What they said may be false."

Zhang Chen nodded, "Yes, but even if what they said is false, they must have news about large gathering places. I will try it anyway."

Yuan Yulun remained silent.

Zhang Chen patted his shoulder, "Uncle Yuan, you just wait here for my good news. There are so many people here who need you."

Yuan Yulun hesitated to speak.

In the next few days, Zhang Chen followed the convoy led by Yuan Yulun to collect a large amount of supplies. With Zhang Chen's perception, he also found three survivors again, all of whom were women.

Finally, after living in the gathering place for a week, Zhang Chen decided to go to Beishan to have a look.

The next morning, Zhang Chen did not disturb anyone. He carried the Xuanyuan Sword and the sword box on his back and hurried downstairs before dawn.

Going down to the first floor of the gathering place, Zhang Chen's perception found that there was a breath on the first floor.

"What? Do you want to leave without saying goodbye?"

Zhang Chen looked at the fully armed Yuan Yulun and was a little overwhelmed.

"Why did you come out?"

Yuan Yulun walked to Zhang Chen and patted his shoulder, "If I don't come, do you know how to get to Beishan? You need a guide. I've been there for a while. I'm the most suitable person."

Zhang Chen pointed to his head, "What will these people do without your leadership?"

Yuan Yulun rarely smiled and shook his head, "They can't rely on me for their whole lives. If they want to survive in the future, they have to rely on themselves. Don't worry, I have arranged everything. Someone will lead them to survive until the day we successfully break the virus."

After speaking, Yuan Yulun walked to a jeep and looked at Zhang Chen who was still in a daze and said, "Why are you standing there? Get in the car quickly. I have only one dream in my life to be a hero. I didn't realize it in the peaceful and prosperous times before, but I didn't expect it to be realized now that the end of the world is coming!"

Zhang Chen smiled knowingly and got in the car.

With the rising sun, a dilapidated jeep drove towards Beishan.

Recommend a book of the same science fiction type, "Star of the Stars I Want to Soldier Crazy" has nearly one million words. Those who like star science fiction can go and have a look~

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