After Zhang Chen and Yuan Yulun told him about their guess, they didn't say anything more. Although Zhang Chen felt that there was no one nearby, he was afraid that there were some high-tech equipment. After all, the meat processing plant was still working, which meant that there was electricity here. Who knows if there are any cameras running.

After finding an unoccupied room, Zhang Chen and Yuan Yulun hung a sign at the door.

"Let's settle down here now and take a look at the situation here. Then we can talk about other things and make plans before we act." Zhang Chen said after entering the room.

Yuan Yulun also nodded.

"Well, let's take a look at the specific situation here first. In addition, I will go around and see the situation of this gathering place tomorrow."

Zhang Chen agreed, "That's for sure. You can find the talents we need by the way. I will go and investigate Commander Chen and this processing plant!"

The two discussed for a while and then rested separately.

To be honest, today was really tiring. Yuan Yulun was not young anymore, and he fell asleep quickly after lying on the bed.

Zhang Chen woke up early the next morning.

With the light of the sun that had not yet risen, Zhang Chen finally saw the appearance of the entire gathering place.

The entire gathering place was built on the mountain, relying on this gentle slope, directly on the hillside, with steep cliffs on both sides. Only the gentle slope side was accessible, which was a good place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. This was originally the location of the granary. Zhang Chen also saw several cylindrical buildings next to the gathering place.

The entire gathering place was a one-story brick and tile house, which looked old and dilapidated, but Zhang Chen sensed that most of the densely distributed brick and tile houses were inhabited by people. The fewer people lived in the houses near the door, it seemed that they were all people who were more afraid of zombies attacking.

At seven or eight o'clock in the morning, a long line formed in the open space in the center of the gathering place, and a group of fully armed people were distributing food to people.

The food was two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge.

As Zhang Chen approached, a strong meaty aroma came from the porridge.

Zhang Chen wanted to walk forward to see the specific situation, but was stopped by a manager equipped with a rifle, "Hey, if you want to eat, go line up!"

Zhang Chen smiled embarrassedly, turned around and walked to the end of the line to line up.

After waiting for 20 minutes, it was finally Zhang Chen's turn. The person who served the food gave Zhang Chen a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns and urged Zhang Chen to leave quickly.

Zhang Chen took the food back to his residence.

At this time, Yuan Yulun had just woken up. It is conceivable how tired Yuan Yulun was from the journey yesterday.

Zhang Chen saw Yuan Yulun wake up and smiled, "Uncle Yuan is awake, come and eat something." Then he gave Yuan Yulun both steamed buns.

Yuan Yulun took a bite of the still hot steamed bun, and his face was full of aftertaste, "It's delicious!" After saying that, he ate it with a big mouthful.

After eating two bites, Yuan Yulun suddenly smelled a fragrance. He sniffed and saw Zhang Chen stirring a bowl with a wooden stick. He asked curiously, "What is this? It smells so good?"

Zhang Chen replied while stirring, "Meat porridge."

"Meat porridge?! My God, the food in this gathering place is too good, right?" Yuan Yulun looked at the steamed bun in his hand and exclaimed, "Not only are there hot steamed buns, but there is also meat porridge? By the way, why don't you drink it? How about a steamed bun?"

Halfway through the conversation, Yuan Yulun found that Zhang Chen was just stirring the porridge, but he didn't drink a mouthful, so he couldn't help but wonder.

Zhang Chen picked up a small piece of red object from the meat porridge, held it up to his eyes and sneered, "Such delicious porridge, I can't afford it, I'm afraid it will shorten my life!"

Yuan Yulun saw that Zhang Chen seemed to have discovered something, and he walked up to him, looking at the red object that was almost the size of a grain of rice and asked, "What is this?"

Zhang Chen's face was gloomy, "This is a nail, a female nail painted with red nail polish!"

After hearing this, Yuan Yulun looked at the meat porridge in shock, "You, you mean, this is... Ugh!" Halfway through, Yuan Yulun felt nauseous, and most of the steamed buns that had been eaten were vomited out again.

Zhang Chen saw Yuan Yulun vomiting and comforted him, "It's okay, I checked the steamed buns, it's just an ordinary steamed bun."

Although Zhang Chen said this, Yuan Yulun no longer had the heart to eat. After a flustered cleaning of the ground, Yuan Yulun sat opposite Zhang Chen.

"These beasts! They actually did such a heartless thing! What's the difference between them and zombies!" Yuan Yulun roared angrily.

Zhang Chen shook his head, "This is a chaotic world. There are always some people who break their bottom line and principles, and live better and better. This gives them a reason to continue to do evil." Yuan Yulun became more and more angry as he thought about it, and finally stood up and walked out. Zhang Chen hurriedly stopped him, "Uncle Yuan, where are you going?" Yuan Yulun pulled out the machete from his waist, his face full of anger, "I'm going to kill those beasts!" Zhang Chen hurriedly grabbed Yuan Yulun, "Brother Yuan, don't be impulsive, leave this matter to me, your current task is to find useful talents in the entire gathering place! The overall situation is important!" Yuan Yulun also reacted after hearing what Zhang Chen said, but he couldn't swallow this breath, "But what about those beasts? Let them continue to kill and eat people?!" Zhang Chen shook his head, "Of course not, I will go to the processing plant tonight, and I will not let any of these cannibals go!" Yuan Yulun, who had calmed down, nodded when he heard this.

He knew Zhang Chen was very capable, and it was best for him to do this kind of thing. He also had a mission now, and it was more important than the current matter.

That afternoon, Yuan Yulun began to wander around the entire gathering place.

While looking for the talents he needed, he also inquired about all useful information. Of course, there was no lack of benefits for others. In the end times, the benefits were naturally food. These foods were taken out by Zhang Chen. Most of them were high-calorie compressed biscuits and chocolate beef jerky that could be preserved for a long time.

As for Zhang Chen, he took advantage of this time to get a clear picture of the terrain of the entire gathering place and began to think about the evening plan.

Soon a day passed, and Yuan Yulun did not find any useful information at all. Instead, the food in his hand was reduced by more than half.

This was also reasonable. Zhang Chen gave Yuan Yulun a lot of food.

These were all placed in Zhang Chen's storage space. At that time, Zhang Chen had stored a lot of food and water in the city. Anyway, one person could not eat it, so it was better to make some contributions at this time.

At night, when it was quiet, Zhang Chen dodged a group of patrolling managers, secretly flew away from the gathering place on his sword, and flew towards the processing plant.

Zhang Chen also brought the bowl of meat porridge that was distributed in the morning. Zhang Chen wanted to see if these scumbags would eat this bowl of porridge!

Recommend a book, the same sci-fi plane flow, very interesting!

"Villain System Supplier"

I am a system supplier who travels through the world, but I am different from other suppliers. I am a system supplier who specializes in providing bullied villains with the ability to kill the protagonist.

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