The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 73 Ten Thousand Swords

At the same time as last night, Zhang Chen approached the meat processing factory.

Although in Zhang Chen's perception, the auras in the processing plant were disappearing, Zhang Chen did not show any other expression and walked directly to the door.

As expected, it was Zhao Hai and the man from before at the gate.

"What are you doing! You can't go in here, hurry up, hurry up!"

After seeing someone coming, the scolded man stepped forward and blocked Zhang Chen's way, cursing.

Zhang Chen immediately smiled charmingly, holding the meat porridge in his hand and said, "Brother, you don't recognize me? I'm the new one who came yesterday and went the wrong way. This time I came to thank Brother Zhao Hai. If it weren't for I mentioned Brother Zhao Hai’s name at the door, and my brother and I couldn’t even get in.”

When Zhao Hai heard that he came specifically to find him, he immediately stepped forward and pulled the scolded man aside, "Not bad, there is a future. I heard that you want to thank me?"

Zhang Chen immediately nodded and bowed, "Hey! I just want to thank you for coming. I didn't know how to thank you at first, but it turned out that there was meat porridge for breakfast at the gathering place this morning. Isn't this just delivered to you! Don't worry, I've specially heated it up, you can eat it while it's hot!" After saying that, he brought the porridge in front of Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai looked a little unnatural when he saw the porridge Zhang Chen stretched out in front of him and said, "Hey, you can just eat this kind of good food. This is specially prepared for you at the gathering place. We have all eaten it in the evening, and I am now in It’s inconvenient to stand guard.”

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart after hearing Zhao Hai's words, but on the surface he still bowed and humiliated, "Brother Zhao is right, hey, I feel relieved to have you in this gathering place! Brother Zhao, how about this, let's I..." At this point, Zhang Chen stepped in front of Zhao Hai, poured the whole bowl of porridge on Zhao Hai's face, and said in a cold voice, "Let me feed you!"

A whole bowl of meat porridge was slapped on Zhao Hai's face without any waste.

This bowl of porridge was brought here after Zhang Chen specially heated it, and the temperature was not low now. Zhao Hai screamed on the spot, "Ah!" After screaming, he covered his face and rolled on the ground.

The scolded man standing aside saw things suddenly turn out like this and reacted quickly. He took the steel pipe in his hand and whipped it at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen stretched out his hand to grab the incoming steel pipe, straightened up, looked at the scolded man, and said in a cold tone, "Give you a chance to survive and tell me what is processed inside!"

The scolded man saw that Zhang Chen had grabbed the steel pipe directly and wanted to pull away. However, he did not expect that he used all his strength to pull out, but the steel pipe did not move at all.

The more Zhang Chen thought about it, the angrier he became. The angrier he got, the harder he pressed. A sound of teeth grinding came from his hands. It turned out that the steel pipe was being squeezed and deformed.

When the scolded man saw this horrific scene, his inner defenses immediately collapsed. "The people being processed inside are people! It's..." Before he could finish speaking, a cold light instantly killed him.

Zhang Chen walked up to Zhao Hai who was still rolling on the ground with a frosty face, and directly inserted the Xuanyuan Sword into the ground. The Xuanyuan Sword was only a hair away from Zhao Hai's neck.

Zhao Hai didn't dare to move for a moment, he was frozen in place, for fear that if he moved, his head would be cut off.

It turned out that everything Zhao Hai had done before was just an act. It was really painful at first, but soon the porridge cooled down, and Zhao Hai could actually get up at this time, but he could see Zhang Chen's terror. He simply continued to roll. Now seeing Zhang Chen coming directly to him, Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile stiffly, "Ha, ha, brother, what are you doing? Take the sword away quickly, the sword has no eyes!"

Zhang Chen looked at Zhao Hai condescendingly and asked, "Where does the meat in the processing plant come from?"

Zhao Hai's expression changed when he heard this, and he became completely silent. He closed his eyes and looked like he was at the mercy of others.

Zhang Chen sneered, "Zhao Hai, you are a smart man, do you think I won't kill you if you don't tell me?" After saying that, he quickly slashed Zhao Hai's neck with the Xuanyuan Sword.

Zhao Hai covered his neck and looked at Zhang Chen with a stunned expression.

Zhao Hai originally wanted to use the information he told Zhang Chen to let him live. What he didn't expect was that Zhang Chen would kill him regardless of whether he said it or not!

Zhang Chen held the Xuanyuan Sword and walked slowly into the processing factory.

The processing factory is not a small place, and except for the factory building, there is no one anywhere else.

Zhang Chen sensed some auras and found that all the auras were in the factory. Zhang Chen also walked towards the factory.

There were security personnel with live weapons and nuclear bombs at the entrance of the factory, but Zhang Chen did not give them a chance and directly used his sword control skills to kill the man with the gun.

Arriving at the door of the factory, Zhang Chen's ears were filled with the roaring sound of machines. After entering the factory, the scene in front of him made Zhang Chen's eyes red.

Countless people were hung in the air by their necks like cattle and sheep by the huge slaughter hook.

As the assembly line enters one process after another, cleaning, crushing, steaming at high temperature, and finally the finished product appears.

Zhang Chen even saw a girl who was not yet an adult inside!

The girl was covered in black and blue, and it was obvious that she had been ravaged, but these scumbags never wanted to let her go, and in the end they even wanted to eat her!

Zhang Chen has never had such a strong desire to change this sick world.

Nothing here should exist!

At this moment, the Xuanyuan Sword in Zhang Chen's hand began to shake spontaneously.

As the shaking intensified, Xuanyuan Sword slowly floated beside Zhang Chen, emitting a burst of white light.

At the same time, Zhang Chen's mind suddenly appeared with overwhelming flying swords.

Countless flying swords changed unpredictably in the air, and finally burst out with great power. Zhang Chen followed the moves in his mind and used them involuntarily.

As Zhang Chen used this sword move, Xuanyuan Sword burst out with a burst of strong light, flew to Zhang Chen's head and circled. At the same time, behind Xuanyuan Sword, white sword shadows began to appear, and the sword shadows soon circled with Xuanyuan Sword.

One, ten, a hundred!

Finally, when the sword shadows reached a hundred, no new sword shadows appeared!

Countless flying swords emitting white light attracted other people in the processing plant.

At this time, Zhang Chen was still immersed in the sword moves in his mind, and he unconsciously muttered, "Ten Thousand Swords..."

As if hearing Zhang Chen's call, all the sword shadows gathered around Xuanyuan Sword, and a huge lightsaber composed of a hundred flying swords directly chopped on the processing plant.

The white light filled the entire processing plant in an instant, and all the sounds seemed to disappear.

Like a candle in flames, the entire processing plant slowly melted away.

Coming out of the moves in his mind, Zhang Chen shook his body a little weakly.

After seeing the entire processing plant gradually melted away, Zhang Chen murmured, "It's all over..."

Thanks to Tianxiaxiaoqu, Zui Ai Xue, Xinjin, Yuzhongmeigui, Dong Ge, Yongyuan Yufeng for the rewards!

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