The disappearance of the processing plant was discovered early the next morning.

But no one could figure out what happened. Overnight, the entire processing plant became a ruin.

Unfortunately, there was no sound of explosions at night, and the destruction of the processing plant became a mystery.

In the next few days, there was no more meat in the porridge at the Beishan gathering place.

Yuan Yulun knew that Zhang Chen was responsible for the processing plant affairs, but he did not ask Zhang Chen how he did it.

Ever since Zhang Chen came back from the processing factory, he said that he needed to rest. It has been three days now. For three days, he locked himself in the room, and even Yuan Yulun couldn't see Zhang Chen.

It is worth mentioning that the day after Zhang Chen turned the entire processing plant into rubble, the gathering place no longer provided meat porridge, but simple white rice porridge and steamed buns.

Yuan Yulun took a bite of the hot steamed bun in his hand and glanced at the closed door of Zhang Chen's room with some worry, "Xiao Chen won't have any accidents, right?"

After eating, leaving Zhang Chen's share with him, Yuan Yulun went out to look for useful talents.

Yuan Yulun has gained a lot these days. Although there are no real scientific researchers, Yuan Yulun has found several masters and Ph.D. graduates in biological research.

These people were all the original staff of Beishan Granary, and now they have become members of the gathering place. Yuan Yulun is trying his best to win them over, hoping that they will save the world with him.

Therefore, Yuan Yulun can be said to be full of fighting spirit these days.

Zhang Chen has not left his room in the past few days, because Zhang Chen is currently busy redressing the rebellious spiritual energy in his body.

Although Zhang Chen used the powerful Wan Jian Jue last night, 90% of the spiritual energy in his body was consumed by this move.

Don't forget, Zhang Chen still has a strange spiritual energy in his body.

Previously, because he wanted to study this alien spiritual energy, he did not use it up immediately. Now that the spiritual energy in Zhang Chen's body has been exhausted, the originally honest alien spiritual energy has begun to cause mischief again.

This time, due to the severe pain, Zhang Chen was unable to gather spiritual energy, and the alien spiritual energy was raging in his body, causing Zhang Chen to suffer more injuries.


As the alien spiritual energy rioted again, Zhang Chen, who was meditating in the room, spit out a mouthful of blood.

Zhang Chen endured the severe pain and took out the Guiyuan Liquid and drank it for himself.

Through the spiritual energy in the Guiyuan Liquid, some spiritual energy was finally restored.

In the evening, Zhang Chen finally suppressed this alien spiritual energy again.

"I must find time to study this alien spiritual energy. There is only so much left, but it has such huge destructive power. If I can understand the secret inside..."

Zhang Chen stood up and stretched.

These three days were really torturous for Zhang Chen. The spiritual energy in his body was almost like being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. If Zhang Chen hadn't been successful in body training, he might have been torn to pieces this time before he could suppress the spiritual energy.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen persisted in the end.

Zhang Chen, who walked out of the room, saw the food on the table and smiled knowingly.

Uncle Yuan is still very worried about me, and he doesn't know how our plan is being implemented.

Just as Zhang Chen was thinking of this, footsteps came from outside the door, and then Yuan Yulun opened the door.

"You're finally out! How are you? What happened?" Yuan Yulun saw Zhang Chen as soon as he entered the door and immediately asked with concern.

Yuan Yulun has been worried a lot these days.

Zhang Chen was so strong that he locked himself in a room after he came back. Yuan Yulun had no idea what happened specifically. Now that Zhang Chen was fine, he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Yuan, I'm worrying you. How have you been these past few days? Have you gained anything?" Zhang Chen smiled slightly.

As soon as he talked about what he had gained in the past few days, Yuan Yulun became interested and hurriedly pulled Zhang Chen to sit down.

"Let me tell you, there are really some talents in this gathering place. I have found two PhDs in biology and five masters in biology in the past few days. I haven't even gone to the management of this gathering place yet. I'm afraid that we will be exposed. The most important thing is that it is said that there is a biological research institute behind Beishan!" Yuan Yulun said to Zhang Chen with excitement on his face.

"Huh? There's a biology laboratory?"

Zhang Chen's attention was immediately drawn to the laboratory. Although the academic qualifications of doctors and masters are also very high, these people are definitely not as good as those who specialize in scientific research. Moreover, no matter how the laboratory is destroyed, there will still be some research materials and Equipment, this laboratory must not be let go.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen asked in detail, "Do you know the specific situation of this laboratory?"

Yuan Yulun recalled, "They said that this laboratory was originally used to study plant genetic engineering. Because it is close to the granary and there are many experimental subjects, it is more convenient. But now no one goes there and it has been abandoned for three months. , because just before the zombie outbreak, a mudslide occurred here in Beishan, blocking the road. "

When Zhang Chen heard this, he immediately agreed excitedly, "I can go!"

This is simply a gift from God! Other people or cars couldn't pass because of the mudslide, but Zhang Chen could, because it was a plant genetics laboratory and there must be a large number of grain samples. Maybe there were survivors alive there!

Yuan Yulun hesitated, "Zhang Chen, think clearly, there is a mudslide on the road and you can't walk through it at all."

Zhang Chen said confidently, "Don't worry, I will find a way to get through."

The next day, before dawn, Zhang Chen followed Yuan Yulun's words and found a deserted place to fly behind Beishan with his sword.

Due to the lack of human presence in the past three months and the lack of human damage, although Zhang Chen saw the place where the mudslide occurred, he still could not find the laboratory.

Finally, at noon, Zhang Chen saw a reflective place in the woods and found this laboratory completely covered by vegetation.

It turned out that the entire laboratory actually had only one floor, and the rest was underground. On the one hand, this was to prevent special situations such as earthquakes, and on the other hand, it was because this was on the mountain, so it would not be washed away after encountering mudslides and other things.

Now the entire laboratory is covered with vegetation, leaving only a few limited places exposed.

Zhang Chen walked around the laboratory and found no traces of human movement.

"Did everyone inside become zombies?" Zhang Chen was a little uncertain, "Let's go in and take a look."

After finding the door of the laboratory, Zhang Chen used the Xuanyuan Sword to cut open the half-centimeter thick door and walked in.

As soon as he walked in, Zhang Chen smelled the smell of air freshener and the smell of ash after burning a fire.

Zhang Chen was delighted to find this situation.

There are indeed people here!

It seems that there will be gains this time!

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