The laboratory was pitch black, and even Zhang Chen couldn't see what was inside, but Zhang Chen walked in directly because he was skilled and brave.

It was a little dark inside, but after getting used to it, Zhang Chen could still see something.

There was nothing worth Zhang Chen's attention on this floor, and it looked like a reception hall. Zhang Chen finally found an elevator nearby after searching for a while.

The elevator was tightly closed because there was no electricity. Zhang Chen kicked it open and found that the elevator inside was on the first floor.

The surroundings of the elevator were a little dark. Zhang Chen touched it with his hand and found that it was burning ashes, and there was also a greasy smell of grease inside.

Using the Xuanyuan Sword to cut a hole under the elevator, Zhang Chen went directly to the underground floor.

After reaching the underground floor, Zhang Chen found that there were four breaths gathering together at the end of the second underground floor.

Zhang Chen stopped and immediately turned around and ran to the second underground floor.

"Found it!"

At this time, in a closed room at the innermost of the second underground floor of the laboratory, four researchers were resting weakly.

"Yingzi, our food won't last for a few days. We have to go out to find food, otherwise we will all starve to death." One of the men with glasses leaning against the wall said weakly.

"Jianhua, we can't go out. Ziqiu and the others have turned into those terrible monsters. They must be wandering outside now. Going out means death. Sister Yingzi should think so too." One of the female researchers also said weakly.

"The key is not food, but drinking water. We won't starve to death without food for the time being. We don't have much water left. Even if we save it, it can only last for a week at most." Another woman also looked up and replied at this time.

For a while, the dark room fell into silence.

Only the female researcher named Yingzi didn't speak.

"Yingzi? Why don't you speak?" The man with glasses didn't hear Yingzi speak, so he couldn't help asking.

Suddenly, Yingzi made a gesture to silence, "Shh! I heard something coming towards us!"

Zhang Chen had just reached the second underground floor when he found that there were still some machine lights flashing in the dark, which were obviously still working, which made Zhang Chen happy.

This trip was really worthwhile. Not only were there still living researchers, but also these usable instruments were found. This was good news for Zhang Chen.

However, as soon as he reached the second underground floor, Zhang Chen smelled a familiar stench.

After walking a few steps forward, Zhang Chen took the Xuanyuan Sword and finally saw the whole picture of the place with the light emitted from the Xuanyuan Sword.

The entire second underground floor was a huge cultivation base, which seemed to be used for cultivation. There were transparent rooms on both sides, and from time to time one or two zombies stood there and twitched unconsciously.

These were not the key points. The key point was that in the middle of the aisle, there were more than a dozen zombies blocking the entire aisle.

"No wonder the people inside didn't come out. It turned out that they were caught in a jar."

Zhang Chen shook his head, without any nonsense, and directly used the sword control technique to solve the group of zombies.

Then he walked to the room at the end in the direction of perception.

The room at the end was actually completely closed. Zhang Chen could clearly feel that there was a breath sticking to the door just across the distance.

Zhang Chen suddenly had a mischievous mentality and said to the crack of the metal door, "Is there anyone alive inside? If there is, please tell me. I am from the search and rescue team!"

Most of Zhang Chen's voice was blocked by the door, and only a small sound came in, but this was enough. Sister Yingzi, who had been listening carefully, shouted excitedly at this moment.

"There are people inside! There are people inside! Save us out!"

After hearing this, Zhang Chen asked the people inside to retreat.

The door in front of him was a five-centimeter-thick steel plate, but it didn't have much effect on Zhang Chen, after all, the sharpness of the Xuanyuan Sword was not covered.

A stream of spiritual energy was injected into the Xuanyuan Sword, and then Zhang Chen drew an irregular circle on the door, and then kicked it hard with his foot.


The four researchers trapped inside rushed out immediately.

"We are saved!"

"Thank you!"

After the four people rushed out, they found that the surroundings were still dark, and only Zhang Chen stood there intact, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Why are you alone?"

"Where is the rescue team? Didn't they say there was a rescue team outside?"

The researcher named Yingzi calmed down first and said to Zhang Chen.

"Thank you for saving us. I am the person in charge of this institute. Can you please call your captain over?"

Zhang Chen shrugged, "I am the only one here, but it seems that I came in time. It won't be long before you are finished like this."

Yingzi looked at Zhang Chen in disbelief, "What?! You are alone? Those monsters at the door..."

Zhang Chen nodded, "I killed all those zombies."

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, Yingzi suddenly grasped the point.

"These monsters are called zombies? Do you know something? By the way, why did the government only think of saving us now?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "I want to tell you two things. The first thing is that you are very lucky to be saved by me when you are about to die. The second thing is that other places at this time are full of these zombies. The government no longer exists. Now is the real end of the world!"

The four researchers were all shocked.

Zhang Chen let them digest it for a while, and then continued, "According to the rules of the end of the world, since I saved you, your ownership is decided by me." After saying that, Zhang Chen also glanced at the four people around him.

Yingzi immediately pulled the three people behind her and stared at Zhang Chen, "What do you want to do!"

Zhang Chen looked at Yingzi's appearance and suddenly wanted to tease them. He couldn't help but chuckled, "You said what I want to do, hehehe! Of course I want to..." At this point, Zhang Chen paused and began to slowly walk towards them.

Yingzi followed Zhang Chen's footsteps and kept retreating, shouting, "Don't come over, I will be rude to you if you come over again!"

At the same time, the man with glasses behind Yingzi also stood in front. Although he was afraid, he still straightened his chest and looked generous and martyred, "You, you, if you have the guts, come at me!"

"Come at me! I'll go with you!"

"Come at me, let sister Yingzi and the others go!"

The two female researchers behind Yingzi also stood up.

Zhang Chen nodded when he saw this scene, "Hehe, I wanted to pick and choose, but now it seems that I want all of you!"

Zhang Chen saw the reactions of these four people, and he couldn't help but nodded.

At least they have the courage to sacrifice themselves, not bad!

When the man with the eyes heard what Zhang Chen said, he immediately cried and said to Yingzi aggrievedly, "Sister Yingzi, he, he didn't even let me, a man, go..."

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