The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 76 Everything is ready

Zhang Chen laughed evilly and directly grabbed the four researchers and pulled them in front of him.

"You, what are you going to do..." The four researchers exclaimed, their voices trembling. Although they knew what Zhang Chen might want to do, they were still a little nervous. This was their first time to have such close contact with a man!

"I saved your lives, don't you want to repay me?" Wu Fei laughed evilly and directly pulled the researcher named Yingzi into his arms, not giving her a chance to speak.

The researcher named Yingzi wanted to speak, but when the words came to her lips, they turned into silence and tears.

"Oh, you still feel wronged? Isn't this handsome guy handsome?" Zhang Chen continued to play the role of the bad guy.

"If you want to repay, ask me, don't embarrass Sister Yingzi! I... I'm still a virgin!" The man with glasses mustered up the courage to stop in front of Yingzi.

"Puff! Get out of the way. I don't have a good relationship with Long Yang. Even if your anus is beautiful, I won't look down on it!" Seeing the serious look of the man with glasses, even Zhang Chen was amused. His image as a bad guy collapsed at this moment.

"I lied to you. To be honest, I am actually a good person, a 24K pure gold good person. I came here to save you and to find a way to crack the virus with you and bring peace to the world. I just played a little joke on you. Through this joke, I can see that your character is great. So I also believe that you can find a way to dissolve the virus with the encouragement of your spirit of unity!"

"Really?" The four researchers' eyes flashed with doubtful little stars, but they relaxed a little in their hearts.

"Do I need to lie to you?" Zhang Chen asked playfully, spreading his hands. The four researchers thought about it and realized that it was really unnecessary as Zhang Chen said. In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is true. Since Zhang Chen can deal with so many zombies alone, there is no need to lie to them with his strength, even if he has any intentions.

In the current situation, the four of them have become hostages in his hands. He can use force. There is no need to treat them gently and procrastinate.

After thinking this through, the four researchers finally let down their guard, "Where are you taking us? You should tell us this, right?" Although they knew that Zhang Chen had no ill intentions, as a researcher, Yingzi still had a trace of curiosity and skepticism. To put it bluntly, she didn't like the feeling of fate floating on the water and being illusory.

"I'm going to take you to meet a few people, and then go to the institute!" After saying that, Zhang Chen stopped talking nonsense and opened the way in front.

Walking on the street, looking at the zombies chasing and blocking, the dilapidated streets, and the thick smoke covering the sky... The four researchers were shocked. Is this still the once prosperous city? The rampage of zombies is really terrifying.

The time goes back to a few days ago. A large number of zombies attacked the suburbs of this city overnight. In just ten minutes, the suburbs were declared lost.

Of course, this is because people have never encountered such a situation before and were caught off guard. Anyway, most of the people who listened to the advice had already retreated into the city. Only a few people who were seeking their own death were left.

Under the leadership of Zhang Chen, the four researchers successfully arrived at the destination and met with Yuan Yulun and the doctoral and master students of biology. Zhang Chen announced his plan to save the world, and several people present, including the researchers, also expressed their support.

Back at the institute, several people were ready to do a big job, but at this time they found a problem, that is, energy. If there is not enough energy, they can't complete the experiment of studying the virus at all, which is the most fatal.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Zhang Chen thought of a way, that is, to get rid of the current ruler of Beishan and completely control the Beishan gathering place.

The reason for looking here is that the Beishan gathering place broke out relatively late, so there is enough time to plan and build a defense system in the city.

First of all, the Beishan gathering place surrounded the entire main urban area with a wall. Secondly, inside the wall, four walls were used to surround Beishan like a castle similar to a container.

Beishan's central urban area is a long and narrow urban area that runs from north to south, dividing the round and square main urban area into two parts, the new urban area in the east and the old urban area in the west.

The so-called old urban area is actually Beishan's old neighborhood, but because there are too many civilians, Beishan directly razed all the bungalows in the old neighborhood and built dense board houses in the urban area, including simple hospitals, water stations, food stations, etc., to receive more surviving suburban citizens.

The new urban area is a prosperous downtown area with high-rise buildings. It is still the same as before, and there is no change.

According to Zhang Chen's idea, the central urban area is used as a transition area. If a large-scale mutation occurs in the new urban area, the central urban area can open the two gates connected to the new urban area to allow residents of the new urban area to quickly move to the central urban area and the old urban area.

Similarly, if a large-scale mutation occurs in the old city, the central city will open the gate connecting to the old city to transfer the people... Of course, if mutation occurs on both sides at the same time, whether to open it or not is a problem!

What attracted Zhang Chen the most was a supply base built by the river one kilometer away from the Beishan gathering place.

Although the area of ​​this supply base is not large, it has everything, including a helipad, granary, water source, diesel, arsenal... It is simply a small military base. If this supply station is completely controlled, it will undoubtedly be the best for their experiments and plans to save the world.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen no longer hesitated to assassinate the rulers and senior management of Beishan, and then took the opportunity to seize control of Beidi. Yuan Yulun naturally did not want to fall behind, but considering Yuan Yulun's strength and in order not to dampen his enthusiasm, Zhang Chen decided to act quietly alone at night.

At night, everything was quiet. Zhang Chen quietly slipped out of the room and jumped. In a few breaths, Zhang Chen jumped to the residence of the management of Beishan gathering place.

His sharp eyes scanned the surroundings and directly located the center of this residential area.

There it is!

After Zhang Chen locked the position, he rushed towards that position and arrived at the center of the gathering place in just one minute.

Standing on the top of the tall building, looking at the lighted building below, Zhang Chen knew that the person he was looking for was in this room.

However, there were many alarms flashing blue light at the gate of this building, which monitored all the locations that could enter this building.

Update is here! The author has also created a book club, and interested readers can come in and chat~ This chapter is a bit sloppy, everyone just read it, and I will make up for it later!

Group number: 618030592

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