Hearing the voice of the zombies, Zhang Chen's face suddenly turned ugly.

Zhang Chen is really exhausted now. If there is another battle, Zhang Chen will definitely die.

Listening to the roars of the zombies in the distance, Zhang Chen once again squeezed the spiritual energy in his body and forced his sword to fly towards the Beishan gathering place.

Zhang Chen was flying crookedly in the air with his left arm covered.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen still retained some Guiyuan Liquid from before. This trace of Guiyuan Liquid allowed Zhang Chen to maintain a trace of spiritual energy in his body.

Zhang Chen relied on squeezing this trace of spiritual energy to fly to Beishan all the way.

Finally, after passing three barriers, Zhang Chen could no longer hold on and fell directly from the flying sword.

Zhang Chen, who fell to the ground, felt his eyes getting more and more drowsy, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

Zhang Chen lay on the road all night until the next day when he was seen by people who came out to collect supplies from the Beishan gathering place and carried him back.

At this time, the wound on Zhang Chen's left arm had begun to worsen, and pus was flowing from the wound.

After Zhang Chen was carried back, Yuan Yulun was shocked. Seeing the wound on Zhang Chen's left arm and the remaining flesh whip on it, Yuan Yulun's face turned ugly, and he immediately sent someone to send Zhang Chen to the laboratory in the back mountain.

Yuan Yulun followed Zhang Chen all the way to the laboratory.

The laboratory had already received the news, especially Yingzi. After hearing that Zhang Chen had an accident, he immediately put down his work and came to the entrance of the laboratory to wait for Zhang Chen's arrival.

When people in the laboratory saw that Zhang Chen, a powerful man, was now so weak that he was unconscious, the eyes of the four researchers who were originally rescued by Zhang Chen turned red.

Yuan Yulun was stopped directly outside, and Zhang Chen was sent to the laboratory.

Although there have not been many breakthroughs in the laboratory during this period, the virus has been able to be diluted, and Zhang Chen’s wounds also need to be treated. Especially this kind of meat whip contains a large amount of zombie viruses. If not treated, Zhang Chen will The situation can only worsen.

In a sterile room, Yingzi and several researchers were fully armed.

Yingzi, who was wearing a mask, used surgical forceps to open Zhang Chen's wound and said behind her, "Hydrogen peroxide!"

The researcher behind him immediately brought hydrogen peroxide.

After nearly five hours of treatment, the flesh whip from Zhang Chen's wound was finally removed.

When Yingzi took out the entire penis, everyone present gasped.

The entire meat whip was as thick as a baby's forearm. At the top of the meat whip, more than a dozen bone spurs popped out. The reason why Yingzi spent five hours was because there were more than a dozen bony barbs on the meat whip.

After Yingzi took out the meat whip, he immediately treated Zhang Chen's wounds.

Around Zhang Chen's wound, the flesh and blood was filled with gray-black liquid.

Yingzi's expression changed when she saw the wound, "The wound has worsened, and the zombie virus has entered Zhang Chen's body." At this time, Yingzi turned to look at the researcher aside, "What are Zhang Chen's vital characteristics?"

"Everything is stable now!"

Yingzi thought for a moment and immediately said decisively, "The blood test must be taken from the chest area." After Yingzi finished speaking, he immediately began to treat Zhang Chen's wounds.

At the same time, in order to prevent the zombie virus from spreading rapidly, Yingzi also cut out all the mutated flesh and blood around him.

When the surrounding area was bleeding again, Yingzi breathed a sigh of relief.

The entire treatment process lasted ten hours. During these ten hours, not only Yingzi and the other researchers did not sleep, but Yuan Yulun also did not sleep.

Yuan Yulun did not leave after sending Zhang Chen to the laboratory, but waited anxiously outside.

Zhang Chen is a person he admires very much, not only because of his strength, but also because of Zhang Chen's special temperament, an otherworldly temperament. Moreover, Zhang Chen is Yuan Yulun's only close friend in the world.

After such a long period of contact, Yuan Yulun also realized that Zhang Chen's words about saving the world were just rhetoric to convince himself. However, Yuan Yulun still regarded Zhang Chen as a friend because Zhang Chen had worked so hard for this rhetoric at that time. Now, This rhetoric is also slowly coming true.

After waiting for nearly ten hours, Yingzi finally walked out of the laboratory tiredly.

Yuan Yulun heard the noise and immediately rushed to Yingzi, "How is Zhang Chen?"

Yingzi frowned, "The wounds have been treated and the zombie's limbs have been taken out. Now there is no life-threatening danger, but..."

"But what?"

Yuan Yulun's relief after hearing that his life was no longer in danger was revived by Yingzi's words.

Yingzi sighed, "The zombie virus has spread in Zhang Chen's body. Although the speed is extremely slow, it will take up to three months. After three months, he..."

When Yuan Yulun heard this, he was silent for a while, rubbed his face with his hands habitually, and walked out without looking back.

When Yingzi saw Yuan Yulun was about to leave, he couldn't help but ask, "Where are you going?"

Yuan Yulun walked faster and faster, and in the end he was almost trotting all the way, "Find more scientific researchers! I must save Zhang Chen!"

Three days later, Zhang Chen woke up leisurely.

"Where is this?" Zhang Chen's hoarse voice startled him.

Not far away from Zhang Chen, a man with glasses was taking a nap. He was suddenly awakened by Zhang Chen's voice. When he saw Zhang Chen woke up, he immediately came to Zhang Chen's side, "Brother Zhang Chen, how do you feel?"

Zhang Chen smiled weakly, his voice unusually hoarse, "Everything else is fine, just a little thirsty."

The man with glasses immediately went to pour water for Zhang Chen.

After drinking the water, Zhang Chen finally regained some strength.

"What's going on?"

The man with glasses thought for a while, and hesitantly said, "Nothing, Brother Zhang Chen, you are just too tired."

Zhang Chen shook his head and smiled, "Do you think I'm a fool? I was clearly in the city before, how could I appear in the laboratory?"

The man with glasses couldn't hide it anymore, so he could only tell Zhang Chen Yingzi's judgment honestly.

Zhang Chen digested the information from the man with glasses and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I'm a little tired."

Knowing that Zhang Chen was in a complicated mood at this time, the man with glasses nodded, "Brother Zhang Chen, then you have a good rest, I'll be outside the door, call me if you have anything."

Zhang Chen nodded and smiled, "Got it."

After the man with glasses went out, Zhang Chen wanted to get up, but he had no strength in his body and there was a piercing pain in his left arm.

Zhang Chen looked at the white bandage on his left arm and smiled bitterly, "This time I really capsized in the gutter!"

At this moment, Zhang Chen suddenly felt his left hand move uncontrollably.

Zhang Chen looked at his left hand and found that the fingers and nails of his left hand were a little gray.

"Is it infected? Well, this is also expected."

Zhang Chen never thought that he would be infected after completing the task. Maybe this is God's will.

If it happens again, Zhang Chen will definitely not be so arrogant, but... there may not be a second time.

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