Zhang Chen has not left the laboratory since he woke up.

Every day, Zhang Chen has only one thing to do, which is to suppress the zombie virus as much as possible.

Even so, the zombie virus in Zhang Chen's body continued to spread.

The entire laboratory began to work day and night.

At the same time, Yuan Yulun will also send some biological research talents from outside into the laboratory from time to time.

Because Zhang Chen was infected with the virus, it can be said that everyone in the laboratory and Yuan Yulun were working hard.

Zhang Chen's daily life in the laboratory is also very simple.

Eat, practice, and sleep.

But from time to time, Zhang Chen would check the first task.

[Advanced mission (optional): Change the direction of the world! The current progress is 10%]

In just a few weeks, the progress bar has reached one-tenth. For Zhang Chen, this is a good thing, but at this speed, Zhang Chen cannot see that the world has been completely changed.

With this mentality, Zhang Chen cherishes every day.

As time went by, the zombie virus had spread to Zhang Chen's entire left arm.

Zhang Chen used all his spiritual energy to suppress it and sealed all the zombie viruses in his left arm.

Almost every day, Zhang Chen used more spiritual energy to suppress it.

On the test bench in the laboratory.

Yingzi is observing the specific structure of the zombie virus.

"Inject digestive enzymes and see how the virus reacts."

"The digestive enzymes are completely swallowed up, and the number of viruses increases exponentially!"

When Yingzi heard this, he immediately came to the microscope, looked at the situation of the virus, raised his head, and shook his head at the people around him, "The experiment failed again."

Everyone around was silent.

The man with glasses was also one of them. He was a little frustrated. "According to this, let's not talk about helping Brother Zhang Chen. It is a matter of whether we can break the current experiment."

Yingzi was a little sad when she heard that, turned around and asked, "How is Zhang Chen?"

The man with glasses shook his head sadly, "Although the zombie virus spreads very slowly, if Brother Zhang Chen continues like this, he will turn into a zombie sooner or later."

Although the virus spreads slowly...will it turn into a zombie sooner or later...

Yingzi sighed. Unexpectedly, even the man with always optimistic eyes was not optimistic about this scientific research.

At this moment, Yingzi suddenly thought of something and immediately came to the eyes man and said excitedly, "Did you just say that the zombie virus spreads very slowly in Zhang Chen's body?!"

The man with eyes nodded, a little confused, "Yes, Sister Yingzi, what's wrong?"

Yingzi looked excited and explained while packing things on the test bench, "Everyone knows that the onset period of the zombie virus is within 1-3 days, but Zhang Chen has not developed the disease yet, which means that Zhang Chen There is a certain substance in the body that can fight zombie viruses. As long as we can find this substance and refine it, this is the way God has given us!"

After saying that, Yingzi packed up her things and rushed out of the room, "You guys bring your things, I'll go to Zhang Chen's place first!"

Zhang Chen was suppressing the zombie virus at this time. To be honest, the zombie virus reproduced too fast, and Zhang Chen could only suppress it with all his strength, so Zhang Chen no longer had much energy to do other things.

After Yingzi came over, she saw Zhang Chen sitting cross-legged on the bed. At the same time, his left arm twitched involuntarily from time to time. Seeing the zombie virus that almost reached the shoulder of his left arm, Yingzi asked worriedly, "Zhang Chen, are you okay?"

Zhang Chen completely suppressed the virus again, opened his eyes and saw Yingzi, smiled and shook his head.

"Why do you have time to come to my place today? Don't you have to do experiments?"

Yingzi gritted his teeth and said, "Zhang Chen, can you cooperate with us? We want to use you as a breakthrough to thoroughly research the zombie virus."

Zhang Chen never thought that he, who was about to become a zombie, would still have time to contribute, "Yes, let me make some contribution to you in the end."

This time the experiment was turned into a rescue plan by Yingzi, not only to save the world, but also to save Zhang Chen! Save this person who once brought them hope and led them from darkness to light!

In the next few days, Zhang Chen spent time on the experimental bench.

Yingzi led the researchers to explore the secrets of Zhang Chen.

It doesn't matter if you don't do research, Zhang Chen's physical data has scared Yingzi and the others out of their wits.

With a physical fitness that is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people, and a metabolism that is far lower than that of ordinary people, Zhang Chen's physical data was noticed by all researchers.

This Zhang Chen is a monster! A humanoid monster, I really don’t know how he exercises.

But Yingzi didn't care about this. If it weren't for Zhang Chen's extraordinary strength, Zhang Chen would never have come to the laboratory to save them alone. Therefore, Yingzi had already prepared for this data. The main purpose now is to find Zhang Chen. The trace of antibodies on his body that can fight against the zombie virus.

After another two weeks, Zhang Chen was controlled by the zombie virus once. That time, the entire test bench was smashed to pieces by Zhang Chen. Fortunately, Zhang Chen asked Yingzi to take defensive measures in advance, so no one was hurt. However, Zhang Chen lost control this time, making all the researchers anxious.

time is limited……

Finally, one day after this out-of-control incident, Yingzi found a trace of special substance in a small cell in Zhang Chen's body.

After careful observation, Yingzi discovered that this special substance could completely resist the erosion of the zombie virus.

"Found it!" Yingzi picked up the lens with a trace of special substance and said excitedly.

This special substance is extracted from the lactic acid in Zhang Chen's muscles, that is, as long as humans overload exercise, they can produce antibodies against the zombie virus!

However, the zombie virus can grow rapidly with the acceleration of heartbeat and metabolism, so Yingzi has never found it. Now this is hope.

In the next few weeks, the entire Beishan gathering place was crazy. Yuan Yulun gave the survivors of the entire Beishan gathering place a task, run!

There is no time limit, no place limit, only one requirement! Can't stop!

Yuan Yulun also joined in.

While leading a group of people to run on Beishan, Yuan Yulun looked in the direction of the laboratory.

Brother Zhang Chen! You saved me before, this time, it's my turn!

Although everyone in the entire Beishan gathering place participated, this antibody was really pitiful, and less than five milliliters of special substances could be extracted every day.

And in Zhang Chen's case, at least 50 milliliters are needed, that is, it takes at least ten days.

In the laboratory, Zhang Chen's unconscious roar and the sound of smashing things were heard. Outside the door, the man with glasses felt a little painful.

Yingzi came over hurriedly at this time. The man with glasses immediately greeted him after seeing him, "Sister Yingzi, Brother Zhang Chen's illness is getting more and more frequent!"

Yingzi listened to Zhang Chen's roar in the room with a serious expression, but she was silently cheering for Zhang Chen in her heart!

Zhang Chen, hold on! You saved us once, now it's our turn to save you!

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