The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 82 The world saved by running

A week passed quickly, and Zhang Chen's condition became more and more critical. Now Zhang Chen's body had a dark-gray complexion, and his eyes began to turn red day and night.

Next, Zhang Chen may turn into a zombie at any time.

Yuan Yulun is still running day and night.

After a week, the entire Beishan gathering place knew that running could produce antibodies against the zombie virus, so everyone ran even more desperately.

Originally, Yingzi thought that this substance would only be available in sufficient quantity on the tenth day, but Yingzi did not expect that people sometimes don't know how much power they have in their bodies unless they push themselves.

As the run progressed, that trace of special substance increased rapidly in everyone's bodies. As long as they maintained this state, they would not turn into zombies even if they were bitten by zombies.

On the ninth day, the special substance increased from 38 ml to 63 ml in just one day, a full increase of double!

Everyone in the laboratory became excited.

After receiving the news, Yuan Yulun dragged his exhausted body to the laboratory.

Just to witness the moment when Zhang Chen regained his health.

As for Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen has always been thinking about it.

Zhang Chen could clearly see himself going crazy and biting everywhere, but Zhang Chen was like a bystander, watching his body doing all this on his own.

Yingzi and Yuan Yulun looked at Zhang Chen who was tied tightly but moving restlessly through the tempered glass.

Yuan Yulun suddenly looked into Zhang Chen's eyes. In Zhang Chen's eyes, Yuan Yulun saw a hint of relief, some encouragement, and... a blessing. Yuan Yulun was silent for a moment and said to Yingzi, "Let me go."

Yingzi was a little silent.

To be honest, in Zhang Chen's current situation, no one knows whether the zombie virus has invaded the brain. If the brain is also eroded, then even if Zhang Chen is saved in the end, Zhang Chen's brain will be irreversibly damaged.

From now on, I will become an idiot if I can't say it.

However, Yingzi did not say these words, but nodded after the silence, "Go ahead."

It doesn't matter if you let Yuan Yulun go, there will be a beginning and an end.

Yuan Yulun clenched the syringe in his hand and opened the door directly.

As the door was opened, Zhang Chen's body felt like a shark smelling blood, and he began to become even more restless.

Yuan Yulun came to Zhang Chen's side and felt a little sad to see this once powerful man turn into this inhuman appearance.

Holding the syringe and looking at Zhang Chen who was moving around, Yuan Yulun became a little anxious.

If Zhang Chen keeps moving like this, the syringe is likely to be damaged. The syringe can be replaced but the special substance inside will not be left in the entire laboratory. Therefore, Yuan Yulun only has one chance, and he must succeed at the first time!

"Brother, if you are still conscious, just blink your eyes! Keep your body still, this is the last resort! I'm here to save you!"

Zhang Chen heard Yuan Yulun's voice and roared in his heart!

my body! listen to me! Please calm down!

Later, his huge willpower temporarily defeated the restless zombie virus in his body.

Zhang Chen also briefly regained control of his body.

Looking at Zhang Chen who had calmed down, Yuan Yulun was glad that Zhang Chen was still conscious and at the same time, he took a deep breath and said, "I'm coming next, brother, are you ready?"

Zhang Chen raised his right hand with difficulty and gave Yuan Yulun a thumbs up.

Yuan Yulun quickly inserted the syringe into Zhang Chen's body and quickly injected all the special substances into Zhang Chen's body.

At that moment, Zhang Chen felt pain that he had not felt for several weeks.

This is not the first time Zhang Chen has felt such pain, but it is the first time Zhang Chen has discovered that pain is a good thing.

The pain kept spreading in Zhang Chen's body along Zhang Chen's blood.

Zhang Chen found that the zombie virus had calmed down at this moment, and began to fight against the invading special substances with all its strength.

At this time, Zhang Chen no longer held back, and the compressed spiritual energy that filled his mind instantly attacked, combined with special substances to destroy the zombie virus in his body.

Gradually, Zhang Chen felt that he had regained control of his body. Although his body had been completely destroyed, the process of regaining his body was also extremely painful.

But Zhang Chen was laughing.

Yuan Yulun watched from the sidelines as Zhang Chen, who had almost turned into a zombie, went from screaming unconsciously in pain at the beginning to faintly audible laughter at the end. He clenched his fists excitedly and waved them hard in the air.


Yingzi heard Zhang Chen's roaring laughter outside the tempered glass, covered her mouth and shed tears.

Success! Zhang Chen is saved! This saved!

Three days later, Zhang Chen was wrapped in bandages, with only his eyes and mouth exposed. He was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed around the entire Beishan gathering place by Yuan Yulun.

At the last moment, the zombie virus in Zhang Chen's body was finally eliminated, but Zhang Chen's body was also greatly damaged. Now Zhang Chen can be said to be the most seriously injured, and even his vocal cords have suffered huge damage. .

Yuan Yulun pushed the wheelchair, pointed at the people running in circles outside the gathering place, and said to Zhang Chen, "Brother, look! This is the basis for us to save the world. Next, Yingzi is going to develop a highly concentrated, fast-response method that relies on air The antidote to communication, and we ordinary people are the raw material!”

"No, you are not ordinary people, you are heroes, heroes living in reality."

Zhang Chen's voice was a little small, almost inaudible, but Yuan Yulun heard it.

The sun's rays shone down, and the people of the entire Beishan gathering place waved their sweat in the sun, running to save the world.

A week later, Zhang Chen's injuries improved a lot, and Zhang Chen began to condense Guiyuan Liquid to help himself recover.

Three days later, Zhang Chen's injuries had completely recovered, but his spiritual energy had not yet recovered, but it was not important to Zhang Chen now. After all, Zhang Chen no longer needed to fight in this situation.

It is worth mentioning that because Zhang Chen's Dantian was damaged, although it was repaired, Zhang Chen's spiritual energy did not return to the new Dantian, but condensed at the position of the eyebrows.

Zhang Chen didn't know whether this was good or bad, but since there were no sequelae now, Zhang Chen didn't care about him anymore.

After this experience, Zhang Chen's body training finally reached its peak, and with all the tasks completed, Zhang Chen could leave with peace of mind.

The day of leaving finally came, and Zhang Chen called everyone to the door of the Beishan gathering place.

Looking at the dark crowd, and Yingzi, Yuan Yulun and others who were lined up in front of the crowd, Zhang Chen bowed solemnly.

"I'm leaving, thank you for your help."

Yuan Yulun was a little reluctant and said sadly, "Brother, can't you not leave?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and smiled at everyone, "My time is up, thank you very much, see you again in the future! Uncle Yuan, Yingzi, Glasses, you must save this world. When I come back, I hope there will be no zombies in this world, and you can all live happily!"

"Gentlemen! Run! Run out of hope! Run out of a future!"

After speaking, Zhang Chen waved to everyone, a white light flashed, and there was no trace of Zhang Chen at the original place.

After seeing this scene, the people in the entire Beishan gathering place made a lot of noise, and some even knelt down on the spot to the place where Zhang Chen disappeared.

What Zhang Chen didn't know was that many years later, this place had become a holy place for mankind. When he came to this world again, a statue of him nearly 100 meters high had been erected here.

Yuan Yulun looked at the place where Zhang Chen disappeared and smiled.

Brother, don't worry, I'll wait for you to come back!

Thanks: Pain or Sorrow Which One is Youchou for the reward!

Another world ends! Sprinkle flowers!

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