A white light flashed in the return space, and Zhang Chen appeared on the teleportation platform again.

Looking at the return space that had not changed for several months, Zhang Chen sighed.

After traveling through so many worlds and staying in these worlds for longer and longer, Zhang Chen sometimes couldn't tell which world was real.

The people in each world were flesh and blood, and Zhang Chen still remembered it.

Li Yiru in the Xianjian plane, Jiang Lao who led him into the Tao, and the quail bird with a quirky personality but not falling down at the critical moment, Si Ge and Monte who fought side by side with Zhang Chen, and Yuan Yulun in this world.

The existence of these people made Zhang Chen feel like he was reincarnated again and again in various different worlds.

Zhang Chen smiled and shook his head.

"This time I escaped from death again, which really made me a little sentimental..."

[All tasks completed! Start calculating rewards! ]

[Tasks to eliminate 100 mutant zombies to complete the reward of an intermediate lottery! ]

[Advanced tasks completed! Rewards for an advanced lottery! 】

【Due to the change in the process of the plane world, the origin of the world has been assimilated with the return space, and the plane will be fully open in the return space in the future! 】

Zhang Chen was a little excited after receiving these messages.

The zombie world has come to an end for Zhang Chen now, but Zhang Chen will have the opportunity to return to this world in the future, and he can meet Yuan Yulun and Yingzi and others. This is enough for Zhang Chen.

"And... the system's notification also explains a truth. As long as this kind of world appears again in the future, there will be hope to go back and take a look." Zhang Chen thought of this, and his thoughts had drifted to a distant place.

As for the lottery, Zhang Chen is not in the mood now, and there is nothing good in this world. It is better to put this lottery in the next plane.

By the way, there is also the authority building. Now Zhang Chen only has that authority building and doesn't know how to use it.

Zhang Chen thought of this and started to call the system, "System, is the system here?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"How much authority do I have now?"

This is the answer Zhang Chen wants to know most. It can be seen that there are still many places that need to be improved in the current return space. If new traversers appear in the future, how will Zhang Chen deal with it?

"According to the system's calculation, your current authority is intermediate authority, but because the Return Space and you have a symbiotic relationship, your authority is only below the system, so your authority allows you to participate in the construction of the entire Return Space." The system quickly came back.

Zhang Chen felt relieved when he heard this.

To be honest, Zhang Chen did not want to have any privileges, as long as he could suppress newcomers in the future, if, someone really came here in the future.

But soon Zhang Chen wanted to hear the system's hidden meaning.

"Participate in the construction of the Return Space? You mean, if the Return Space is built, I can bring people in here? Travel with me?" Zhang Chen quickly thought of this.

"That's right, but this requires at least five basic buildings in the Return Space. Now there are still two buildings to upgrade the Return Space again." The system's answer is always fast.

Zhang Chen thought that he could lead a group of younger brothers in the future, be a boss, and travel to a plane to make trouble when he had nothing to do. He was a little excited when he thought about it!

"Then how can we add two new buildings to the Return Space?" Zhang Chen asked impatiently.

"Please enter the authority building for all inquiries!"

Zhang Chen ran into the authority building without waiting for the system to finish.

The authority building was very strange. The door was pitch black. It was pitch black inside and nothing could be seen, just like a black hole.

But when Zhang Chen walked here, the originally black door suddenly changed into a light door.

Zhang Chen walked in without hesitation.

This was the first time Zhang Chen saw the scene inside the authority building.

The entire authority building was like a starry sky, with only a light door in the starry sky. Not far in front of Zhang Chen, there was a white ball as big as a head suspended in the air.

Zhang Chen walked over and stood next to the ball, and a stream of information rushed into Zhang Chen's mind.

This ball is the hub that controls the entire plane space. This authority hall is also very strange. There are a total of eight doors, and each door can be entered, but the space entered by each person is different.

Zhang Chen put his hand on the ball, and the surrounding starry sky was infinitely stretched in an instant, and an island that seemed to be suspended in the starry sky appeared in front of Zhang Chen.

"So this is what returning to space looks like..." Zhang Chen murmured.

At this time, two boxes appeared below the return space.

One box showed 1 point of origin, and the other box showed countless buildings, but except for the first one that was lit, the other buildings were gray and black, and obviously could not be built.

Zhang Chen felt very interesting. This was like a construction game. You could build it if you had money, but it was more complicated than a construction game, because if the construction was unreasonable, it would be a big trouble in the future.

Zhang Chen looked carefully at the buildings that could be built.

Treasure Pavilion: Used to exchange plane points, you can exchange for unique things in each plane, and consume a little origin!

After thinking about it, Zhang Chen asked the system, "System, is it possible that the traversers behind me are superior to me?"

"Impossible, you always have the most authority, or you can say that you are the creator of the entire return space, and they are the residents and contract workers in the return space. At the same time, the more traversers there are, the more benefits there are for you, which can allow you to collect the origin of the plane faster." The system quickly gave an affirmative answer.

In fact, Zhang Chen couldn't figure out why the system wanted so many traversers, but since his status and interests would not be infringed and it could help him, Zhang Chen would naturally not refuse.

After using his mind to control the selection of the treasure pavilion, Zhang Chen directly placed the treasure pavilion near the transmission platform.

Not because of anything else, just because Zhang Chen was lazy.

Zhang Chen thought that since the other three buildings were placed together, it would be okay to put the treasure pavilion here, right?

After the selection was completed, Zhang Chen walked out of the authority hall.

Coming out of the hall, sure enough, at the location Zhang Chen had just selected, a thick white fog shrouded it.

[The treasure pavilion is under construction, please check it after twelve hours! ]

Zhang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"This authority hall is quite interesting. I'll have to come here more often in the future."

After returning to the space, Zhang Chen was done with everything and didn't plan to draw the lottery. With a flash of white light, he returned to the real world.

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