The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 88: One is more ruthless than the other

Zhang Deshuai just stopped the car and walked to the Wanderer Bar impatiently.

"Hey, Lin Xue, this little girl, is about to come to my arms." Zhang Deshuai thought so while walking to the Wanderer Bar.

He wanted to find a woman in the bar to vent his evil fire first.

The reason why Zhang Deshuai often came to this bar was because this bar was opened by his younger brother. With this relationship, Zhang Deshuai had ruined countless girls in this bar.

This time, as usual, Zhang Deshuai went directly to the bar after entering the bar.

Sitting on the high stool at the bar, Zhang Deshuai knocked on the table, "Xiao Gao!"

The bartender heard someone calling his name, turned his head and saw Zhang Deshuai, and immediately smiled, "Brother Zhang, you are here, what do you want today?"

Zhang Deshuai saw the bartender's lackey look and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, not bad, okay, old rules!"


The bartender immediately turned around and got busy.

Zhang Deshuai only started to look around at this time to find his prey tonight.

Just as Zhang Deshuai looked around, a soft female voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Excuse me, are you alone?"

Zhang Deshuai looked back and saw a beautiful woman standing there.

Her hair was waist-length, her eyes were big, but not abrupt at all, and her face was not a melon-seed face, but it was very harmonious.

She was wearing a black dress, and the low-cut dress made her hot body more prominent.

"A beauty! The best!"

After Zhang Deshuai saw this beauty, only these two words popped up in his mind.

If Lin Xue has a mature charm and a mature charm, this beauty is a combination of dignity and gracefulness, which can be said to be comparable to Lin Xue.

Zhang Deshuai was stunned for a while, but his experience of seeing countless women still made him react instantly.

"Of course, it's a person, beautiful woman, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Deshuai was a little flustered, but in order to have a good performance in front of the beauty, he still calmly lifted his hair and said lightly.

"If there is no one, do you mind having a drink with me?" The woman smiled and raised the cocktail in her hand.

Zhang Deshuai couldn't wait to clink glasses with the woman, "I am honored to drink with a beauty like you." After saying that, he drank the cocktail that had just been placed in front of him in one breath.

After the woman took a sip of the cocktail, a blush appeared on her face, and she apologized to Zhang Deshuai, "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom." After saying that, she got up and walked out.

Zhang Deshuai saw the opportunity and hurriedly took out a white pill from his arms and put it directly into the woman's cocktail, then pretended to look around as if nothing had happened.

The bartender Xiao Gao caught a glimpse of this scene with his peripheral vision, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This bastard not only often comes to eat and drink, but also often chews his outstanding works like a cow chewing peony and drinks it in one gulp. He doesn't know how many girls he has harmed here! If it weren't for the fact that he was the boss's brother, Xiao Gao would have kicked him out long ago!

Xiao Gao, who was wiping the cup, glanced at the cocktail placed by the woman and sighed softly.

It seems that another girl is going to be ruined today.

Soon, the woman came back.

Next, as Xiao Gao expected, in less than half an hour, the beautiful woman was already unconscious and swaying left and right.

Zhang Deshuai saw that the time was ripe, and pretended to care about the woman and pushed her, "Beauty, are you okay?"

The woman was still somewhat conscious and shook her head gently.

Zhang Deshuai helped the woman up at this time and walked to the back door of the bar. As he walked, he said to the woman, "Look at you, I told you not to drink too much but you didn't listen. Now you are drunk."

As he spoke, Zhang Deshuai had already arrived at the back door of the bar.

This is a quirk of Zhang Deshuai. He likes to complete the first attack behind the bar, which gives him a special sense of conquest and excitement.

However, Zhang Deshuai just went out of the back door, and his eyes went black, and then he fell to the ground.

The woman who just looked unconscious was also supported by someone and opened her eyes.

At this moment, there was no sign of confusion in the woman's eyes!

"Is it over?"

The black shadow supporting the woman behind her blamed, "You'd better not get involved in this kind of thing in the future, it's too dangerous." As he spoke, the black shadow also showed up. It was Xu Da.

On the other side, Zhang Chen's figure also appeared in the shadow behind Zhang Deshuai, and he gave the woman a thumbs up, "Fairy Liu is amazing!"

The woman smiled confidently at this time, "That's right! My Miss Liu will naturally catch it easily!"

That's right, this beautiful woman is Fairy Liu. Since Zhang Chen and Lin Xue fell in love, Fairy Liu was moved by Xu Da's spirit of never giving up on his brothers, and agreed to Xu Da's request to be a boyfriend and girlfriend.

This time, Fairy Liu specifically asked Xu Da to take her with him to help Lin Xue get revenge.

Although Fairy Liu hated Zhang Deshuai very much, for Sister Lin Xue, Fairy Liu still suppressed her nausea and completed the task perfectly.

Liu Xianzi looked at Zhang Deshuai lying on the ground in front of her, looking like a pig even though he was unconscious. She stepped hard on Zhang Deshuai's face with her nearly 10-centimeter high heels.

"Beast! Get out! Scum!"

Zhang Chen's eyes twitched involuntarily when he saw this scene, and he looked at Xu Da with some sympathy, with a word in his eyes.

Brother, you will be blessed in the future!

Xu Da was also a little frightened.

The reason why Liu Xianzi got this nickname is because she has a fairy-like temperament, but now it seems that Liu Xianzi has a tendency to become Liu Mo Tou!

After Liu Xianzi vented, Xu Da looked at Zhang Deshuai, who was swollen like a pig on the ground, turned his head and asked Zhang Chen with teeth bared, "This... Zhang Deshuai, do you still want to mess with him?"

Zhang Chen shook his head in horror.

Liu Xianzi was really too scary. Zhang Chen roughly calculated that in this short period of time, Liu Xianzi kicked at least 80 times, every time to the face, and the feet were red. In the end, Zhang Chen even heard a faint sound of bone cracking.

Although he sympathized with Zhang Deshuai's current situation, Zhang Chen still wanted to settle the account with him for Lin Xue.

"Let's go, let's leave here first. I want to let him know what true despair is!"

After saying that, Zhang Chen took Zhang Deshuai's foot with one hand and walked towards the car that had been parked behind the bar.

Zhang Deshuai's face and the ground made a slightly harsh friction sound.

Xu Da behind him rolled his eyes when he saw this scene.

You just said that my fairy is scary, but you are obviously scarier now!

Since the author is on the train, the update is late. I will arrive at the destination at around 6:30 tomorrow afternoon, and my phone will be out of battery. As for how many chapters I can update tomorrow, the author can only leave it to fate!

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