Taking Zhang Deshuai with him, Zhang Chen drove his car all the way to the northern suburbs.

Zhang Chen didn't ask Xu Da and Liu Xianzi to follow him, so they couldn't see what happened next.

The northern suburbs of Zhuhai are actually also a famous place.

Because in the past, when Zhuhai City had not yet developed, the northern suburbs were the place to resolve conflicts. To put it bluntly, it was the place to have fights. Therefore, this place was relatively chaotic at that time. Later, due to development issues, the northern suburbs never developed. .

There are abandoned warehouses everywhere here. For Zhang Chen, this is also a place that Zhang Deshuai will never forget.

Zhang Deshuai was put into the trunk of the car by Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen asked Xu Da to get this car. The whole car seemed to have no features, but in fact it really didn't have much.

This is the concealment Zhang Chen wants. As long as it can be so ordinary that no one can see it, this is success.

Otherwise, the Zhang family is so powerful. If Zhang Chen really drives his fancy smart chariot, maybe a surveillance camera will randomly drop out and Zhang Chen can be targeted.

Zhang Chen took advantage of the darkness and drove into a seemingly dense forest in the northern suburbs.

Now that he has decided to leave a deep impression on Zhang Deshuai, Zhang Chen is ready to let him remember it for the rest of his life.

In the woods, Zhang Chen found a relatively open place, stopped the car, and pulled Zhang Deshuai out of the trunk.

Zhang Deshuai is really handsome now.

The entire face no longer looked like it used to. Not only were there bruises and swelling, but there were also large areas of scratches on the face.

When Zhang Chen dragged him out, he was a little doubtful. Is this still Zhang Deshuai?

Dragging him into the woods, Zhang Chen summoned eight spiritual soldiers, and then he flew into the air with his sword.

In the air, Zhang Chen fired a burst of spiritual energy and directly woke up Zhang Deshuai.

Zhang Deshuai woke up to a groaning sound.

When Zhang Deshuai woke up, he groaned in pain a few times, and then found that he was in a completely unfamiliar place.

"This...where is this?" Zhang Deshuai was a little confused.

He had clearly taken the beautiful woman to a hotel for a night of lovemaking, but why did he appear here in the blink of an eye?

It was pitch dark all around, except for the sound of the trees rustling in the wind.

A gust of cold wind blew behind Zhang Deshuai, and Zhang Deshuai couldn't help but shrink.

Turning his head to look, he saw a tall figure holding a sword and wearing armor standing not far behind him.

Zhang Deshuai sat up from the ground with a start.

"You, who are you?! You pretender, do you know who I am! I am Zhang Deshuai of the Zhang family!" Zhang Deshuai yelled at the figure with a fierce expression and an inner look.

As Zhang Deshuai shouted, the black shadow suddenly became clear, and then his body emitted a burst of white light, allowing Zhang Deshuai to see him clearly.

Zhang Deshuai had a big mouth and couldn't believe his eyes.

The figure in front of him looked like a holographic projection, with white light shining all over his body, but Zhang Deshuai could feel the ground shaking when the black figure walked.

His own senses are always reminding Zhang Deshuai that all this is true.

Just as Zhang Deshuai was struggling in his heart, this luminous figure had already arrived in front of him. Without any other movement, he waved the big knife in his hand and struck directly at Zhang Deshuai's head.

"You want to kill such a heinous person directly? It's too easy for him, so stop it!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

The big knife in the figure's hand was only a hair away from Zhang Deshuai's forehead. However, although Zhang Deshuai's head was not blooming, there was already a bald spot on the top of his head.

This was burned away by spiritual energy because it was too close to the scalp. Whether hair can grow in this area in the future is still a question.

But Zhang Deshuai finally escaped.

Turning his head and looking back, he saw a row of figures as illusory as this figure suspended in the air.

Zhang Deshuai could swear that he was really flying in the air.

Soon a row of tall figures separated from both sides, and a figure emitting an even stronger light came out from behind.

"Zhang Deshuai, right? If you tell me your crime yourself, I can give you the right to choose. Otherwise, if I tell you, you will be prepared to suffer for thousands of years!"

Zhang Deshuai stretched out his hand to block the dazzling light.

There was a strange feeling in his heart. He was also a smart person. Although he was indeed startled by the black shadow just now, and there was even a burning sensation on his forehead, Zhang Deshuai still didn't believe that these were true. What if this is a play performed by someone else? And... the more I thought about the woman I met before, the more I thought about Zhang Deshuai, the more I felt that I should know the truth.

"I, I don't know anything!" Zhang Deshuai's calculation was very good. As long as he refused to admit it, would these pretenders really dare to kill him?

Zhang Chen could tell what Zhang Deshuai was thinking at a glance from the air.

So there was no nonsense, and he directly used the ground attack. Although he only used a little spiritual energy, he still forced out a thorn, spreading directly towards Zhang Deshuai.

Zhang Deshuai saw a row of thorns suddenly appeared on the ground, and they were spreading towards him. He immediately shivered and hurriedly shrank back. As the thorns on the ground got closer and closer to him, Zhang Deshuai became more and more panicked, but suddenly Zhang Deshuai stopped immediately when he remembered that all this was fake.

If you can, stab me for real! I still don’t believe it. Are there really ghosts and gods in this world? !

Zhang Deshuai stood there confidently, but the earth spikes continued to emerge one by one. As the last one stopped in front of Zhang Deshuai, Zhang Deshuai finally laughed out loud.

"Haha, you are playing tricks! It's still fake...ah!"

Before Zhang Deshuai finished speaking, a new earth spike pierced his left foot.

The severe pain stimulated Zhang Deshuai's nerves, and Zhang Deshuai finally believed that all this was true.

Ignoring the pain, Zhang Deshuai immediately begged for mercy. "I say, I say, I was wrong, I am guilty of a heinous crime!"

Zhang Chen pouted.

What the hell, I thought Zhang Deshuai would tell it after being tortured.

"Then tell it from beginning to end!" Zhang Chen summoned the Xuanyuan Sword in the air and cut off the earth spike directly.

Zhang Deshuai watched a cold light cut off the earth spike and flew back automatically, and he was completely convinced in his heart.

Zhang Deshuai's psychological collapse began to be told one by one.

From having improper thoughts about his family's servants when he was a child, to having an affair with his stepmother, to later asking reporters to investigate Lin Xue's gossip, to this time going to the bar to relieve his heat.

"In fact, my mother's taste is really good. At that moment, I even felt that I was the winner of life!" Zhang Deshuai finally said this sentence.

Zhang Chen recorded the whole process.

As soon as Zhang Deshuai finished the last word, Zhang Chen sent out a spiritual energy and knocked Zhang Deshuai unconscious again.

After dispersing the spiritual soldiers, Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Deshuai lying on the ground and shook his head, "People like you are not worth dying for, but I will let you taste what pain is. When you do something to Xue'er, your ending is doomed!"

A few days later, Zhang Deshuai was found and sent to the hospital.

Then various deeds of Zhang Deshuai spread on the Internet, especially Zhang Deshuai's recordings became popular. The Internet was full of deeds about Zhang Deshuai, the winner of life, and the term winner of life also had a new definition.

In the hospital, the winner of life who was popular on the Internet opened his eyes at this moment.

However, except for his eyes, Zhang Deshuai could no longer control all parts of his body. In other words, in this life, Zhang Deshuai can only watch this world.

The author uploaded this chapter on the train with the last battery power. I arrived in Harbin at 6 pm. Are there any book friends in Harbin?

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