The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 90 The Treasure House That Sucks!

Zhang Deshuai's matter came to an end, and Zhang Chen left the remaining matters to Xu Da.

Xu Da was very efficient in his work. In less than three days, there was no news about the teacher-student relationship of Lin Xue, the goddess of Zhuhai University. Instead, Zhang Deshuai, the winner in life, became more and more popular in Zhuhai University. .

As Zhang Deshuai's incident became more and more popular, Lin Xue also noticed something.

During dinner in the evening, Lin Xue asked specifically, "Chen, do you still remember Zhang Deshuai?"

Zhang Chen was eating, and when he heard Lin Xue say this, he couldn't help but reveal an inexplicable smile, "Of course I remember."

Zhang Chen thought of Zhang Deshuai who was beaten into a pig's head, and couldn't help but smile meaningfully.

Lin Xue looked at Zhang Chen's smile and immediately realized that there was something wrong with Zhang Chen. She immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks, "Did you do what happened to Zhang Deshuai?"

Zhang Chen suppressed his laughter and nodded, "It's me."

Lin Xue rolled her eyes at Zhang Chen, "Just because he exposed my relationship with you?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

To be honest, Zhang Chen thought this way at first, but later, when Zhang Deshuai told what he had done, Zhang Chen stopped doing it for himself. Such a scumbag cannot be sanctioned because of the existence of a protective umbrella. , but Zhang Chen just didn’t believe in evil.

Therefore, in the end, Zhang Chen directly used spiritual energy to cut off all of Zhang Deshuai's nerves, except for his eyes.

Doesn't he want to be the big winner? Then let him take a good look at how he won!

This matter came to an end quickly, Zhang Chen had no time to care about this kind of thing anymore, and Zhang Deshuai was also forgotten by Zhang Chen.

There is one most important thing for Zhang Chen now.

Choose a gift for your future father-in-law.

In a few days, it will be the birthday of Lin Xue's father, Lin Chengxu. Lin Chengxu specially asked Lin Xue to call Zhang Chen to celebrate his birthday.

This made Zhang Chen feel ashamed.

Until now, I haven’t even prepared a gift for my father-in-law. How embarrassing.

Therefore, Zhang Chen's top priority these days is to give his father-in-law a satisfactory gift.

Zhang Chen was so troubled by this matter that he couldn't think of any good solution for several days.

From Zhang Chen's point of view, he would rather kill tens of thousands more zombies than prepare this birthday gift.

First of all, he is a powerful official. If you give something too expensive, people will inevitably gossip. But if you give something insignificant, you will kidnap his daughter. You are so stingy. How will other people think?

Zhang Chen was worried for a few days and finally couldn't help but call Xu Da for help.

After the call was connected, Zhang Chen briefly talked about the matter with Xu Da.

"This matter is very simple. Just ask Uncle Lin Xue what he likes, and I will take care of the rest." Xu Da vowed on the phone.

Zhang Chen thought about it and realized that Lin Xue had said before that Lin Chengxu liked fine wine.

After declining Xu Da's idea of ​​helping, Zhang Chen still wanted to prepare a different gift for his father-in-law.

"System, when will the next teleportation be? What plane will it be teleported to?" Zhang Chen thought for a while, but he still had to rely on the system.

"The next teleportation will be in three days, and the teleportation plane will be the Fairy Sword Plane!"

Zhang Chen sighed, "Oh, he also said that if the teleportation is to the real plane, he can also bring some world-famous wine for my father-in-law to try, but if it is the fairy sword plane..."

Zhang Chen shook his head.

"There are still three days left, so let's think about things about the Immortal Sword Plane first."

Zhang Chen has been looking forward to returning to the Fairy Sword Plane for a long time.

His own strength has stalled and has been at a bottleneck for a long time now. Zhang Chen needs to find an opportunity, and this is the best opportunity to return to the Immortal Sword Plane.

There is also Xuanyuan Sword. The seal of Xuanyuan Sword has been lifted one level, but so far, Zhang Chen has not exerted the power of this sword. If Zhang Chen remembers correctly, in the fairy sword plane, the magic sword is also sealed. The sword and Feipeng's sword are also artifacts.

Moreover, in the Immortal Sword Plane, swords are used, which may be beneficial to Xuanyuan Sword.

Therefore, whether it is Zhang Chen's cultivation or Xuanyuan Sword, it can be solved in the fairy sword plane.

Zhang Chen didn't dare to take it lightly this time. In three days, Guiyuan Liquid, various talismans, spiritual weapons, and his own state had reached their peak.

After everything was ready, Zhang Chen said confidently, "System, enter the return space!"

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, he found that he had entered the return space.

The return space is still the same as before, except for the addition of an ancient-looking, splendid three-story building, there are no other changes.

Zhang Chen saw the resplendent appearance of the Treasure Pavilion and walked in with expectation.

The inside also looks magnificent, with various white jade, gold and some unknown metals from Zhang Chen making up the entire building.

Zhang Chen stepped on the white jade floor, a little confused.

"System, is this the Treasure Pavilion?"

"Yes, this is the Treasure Pavilion. Look at the ground. It is made of white jade that is more than a hundred years old. There are also walls. Those blue-looking metals with white light in the middle are star steel, and this treasure building. There are a total of 9 supporting pillars in the pavilion. The material of each pillar is very rare, and because of the systematic protection, there is no need to worry about being poached. Also, these various treasures are covered with glazed covers. This is also Precious material, how about it? "

The system said a lot at once, and at the same time, Zhang Chen could hear a hint of pride in the system's words.

Zhang Chen nodded blankly, "It's amazing, but can you tell me why there is no treasure? These teaching materials are indeed amazing, but tell me, what's the point of decorating a treasure house without treasures?!"

Zhang Chen said this, looking at the empty treasure house in front of him, a little distressed.

The system may also be a little embarrassed.

"Because the system is not perfect now, you need to collect these things. From now on, you can use the system to move the more valuable things in the plane into the treasure house."

Zhang Chen didn't want to talk anymore, "What's the use of this treasure house if I can get it?"

With a face full of disappointment, Zhang Chen walked out of the treasure house, and after seeing that there were no other changes, he started a new plane transmission.

[The transmission will start in three minutes, and the location of this transmission is the fairy sword plane! ]

Zhang Chen stood on the transmission platform, and as the system prompts, he turned into a white light and disappeared.

[This plane is the mission plane! ]

[Transmission is successful, start issuing tasks! ]

[Basic tasks: Join Shushan Sect and obtain positions above elders! 】

[Advanced task: Help Li Xiaoyao save the Nanzhao Kingdom! 】

One update today, no need to wait! I will try to make up for it when I return on May Day!

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