The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 91: Hundred Years of Shushan

Zhang Chen suddenly appeared in a dense jungle.

"Help Li Xiaoyao save the Nanzhao Kingdom. Well, so to speak, Li Xiaoyao has not yet become the leader of Shushan. It seems that I have returned to the past. No matter what, get out of here first!"

Zhang Chen came out with a dirty look on his face, and there were many scratches on his clothes.

"What the hell is this place? Why is this bamboo forest so scary?" Zhang Chen looked at a trace of blood on his arm and said a little depressed.

Zhang Chen appeared in the bamboo forest before. Originally, Zhang Chen wanted to fly away with his sword and leave directly, but Zhang Chen did not expect that this bamboo forest turned out to be extraordinary.

The bamboo in the bamboo forest is extremely hard, and even the bamboo leaves are sharper than ordinary swords.

Even Zhang Chen, who was at the peak of his physical training, had blood marks on his body.

"This bamboo forest is so extraordinary, take some away, maybe it will be useful in the future." Zhang Chen thought of this, found a bamboo that looked tall and thin, took out the Xuanyuan Sword and chopped it down from the ground.

After the Xuanyuan Sword hit the bamboo, the bamboo clearly made a grinding sound. At the same time, Zhang Chen also felt a trace of resistance in his hand.

This was the first time that Xuanyuan Sword encountered some resistance, which made Zhang Chen even more afraid to be careless about these bamboos.

He took the chopped bamboo and started looking at it.

The whole bamboo is extremely tough and has a certain degree of hardness, soft and hard at the same time.

"Well, it's not suitable for making a sword or other weapons, but... it's still good to make a fishing rod yourself."

Zhang Chen shook the tough bamboo pole as he spoke and couldn't help but nodded.

Putting the bamboo into the storage space, Zhang Chen took off with his sword.

After flying, Zhang Chen realized that the surroundings gave him a familiar feeling. It wasn't until Zhang Chen saw the palace in the distance and the white clouds floating by from time to time that he realized it.

"Isn't this the Hanging Mountain in Shu Mountain!" Zhang Chen said in disbelief, "Then the bamboo forest just now will be the Fairy Bamboo Forest in the future?!" Zhang Chen lowered his head and looked. Sure enough, although a lot has changed in a hundred years, it is still the same. You can see a hint of the prototype a hundred years later.

Just when Zhang Chen was shocked, he suddenly remembered a voice from behind.

"Which fellow Taoist has come to visit me in Shushan!"

At the same time, a sword light carried an old-looking man in gray robes to Zhang Chen.

"This Taoist friend, I am Dugu Yuyun. I don't know if my friend and I, Shushan, have any connection. Why do you know my Shushan's martial arts and sword-controlling skills?"

Zhang Chen was really embarrassed when he saw the middle-aged man in gray robe walking up to him with a flying sword and asking him what his relationship was with Shushan.

Dugu Yuyun, this person will be familiar to anyone who knows the sword, because he is the head of Shushan who is known as the Sword Master.

Speaking of which, this man is also a great person. It only took him less than twenty years to realize the Tao naturally. But sadly, although he realized the Tao naturally, he did not go on the path of seeking the Tao. Instead, he followed the path, which made him It's far away from the real road.

Zhang Chen was a little worried, how should he answer his question?

Could it be that he is his future disciple? This is too ridiculous.

Zhang Chen laughed a few times and had an idea, "I am a casual cultivator. I have been studying with my master before. Before I left, my master told me to come to Shushan. I originally wanted to find my master later, but I didn't expect it. , the sea has changed, and he can no longer be seen. "

Zhang Chen didn't even blink when he spoke, and what he said was not a lie. Li Xiaoyao did ask Zhang Chen to go back to Shushan before he left, and Zhang Chen did come to see Li Xiaoyao this time. After all, he had a mission. It has something to do with him. As for the last sentence, nonsense... everything happened a hundred years later, and the present and future will definitely be changed!

Dugu Yuyun looked into Zhang Chen's eyes and found that Zhang Chen had no intention of lying, so he couldn't help but nod.

All this was expected by Dugu Yuyun.

Dugu Yuyun was practicing in the Shushan Hall before, when he suddenly felt a strange sword intent suddenly appear in the fairy bamboo forest.

Moreover, this sword intention also contained the pure Shushan aura, so Zhang Chen was discovered.

"I don't know what the connection between your master and our sect is, but I hope you can tell me something." Dugu Yuyun said gently.

Zhang Chen was relieved when he saw that Dugu Yuyun had no sectarian views and was quite friendly to him. After all, this was a big shot known as the Sword Master!

"I don't know either, but Master asked me to come to Shushan and gave me sword control skills and this sword." With that said, Zhang Chen showed off the Xuanyuan Sword.

After seeing Xuanyuan Sword, Dugu Yuyun's face suddenly became serious.

Zhang Chen immediately felt that there was something invisible surrounding the Xuanyuan Sword.

Suddenly, Dugu Yuyun retreated a certain distance in the air, took a breath, and looked at the Xuanyuan Sword in Zhang Chen's hand in disbelief.

"The Qi is peaceful, the atmosphere is simple, the sword's intention is vast, and there is a brilliant righteousness in it. This is simply a magic weapon specially designed for swordsmanship!" Dugu Yuyun stared at the Xuanyuan Sword closely and sighed.

Just now, he just used his spiritual consciousness to explore the Xuanyuan Sword, and was pushed back by the awe-inspiring righteousness in it, which is why he felt like this.

Zhang Chen saw Dugu Yuyun retreating with shock on his face, and couldn't help but asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

In fact, Zhang Chen was laughing in his heart.

Just kidding, this is Xuanyuan Sword! Don't talk about you, even Demon Zunzunlou will be defeated by the Xuanyuan Sword!

Dugu Yuyun shook his head and looked at Zhang Chen, "Since you have practiced my Shushan Kung Fu, you will be a member of my Shushan Mountain from now on, and even the sword on your body is full of righteousness, so you must not be anything else." For those of you who have evil intentions, come to the Gong Transfer Hall with me and let me see how you are practicing. Come with me."

After saying that, Lonely Yuyun flew towards the Shushan Palace.

Zhang Chen hurriedly followed behind.

Returning to the familiar Shushan Mountain again, Zhang Chen felt a strange feeling. It was like recognizing his ancestors and returning to his clan, but also like revisiting his old place. This contradictory feeling made Zhang Chen have mixed feelings.

Shushan was very quiet, with a sense of solemnity in the quietness. Zhang Chen didn't see anyone along the way.

Soon, Zhang Chen followed Dugu Yuyun to a palace next to the main hall of Shushan Mountain.

The palace is supported by eight white jade pillars, and the furnishings inside are also very simple. Rows of wooden plaques are neatly placed in front of it. Each wooden plaque has a name on it. At the same time, the wooden plaque in the middle of each row must be higher. .

Apart from these wooden signs, there is only one altar table and three or four futons in the entire hall.

Zhang Chen looked at all the wooden signs and saw the wooden sign with the words Xu Changqing on the bottom wooden sign.

"This is the spiritual position of each generation since the founder of Shushan. When I return to Taoism and become immortal more than a hundred years later, there will be another row here."

Dugu Yuyun saw Zhang Chen looking at these wooden signs and explained to Zhang Chen. After the explanation, Dugu Yuyun motioned to Zhang Chen to sit on the futon, "Come on, let me see how your cultivation is."

Zhang Chen nodded and sat down obediently.

The belated update is finally back. Two chapters are released today. I originally had one update yesterday, but I was too busy. After today’s update is released, I will start updating it in the next two days!

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