The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 92: Accepting Apprentices on Behalf of the Master

After Zhang Chen sat down, Dugu Yuyun stretched out his hand and pressed Zhang Chen's forehead. At the same time, a stream of spiritual energy, along with the invisible and intangible thing that Zhang Chen had felt before, poured into Zhang Chen's body.

"Hold the Yuan and keep the One, and practice the exercises!" Dugu Yuyun shouted softly.

Zhang Chen hurriedly practiced his own exercises.

As Zhang Chen completed a cycle of movement, Dugu Yuyun nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad, the basic skills are very solid, and the cultivation has reached the edge of breaking through the realm, but there is no sign of breaking through the realm on the body, it seems that the character is not bad.

According to his current cultivation, he should be considered a disciple of the Yuan generation of Shushan.

Just as Dugu Yuyun was thinking this, his face suddenly changed and he cried out, "Upper Dantian!"

It turned out that Zhang Chen was just finishing his practice at this time, but because of the invasion of the zombie virus, all the spiritual energy in Zhang Chen's body was squeezed out, so that Zhang Chen's spiritual energy was compressed at the center of his eyebrows. So after returning, all the spiritual energy in Zhang Chen's body was like moving, and it could no longer return to the original Dantian, but returned to the center of his eyebrows.

It was at this time that Dugu Yuyun discovered that Zhang Chen's spiritual energy was actually gathered at the center of his eyebrows, so he couldn't help shouting out.

After Zhang Chen finished his practice, he just heard Gu Duyuyun's shouting, and was a little surprised, "Upper Dantian? What is that?"

Dugu Yuyun looked at the surprised Zhang Chen, with some struggle on his face.

The upper Dantian is at the center of the eyebrows, and not everyone can open up the upper Dantian.

Of course, even if the upper Dantian is opened, it doesn't mean that everything is fine. Many people go astray because they can't control the coordination between the spiritual energy and the consciousness in the upper Dantian.

The reason why the upper dantian is important is that it is where the mind is. The earlier the upper dantian is opened, the more useful it will be for the later cultivation.

Zhang Chen, who has opened up the upper dantian before cultivating his spiritual consciousness, can be regarded as a rare talent. As long as he does not die halfway, he can at least become an elder in the future.

Dugu Yuyun did not answer Zhang Chen's question.

Now he was struggling in his heart, whether to put Zhang Chen in the Yuan generation or in the Ning generation like himself.

Originally, according to Zhang Chen's cultivation, he could only be said to be a relatively good one among the young disciples, but Zhang Chen opened up the upper dantian. According to the practice of Shushan, when encountering a gifted talent like Zhang Chen, he would be promoted to a higher generation.

As Dugu Yuyun thought, the atmosphere in the hall began to become solemn, and Zhang Chen was also affected by this atmosphere and became a little nervous.

Finally, the atmosphere in the hall began to calm down.

Dugu Yuyun took a breath and looked at Zhang Chen solemnly, "What's your name?"

"Zhang Chen."

Dugu Yuyun silently repeated Zhang Chen's name several times and nodded, "Zhang Chen, are you willing to become my disciple in Shushan?"

Finally, I still have to become my disciple again!

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly in his heart.

Although he thought so in his heart, Zhang Chen still bowed directly to Dugu Yuyun, "I do!"

Dugu Yuyun nodded, "Well, your talent is different from ordinary people. According to the rules of my Shushan, today I, Dugu Yuyun, as the head of Shushan, will accept you as my disciple on behalf of the master. I will accept you as my junior brother. You belong to the Ning generation. From now on, I will call you Ning Chen. How about it?"

"Zhang Ningchen..." Zhang Chen muttered, and quickly reacted, and bowed directly to Dugu Yuyun.

"Thank you, headmaster!"

Dugu Yuyun smiled and shook his head after hearing it, "You should call me headmaster senior brother!"

Later, Dugu Yuyun took Zhang Chen to worship all the ancestors in the entire hall one by one.

After Zhang Chen finished paying respects to the last person, Dugu Yuyun walked to the spirit tablet and bowed to Xu Changqing's tablet, saying, "Master, today I will accept Ning Chen as my junior brother on your behalf. From today on, we will have one more person in the Ning generation."

After the procedure was completed, Dugu Yuyun turned to look at Zhang Chen and said seriously, "Wait, I will send a disciple to arrange a room for you. Three months later, I will announce to the world that I am accepting a disciple on behalf of the master. According to convention, you should be prepared to be kicked out at this time, so you should practice well in these three months. Now you want to break through, and I will do my best to help you break through. After three months, you must not lose the face of my Shushan."

After listening, Zhang Chen nodded and clasped his fists and said, "Yes, Senior Brother, the Master."

During this period of time, all the disciples in Shushan knew that the master accepted a disciple on behalf of the master, and they also knew about Zhang Chen, but everyone in Shushan was full of curiosity about Zhang Chen.

After all, this is a big deal for the entire Shushan, or the entire Jianghu. In recent decades, although there are indeed talks about taking apprentices on behalf of masters in Shushan, if you are not extremely talented, it is impossible to catch the eyes of the headmaster, let alone take apprentices on behalf of masters.

In addition, since Zhang Chen came to Shushan, he has been practicing in his own courtyard in the back mountain. He stays at home every day and no one has seen Zhang Chen, so everyone is more curious about this new cheap uncle.

The back mountain of Shushan Sect.

The back mountain of Shushan is where the elders, deacons, and disciples live. Because of Zhang Chen's special status, he has his own separate courtyard.

The courtyard is surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters. Not far away is the fairy bamboo forest. Further back is a teleportation platform, but there are always disciples guarding this platform because the platform leads directly to the most important place in Shushan, the Locking Demon Tower.

Zhang Chen is practicing in the courtyard at the moment.

This courtyard was chosen by Zhang Chen himself. Compared with other courtyards, it is not as big as other courtyards, and even the furnishings are relatively old, but Zhang Chen still chose this place because there is a river behind the courtyard.

This river is the water flowing down from the suspended mountain above the sky. Because it is stained with a trace of the starry air in the sky, it is also condensed in the air and does not disperse. It is clearer than ordinary water. Ordinary people can also strengthen their bodies by drinking it for a long time.

However, Zhang Chen did not choose this place for physical fitness. Don't forget that Zhang Chen learned fishing from Jiang Taigong.

"Hehe, this bamboo finally has a place to use." Zhang Chen made a fishing rod with the bamboo he had cut before, and then sat directly behind the courtyard and started fishing.

These days, Zhang Chen was exhausted. Dugu Yuyun really kept his word. He said he would teach Zhang Chen personally and taught him personally. Not only did he accompany Zhang Chen to teach him moves, but he also practiced for nearly eight hours every day.

This is sixteen hours! There are only 24 hours in a day, but there are only 8 hours of sleep time left.

Dugu Yuyun didn't come today because he had something to do, so Zhang Chen just took it easy and went fishing to relieve the tension of the past few days.

As Zhang Chen thought about it, he gradually entered a state of understanding nature.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Chen felt that his mind suddenly became clearer, and in the outside world, Zhang Chen's spiritual energy began to rotate rapidly in the upper dantian.

Today's update is a bit late

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