The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 93 Divine Consciousness

Although Zhang Chen closed his eyes and was in the state of natural perception, the spiritual energy in his upper dantian was running faster and faster.

As the speed of running accelerated, Zhang Chen's spiritual energy began to collapse towards the middle, and countless spiritual energy began to crowd around the point of collapse. The speed of spiritual energy running became faster and faster. When it reached a certain level, suddenly the innermost spiritual energy entered the point of collapse. Almost in an instant, an invisible and immaterial thing spread from the collapse point to the entire upper dantian.

Zhang Chen felt his mind suddenly tighten, and then a coolness.

After this invisible and immaterial thing appeared, countless spiritual energy began to flow into the collapse point. There were more and more invisible and immaterial things, and finally, a trace of them ran out of Zhang Chen's mind.

In an instant, the surrounding scene appeared in Zhang Chen's mind.

In this case, Zhang Chen saw a trace of white gas around him gathering around him, and at the same time the world changed. It was no longer what he saw with his eyes, but was composed of various strange colors. In addition to white gas in the air, there was also a trace of green and blue gas suspended in the air.

After the white gas swirled around Zhang Chen for a while, it went directly into Zhang Chen's body.

Zhang Chen was so happy that he suddenly realized it.

This is spiritual energy!

After staying in this novel state for a while, Zhang Chen felt a little tired in his mind and couldn't help but exit this wonderful state.

After opening his eyes, Zhang Chen found that the invisible and intangible thing that suddenly appeared before was still in his body and was growing.

"What on earth is this? Dugu Yuyun had it before, and now I have cultivated it. It seems that I have to ask." Zhang Chen murmured.

After a day of experiments, although Zhang Chen still didn't know what this thing was, Zhang Chen discovered the benefits of this substance. Since cultivating this substance, Zhang Chen's mind has been clear anytime and anywhere, and his brain has become faster. At the same time, Zhang Chen also found that if he controlled this substance to extend outside the body, it would be like seeing two different perspectives, one is the real scene seen by the eyes, and the other is a pattern filled with various colors of gas.

However, this substance also has loss, and the time in the outside world cannot exceed three minutes, otherwise you will feel dizzy and nauseous, or even have a splitting headache.

The next day, Zhang Chen flew to Bi Bo Lake as usual.

This Bi Bo Lake is on the other side of the Immortal Bamboo Forest. The water here is left by the Tianhe River, so it is extremely clear. Moreover, the area here is open, which is a good place to practice. When Zhang Chen arrived, Dugu Yuyun was already standing by the lake.

But today, there was one more person beside Dugu Yuyun.

This person was wearing ordinary clothes, carrying a wrapped sword on his back, and a gourd hanging around his waist. He looked like a dandy, but Zhang Chen did not dare to underestimate him at all, because as Zhang Chen walked in, Zhang Chen could feel the sharp sword intent on him.

Both of them were looking at the Bi Bo Lake. Zhang Chen flew behind them on his sword and said, "Master, I'm here."

Dugu Yuyun turned around and saw Zhang Chen, and said to the man, "How is it?"

The man turned around and looked at Zhang Chen and curled his lips, "So-so."

Dugu Yuyun smiled after hearing this, "So-so? Why don't you go up and try?"

The man smiled, "Okay!" After agreeing, the man said to Zhang Chen, "Come on! Let's have two moves!"

After saying that, he pinched the sword formula directly, summoned the sword behind him, and stabbed Zhang Chen directly.

Zhang Chen reacted quickly and summoned the Xuanyuan Sword directly, rushing towards the flying sword.


The two flying swords collided in the air and flew to the side. The man reacted quickly and rushed to his flying sword when Zhang Chen summoned the flying sword. After the collision, he quickly grabbed the flying sword and continued to rush towards Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was shaken back by the vibration of the two swords colliding. After stabilizing his body, he saw the man's face change when he saw him rushing over. He couldn't help but use the invisible and immaterial substance he had just comprehended.

Almost as soon as Zhang Chen used this substance, the man had already arrived in front of Zhang Chen.

"Spiritual consciousness!" The man's face changed.

He didn't expect that Zhang Chen had already comprehended something like spiritual consciousness before he broke through.

Although he was distracted, the sword moves in his hand were still extremely sharp, and at this time the flying sword was already close to Zhang Chen, so even if the man wanted to change his moves, it was too late.

When Zhang Chen released this spiritual consciousness, he felt that the swift flying sword in front of him suddenly slowed down, and Zhang Chen also estimated the trend of the sword moves.

Left arm...

A thought flashed through Zhang Chen's mind, and at the same time, he moved his body at will, and he flashed past with a sideways turn.

At that moment, Zhang Chen saw a trace of surprise, a trace of guilt, and a trace of horror on the man's face.

After dodging the flying sword, Zhang Chen also recovered and quickly recalled the Xuanyuan Sword. He made a small circle and directly put the Xuanyuan Sword on the man's neck.

The man also stopped his movements.

It seemed to take a long time to say all this, but it took only five breaths.

Zhang Chen took the sword off the man's neck and nodded slightly, "Thank you."

Pah Pah Pah!

"Well, I didn't expect that Junior Brother Ning Chen actually cultivated the spiritual consciousness!"

Dugu Yuyun watched the whole process. He wanted to take action to prevent Zhang Chen from getting hurt, but when Zhang Chen suddenly used his spiritual sense to turn defeat into victory, Dugu Yuyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Dugu Yuyun looked at the man and smiled, "How is it? Isn't it so-so now?"

The man sighed and said, "Talents emerge in every generation. Junior Brother Ning Chen is indeed gifted and has already cultivated his spiritual consciousness."

Dugu Yuyun laughed after hearing this, "Hahaha, this is the first time I've heard you say that!"

At this time, Dugu Yuyun introduced Zhang Chen, "This is your senior brother, and the most gifted disciple of our Ning generation before you, Situ Zhong."

Zhang Chen actually had a guess when he saw the gourd. When he heard Dugu Yuyun say it, he immediately clasped his fists towards Situ Zhong, "Hello, Senior Brother Situ!"

Situ Zhong put away his flying sword and waved his hand, "I don't like this." As he said that, Situ Zhong took out a jade pendant from his arms and handed it to Zhang Chen, "Junior brother, this is a gift from my senior brother. This jade pendant has the effect of accelerating cultivation and stabilizing the mind. It is still useful to you. I'm not as stingy as some people." After saying that, he glanced at Dugu Yuyun.

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Zhang Chen took the jade pendant and felt that his spiritual energy, which had been a little agitated due to the momentary battle, had stabilized, and he immediately thanked him.

Dugu Yuyun smiled and shook his head, "Okay, Ning Chen, your Senior Brother Situ has returned from his travels this time, so I'll give you a few days off. You can have a good chat with Situ."

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