The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 94 I want to drink, just take a sip!

In Zhang Chen's small courtyard, Zhang Chen was fishing.

Situ Zhong was half lying on the rockery in the middle of the courtyard, drinking wine from a gourd.

He was watching Zhang Chen fishing while drinking and was amazed.

"Ning Chen, your talent is really amazing. You can enter the state of enlightenment just by fishing. No wonder you have cultivated your spiritual consciousness in such a short time. I really envy you!"

Zhang Chen woke up from the state of understanding the world and sighed, "Brother Situ, I don't see any envy in your leisurely look, and since you came, I haven't had a day to practice peacefully."

These few days, Situ Zhong often ran to Zhang Chen, and as soon as he came, he would lie on the rockery, then drink and mutter.

At first, Zhang Chen didn't care. After all, after entering the state of understanding the world, as long as Zhang Chen didn't want to listen, he could completely block Situ Zhong's voice. But who knew that Situ Zhong actually used spiritual energy to transmit his voice in the end, making it so noisy that Zhang Chen couldn't practice well.

Situ Zhong took a sip of wine and said indifferently, "What's the point of practicing every day? It's better to go out with me to experience the world." Zhang Chen sighed. He wanted to go out and see the outside world, but the problem was that Zhang Chen had a mission, and according to the time, it was less than two months before Zhang Chen became the Ning of Shushan and announced to the world. If Zhang Chen's cultivation had not broken through in these two months, it would be a bit difficult to control the situation. Zhang Chen did not forget that Shushan was now the focus of the world and had a tendency to lead the heroes. In addition, the Divine Religion in Nanzhao was the only one that was in power. It had been developing rapidly in the past few decades and was now looking for an opportunity to enter the Central Plains. Shushan could not make any mistakes in this delicate situation, and Zhang Chen must not let down the chain, otherwise not only Zhang Chen would lose face, but Shushan would also be affected. "Brother, I can't travel now. There will be an entrance ceremony in two months. I don't want to lose the face of our Shushan if I don't practice well."

Situ Zhong shook his head, "Another rotten wood! Oh! Shushan is not fun! Boring!"

Zhang Chen looked at Situ Zhong helplessly.

This cheap brother is very powerful and has extraordinary knowledge, but there is a shortcoming, he is a bit casual because he is used to being in the world.

Zhang Chen thought about it and decided to find a way to make trouble for him, otherwise if he keeps coming here, he will forget about practicing.

Suddenly, Zhang Chen accidentally saw Situ Zhong take another sip of wine, and his eyes lit up.

That's right! Doesn't Xue'er's father like to drink? Who in the world knows more about wine than Situ Zhong, who loves alcohol?

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen coughed, "Ahem, Senior Brother, I see there is always water in your gourd. I'm thirsty. Can you give me a few sips?"

Situ Zhong glanced at Zhang Chen and said, "Don't think about the things in my gourd, it's not water, you don't have to think about it!"

Zhang Chen said in his heart, he was right, the gourd was indeed the wine brewed by Situ Zhong himself!

"Hehe, Senior Brother, your gourd is not a bar?" Zhang Chen laughed.

Situ Zhong was a little nervous at this time. He hurriedly hugged his wine gourd and looked at Zhang Chen with a vigilant face, "How do you know? I tell you, you can't drink it. This is my good wine."

Zhang Chen stopped fishing at this time. He walked to Situ Zhong, deliberately sniffed the smell, and questioned, "Brother, are you sure there is wine in it? I don't smell any fragrance at all. Don't lie to me. I know that good wine is full of fragrance."

Situ Zhong rolled his eyes at Zhang Chen, shook the wine gourd, and said proudly, "Do you think my gourd is an ordinary gourd? I picked this gourd from an island in the East China Sea. I made it into a magical instrument for holding wine. Of course you can't smell it."

Zhang Chen saw that Situ Zhong started to show off and felt that he was a bit dramatic.

"Then how about you give me a sip? I have never drunk it in my life. I don't even know what it tastes like!" Zhang Chen looked at Situ Zhong pitifully.

Situ Zhong thought, this kid is pitiful, he is so old, but he has never tasted wine, a delicacy in the world, so he should give him some alms.

"Really you haven't tasted it?"

"Really not."

"Then I will only give you a little!"

Zhang Chen nodded immediately after hearing this, "Okay, senior brother, watch me drink, I will definitely only drink one mouthful!"

Situ Zhong handed Zhang Chen his wine gourd with some reluctance, and after handing it over, he still reminded him with some worry, "Just one mouthful, I'm watching!"

Zhang Chen took the wine gourd and nodded obediently, then tilted his head and drank it directly.

Zhang Chen said he would drink a mouthful, of course he was not that stupid. He just drank a mouthful, Zhang Chen opened the storage space in his mouth, and the wine and water entered the storage space continuously.

There is a special empty container in the storage space, which can be used to collect wine and water.

Situ Zhong was relieved after seeing Zhang Chen drink a mouthful, but as time went by, Situ Zhong found that Zhang Chen was still drinking!

This is a bit wrong. Apart from other things, Situ Zhong knows that the wine he brewed himself is not ordinary wine. It is a spiritual wine that has been warmed with spiritual energy every moment for five years using countless precious medicinal materials.

Not only is the wine strong, but ordinary people can prolong their lives if they drink too much, and practitioners can also increase their skills if they drink it.

A quarter of an hour passed, and Zhang Chen was still drinking. Situ Zhong couldn't help it and immediately came over to snatch the wine gourd.

When Zhang Chen saw Situ Zhong coming over, he immediately flew into the sky with his sword, and drank wine while flying.

Situ Zhong saw the wine flowing into Zhang Chen's mouth, and his eyes turned red with anger, "Ning Chen! You wine thief! Give me back the wine gourd!" He shouted and summoned the flying sword to chase Zhang Chen.

In the air, Zhang Chen glanced at Situ Zhong who was catching up behind him, and couldn't help but speed up.

As the speed increased, the wine began to spill, but Zhang Chen didn't feel bad, anyway, the wine was not his.

It's amazing that this gourd doesn't look big, but it contains a lot of wine. After such a long time, Zhang Chen still hasn't emptied it all.

Situ Zhong behind him flew and watched a stream of wine spilling from time to time, and hurriedly flew over to catch it, and then wrapped it with spiritual energy, looking distressed.

"Ning Chen, you kid stop right there! Otherwise I won't be polite!"

Situ Zhong caught another stream of spilled wine and shouted at Zhang Chen in a rage.

Zhang Chen saw that Situ Zhong was forced into this state, so he hurriedly stopped, closed the storage space, and finally stopped pouring the wine in the wine gourd after taking a big gulp of wine.

Zhang Chen took a sip of wine and felt a coolness rushing to his heart. The sweet taste echoed in his mouth, but soon a hot current rose from his lower abdomen. Zhang Chen's face turned red after just one sip of wine.

After Zhang Chen made a wine filter, he threw the wine gourd directly to Situ Zhong.

Situ Zhong finally breathed a sigh of relief after taking the wine gourd, but when he shook the wine gourd and found that more than half of the wine was missing, Situ Zhong was heartbroken.

"Why did I give you my good wine!"

Zhang Chen fell into the yard and made a wine filter drunkenly.

"Filter! Senior brother, your wine is really delicious!"

After that, Zhang Chen fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Situ Zhong gritted his teeth and glanced at Zhang Chen, and hurriedly flew to his residence.

That night, the Shushan disciples living near Situ Zhong could hear the grief-stricken cries and the voices of mourning.

"My wine! You are so miserable!"

Thanks to my 100+100+100+100 reward from Ben Yi Zha Nan! Thank you to Shang Li Bing for the reward!

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