In the past few months, a major event has happened in the entire world. Shushan once again accepted a disciple.

Accepting a disciple in Shushan is actually not a big deal, but this time it is different. This time it is the head of Shushan who accepts a disciple on behalf of his master.

At this stage, the situation in the world is getting more and more subtle, and chaos is gradually rising. If it weren't for the pressure of Shu Mountain above, the entire Central Plains might have been plunged into catastrophe.

Not only Jianghu, but the state religion of Nanzhao Kingdom is also trying every means to infiltrate into the Central Plains, trying to get a piece of the land in the Central Plains. In addition, in the past few years, demons have proliferated and are constantly causing trouble to the world. It can be said that these are troubled times. whole body.

At this time, the head of Shushan actually announced that he would hold an initiation ceremony for his junior brother, which made people ponder what his purpose was.

As the past few months progressed, a rumor suddenly spread from unknown places.

It is said that Shushan wants to take this opportunity to beat the heroes in the world, and at the same time establish its position as the overlord of Shushan.

This rumor has both nose and eyes, and even brought up the story of Jiujianxian being summoned back to Shushan.

If it weren't for the fear that Jiu Jianxian, a righteous person in the world, would tip off the news, why would Shushan recall Jiu Jianxian, who had been traveling abroad for several years?

Many people were angry when they heard it at first, but as the rumors spread more and more widely, many people gradually believed it.

Jiangnan Linjiabao.

After hearing what his subordinates said in the conference hall, Lin Tiannan slammed the table angrily.

"That's nonsense!" Lin Tiannan was furious.

"Check it out! Who spread this? How dare you spread such rumors!" Lin Tiannan shouted at his men.

"Yes!" The few people below clasped their fists and backed away.

Lin Tiannan stood up, paced back and forth in front of the table, and suddenly stopped.

"No, it seems I need to go to Shushan in advance!"

That afternoon, Lin Tiannan rushed to Shushan with his entourage.

On the Bibo Lake in Shushan Mountain.

Zhang Chen was standing on the water with his eyes closed. Following the ripples of the lake, waves of spiritual consciousness filled the surroundings of Zhang Chen and spread to the outside world.

Dugu Yuyun looked at Zhang Chen by the lake and nodded, picked up a stone from the lake and hit Zhang Chen directly.

Shi Zi quickly approached Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen closed his eyes and suddenly faced Shi Zi. After calculating the position where the stone hit, he tilted his head slightly and avoided the stone.

But just after he dodged one, Zhang Chen's consciousness caught the next three stones and shot them towards Zhang Chen in the shape of a pin.

Forehead, shoulders!

In an instant, Zhang Chen calculated the position of the stone. However, if he wanted to avoid all three stones, Zhang Chen had to move, but Zhang Chen was now stepping on the water.

The stones were getting closer and closer. Zhang Chen had no choice but to duck and move a few steps.

As Zhang Chen moved, Zhang Chen's body sank in the water, and then stood on the water again.

Three stones were successfully dodged, followed by five stones. This time, Zhang Chen's expression finally changed.

These five stones blocked almost all of Zhang Chen's paths.

Zhang Chen had an idea and immediately made an action of leaning back on the iron bridge in the water.


All the stones were dodged, but Zhang Chen could no longer maintain his body on the water and fell directly into the lake.

Soon, Zhang Chen came ashore dripping wet.

After landing, Zhang Chen complained to Dugu Yuyun while wiping the water from his clothes.

"Senior Brother Head, this is too difficult. Not only do I have to gather spiritual energy under my feet at all times, but I also have to avoid stones filled with spiritual energy. This is of no use to me in breaking through the realm, right?"

Dugu Yuyun had a sullen face, "Why is it useless? If you want to break through the realm as soon as possible, there are only two ways. One is to absorb spiritual energy for many years and continuously compress it into the body, and the other is to concentrate it with all your strength when using spiritual energy. Aura, the former takes a long time, and the latter is difficult to practice. Logically speaking, you should not be in a hurry at your age, but the situation is different now. Your initiation ceremony is about to begin. If you cannot quickly improve your strength, it will not only be Shushan, but also the entire Jianghu. It will all be turbulent.”

Zhang Chen was secretly speechless.

It's not that serious, right? I am a small person who has never been out of Shushan since I came here. How could I cause the entire world to be in turmoil just because of me?

Dugu Yuyun seemed to have seen through Zhang Chen's thoughts, shook his head and sighed, "Don't think that you are insignificant. Apart from other things, just because you are my junior brother, you must be prepared to enter the whirlpool of the storm. The situation is delicate now. We, Shushan, cannot retreat at this time. Your initiation ceremony is actually a warning from me, Shushan, to warn those who are up to no good to be honest!"

Zhang Chen understood Dugu Yuyun's explanation and said solemnly, "I understand, senior brother."

Dugu Yuyun nodded at this time and looked at the sky, "Okay, it's getting late, let's go back."

Zhang Chen nodded and walked back.

"Wait a moment."

At this moment, Dugu Yuyun suddenly stopped Zhang Chen.

"Do you know what's been going on with your senior brother Situ lately? During this period, he doesn't leave the house every day and stays in his residence. It's really not his style."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and smiled awkwardly, "Maybe it's because I ran out of wine."

Then Zhang Chen told Dugu Yuyun about how he cheated Situ Zhong Haojiu.

Dugu Yuyun smiled and shook his head, "You two! What a pair of enemies! Okay, let's go back."

Zhang Chen saw that Dugu Yuyun was not angry, so he walked towards the courtyard with relief.

After returning to his residence, Zhang Chen did not rest, but sat on the table and frowned to think.

There are still two months left, and Zhang Chen must improve his strength during this period.

Not only for the entrance ceremony, but also for his own mission.

During the time he stayed in Shushan, Zhang Chen found that almost all the famous people were at the foundation building stage and only the younger generation was still in the Qi training stage.

And because of the mission, Zhang Chen will inevitably have a battle with the Moon Worshiping Sect Leader in the future, and according to the trend of the Immortal Sword, Zhang Chen will not have much time to practice later, so these two months are Zhang Chen's final sprint!

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen took out a small bottle from the storage space, and after opening it, a strong fragrance filled the air.

Zhang Chen leaned over to the bottle mouth and smelled it, and took a sip directly.

Then a blush appeared directly on Zhang Chen's face, and Zhang Chen sighed after drinking it in one gulp.

"Ah! It's true. No wonder Senior Brother Situ always drinks every day. This spiritual wine is really a good thing!"

As he sighed, the effect of the spiritual wine began to show, and Zhang Chen immediately began to practice.

Since the last time he drank a sip of this spiritual wine, Zhang Chen woke up and found that his spiritual energy had condensed a little. Since then, Zhang Chen would drink a sip of this spiritual wine almost every day before practicing.

Anyway, Zhang Chen still has hundreds of bottles in his storage space, all of which were cheated from Situ Zhong. It would be a waste if he didn't drink it!

The author Jun appeared again. Thanks to Xijin Xianhua, only for you, Xili Mengmengda, and Milk Fish Ball Orange for the reward!

In addition, I would like to promote the book friends group. If you don't have one, you can come in and chat~

Jun Yang: 618030592

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