After talking about the "Forest of the Sun", Bai Feng suddenly thought that he wanted to find a Pokémon that could learn the skill of cosmic power, so he consulted Dr. Oak and Chihong.

These two are big guys, maybe they know something.

Chihong did know some information. He thought for a while and said, "Pippi, do you think it's okay? I used to pass by Yuejian Mountain and saw Pippi there by accident."

"Pippi?" After hearing this, Bai Feng said with surprise on his face, "Of course! But is there really Pippi in Yuejian Mountain? This kind of Pokémon seems to be rare."

"I don't know if there are still any." Chi Hong frowned and said, "But I did see traces of Pippi in Yuejian Mountain."

"Then I'll go take a look another day." Bai Feng took out the navigator and checked the location of Yuejiushan. "It just so happens that Yuejianshan is not very far from Zhenxin Town."

Mount Tsukimi is located in the northern part of the Kanto region, between Cerulean City and Dark Gray City. It is a place where meteors often fall.

Bai Feng looked at the legend about Yuejian Mountain again, and found that it was really related to Pippi. To be precise, it was related to Pippi's initial form, Baby Pi.

Pippins have a star-like appearance, so some people believe that they are the reincarnation of stars, and that they came to the Pokémon world on meteors.

Rumor has it that if you can find the spot where the meteor crashed, you will definitely be able to see PiBao there.

As a place where meteors often fall, the legend of Moon View Mountain is inevitably connected with Pi Baobao.

After research by Pokémon scholars, Pokémon like Baby Pi likes meteors very much and likes to be with small meteorites. It’s no wonder that its legend is related to stars.

Meteorites are the real Pokémon that come to the Pokémon world along with meteors. The meteors that people sometimes see streaking across the sky are most likely falling meteorites.

Bai Feng also thought of another legend about Pippi. There was a time when Pippi was rumored to be an alien Pokémon that came to the Pokémon world in a spaceship.

Bai Feng felt that this rumor might be related to a movie that was being released at the time. The movie was called "Pippi's Adventure in the Universe". It was about a Pippi driving a spaceship and adventuring in the universe with his friends. s story.

In that movie, Karunai, who was still a child, also played a small cameo role. Bai Feng didn't go to the cinema to watch this movie, but he watched it online. It was very interesting and it was very popular when it was released.

Pippi, who starred in that movie, is now a household name as a Pokémon star, and it hasn't evolved.

In the next few days, Bai Feng stayed in Zhenxin Town and spent a warm time with Chihong's family. Bai Feng and Chihong, the brother, gradually became familiar with each other. I have to say that the blood relationship is really wonderful.

On this day, Bai Feng finally planned to set off to Yuejian Mountain to look for Pippi. Before setting off, Chihong asked: "Do you want me to go with you? Yuejian Mountain is very big and there are many people going there to take risks. It will not be easy to find Pippi." .”

Bai Feng waved his hand and said: "No, just stay at home with your sister-in-law and Xiaozhi. I have super powers, so I can find anything easily."

After Chihong came back from Baiyin Mountain, he had officially submitted his retirement application to the alliance. He had made enough contributions to the alliance over the years, so he planned to stay in Zhenxin Town and be an ordinary person in the future.

"Okay then, be careful." Thinking of Bai Feng's strength, Chihong felt that she had nothing to worry about.

"I'm leaving!"

Bai Feng waved to Chihong, then quickly flew into the sky on the Hackron, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Because Yuejian Mountain is not far from Zhenxin Town, Bai Feng did not take the aircraft, but set off on a Hackron.

After half a day, he successfully arrived at the foot of Yuejian Mountain.

Mount Tsukimi is a famous adventure place in the Kanto region, so many trainers stay at the foot of the mountain every day. In order to facilitate the management of these trainers, the alliance specially built a square here to provide rest and relaxation for the trainers. A place for trading can also prevent trainers from causing trouble.

When Bai Feng arrived at Yuejishan Square, there were already many trainers stopping here, and some even directly set up stalls to sell what they had gained in Yuejishan.

Someone saw Bai Feng appearing riding a rare Harker Dragon, and instantly regarded him as a rich man who had taken advantage of him. They flocked to Bai Feng one after another, constantly introducing to Bai Feng some gadgets that even they themselves thought were rubbish.

Bai Feng was blocked by them and couldn't even walk, so he had to use his super power. There was a flash of light in his eyes, and everyone was pushed far away by him.

Seeing Bai Feng's leaving figure, the sales trainers looked at each other in confusion.

What just happened?

"My dear, is that a super power? It's so strong!" The scene was quiet for a while, and someone couldn't help but say.

" seems so!"

"Besides the owner of the Nazi Hall in Golden City, do we in Kanto have other superpowers?"

"Who knows? Anyway, we can't afford to offend him. I don't think if he uses Pokémon, even my Pokémon can't defeat him."

"Let it go, let it go!"

Ignoring those trainers, Bai Feng walked all the way towards the depths of Yuejian Mountain based on the location information given by Chi Hong.

There are a large number of caves in Yuejian Mountain. As soon as Bai Feng walked in, a wave of frightened supersound bats flew towards him.

Seeing this, Bai Feng had no choice but to put away the Huck Dragon and release the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard. It was really inconvenient for the Huck Dragon to move around in the cave, so the dexterous Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard was more suitable.

Bai Ye and Chaomeng did not follow Bai Feng this time. They all stayed in the reverse space to meditate and practice.

In addition to Superbat, there are also a large number of Pokémon such as Fistrock and Pangolin inhabiting the cave. It is no wonder that almost every trainer outside has a Pokémon such as Fistrock, Sonicbat and Pangolin.

This type of Pokémon is easy to obtain and the cost of training is relatively low, making it very suitable for civilian trainers.

In addition to being rich in all kinds of Pokémon, Yuejian Mountain also has a large number of Moon Stones. Therefore, along the way, Bai Feng often sees trainers carrying hoes or shovels. They are obviously looking for Moon Stones.

Although the quality of the moonstone produced here cannot be high, for ordinary trainers, a low-quality moonstone can be sold for a lot of money. If you find a few more, you can get rich instantly.

Soon Bai Feng arrived at the place Chihong mentioned, but he didn't find Pippi, not even a hair.

The place Chihong was talking about was a canyon not far from the top of Yuejian Mountain. It was full of criss-crossing caves. Pippi didn't have one, but there were many large rock snakes living there.

The big rock snakes here are very ferocious and do not allow human trainers to enter their habitat, so there are not many trainers here.

But Bai Feng is not afraid. If the big rock snake provokes him, he will kill him directly.

Bai Feng took the photoelectric umbrella lizard and searched every corner but couldn't find Pipi. The sky turned dark before he knew it.

He was so tired that he had to find a place to camp nearby. He planned to look for it tomorrow. If he couldn't find it, forget it. Pipi was the only Pokémon with cosmic powers in the world. The worst he could do was spend money to go to the breeding house. Buy it.

Night fell unknowingly. At this time, apart from Bai Feng, there was probably no one else on Yuejian Mountain. There were rustling sounds from the activities of nocturnal Pokémon everywhere, which sounded quite scary.

Bai Feng released the Vulcan Moth. The bright light emitted from the Vulcan Moth illuminated the surrounding area golden, and he didn't even need to light a lamp.

"Well done, Vulcan Moth!" Bai Feng gave Vulcan Moth a thumbs up.

As expected of a Sun Pokémon!


The Vulcan moth squinted its eyes and smiled, waving its three pairs of wings and flying happily in the sky, with golden scales falling down.

Vulcan Moth has a very simple character, almost no different from a newborn Pokémon. After these few days of feeding, it has become much stronger and is no longer as weak as when it was first purified of energy.

"Let's have dinner!"

After setting up the tent, Bai Feng, Bai Ye, and Chaomeng distributed the food to the Pokémon. After the feeding was over, he sat on a rock and started eating with a bowl of instant noodles.

As time went by, a full moon slowly climbed into the sky. Bai Feng chewed instant noodles and looked up at the sky. Then he suddenly remembered that today seemed to be a full moon night.

No wonder the moon is so round tonight.

The reason why Mount Tsukimi is called Mount Tsukimi is because the moon seen here seems to be very close to you, as if you can reach out and touch it.

Although the surrounding environment is a bit scary, the moon on Mount Tsukimi is really beautiful.

"Shanai~" Baby, Meteor!

At this time, Bai Ye suddenly pointed at a meteor streaking across the sky and exclaimed. As soon as it finished speaking, another meteor streaked past. Seeing this, Bai Ye quickly clasped his hands together and muttered something, but he didn't know what he was muttering.

"Mom, are you making a wish?" Bai Feng asked.

"Shanai~" Yes!

Bai Ye nodded.

"Where did you learn this trick?" Bai Feng felt funny.

"Shanai~Shanai~" It was said on TV that making wishes on shooting stars is very accurate!

Bai Ye saw Bai Feng laughing at him and became very angry with a stern face.

"I heard people say that what flies across the sky may not be meteors, but broom stars." Bai Feng teased Bai Ye with a smile.

Bai Ye was so angry that he chased Bai Feng and wanted to fight him.

"Hahaha~~~" Bai Feng was holding the unfinished instant noodles in his hand, laughing while running, and accidentally spilled the instant noodles.

"Shanai~" You deserve it!

Bai Ye stopped and glared at Bai Feng.

After eating and drinking, Bai Feng spread a piece of cloth on the ground and lay down on it. The Pokémon gathered around him, squatting, lying down, or sitting down, and everyone enjoyed this rare full moon night.

Gradually, meteors appeared again in the sky, one almost every once in a while.

It was midnight in a blink of an eye. Bai Feng sat up from the ground and planned to go back to the tent to sleep. Suddenly he saw a leather baby not far away, looking at the Vulcan Moth with its radiant eyes without blinking.

etc? Pi baby?

Bai Feng was stunned.

But Pi Baobao was not stunned. Seeing Bai Feng discovering him, he turned around and ran away.

Bai Feng, who had originally planned to subdue him, suddenly stopped. If there is a Pi baby, there may be Pi Pi and Pi Kexi. You can't alert the snake.

With this thought in mind, he quickly collected all the Pokémon, leaving only Bai Ye beside him.

"Let's go, Mom, let's follow quietly." Bai Feng whispered.


Bai Ye nodded.

So the mother and son used their superpowers to float into the air, hiding their figures in the night, and quietly followed Pi Baobao.

Pi Baobao looked back while running, and when he saw no one was catching up, he patted his swollen belly and let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately I didn't catch up!

After running around in the mountains, Pi Baobao came to a stone wall at the bottom of the canyon and patted it hard with his hand.

"Pi~pi~" Open the door, open the door!

As Pi Baobao finished speaking, the stone wall slowly opened, and a dark cave appeared.

Bai Feng soon discovered that the stone wall that had just been moved was clearly part of the body of a huge rock snake.

Bai Feng and Bai Ye looked at each other, and before the big rock snake moved its body back, they used teleportation to enter the cave without disturbing the big rock snake.

This big rock snake was half asleep and half awake, so its consciousness was not clear. The movement of its body just now was just a habitual movement. It must have been prescribed to Baby Pi many times, and its body has formed a memory.

The mother and son followed Pi Baobao for an unknown amount of time when suddenly a bright light appeared in front of them, and at the same time there was a bright cry.




Hearing this voice, Bai Feng was ecstatic. It was Pippi's voice. It really was Pippi!

Walking along the light, a stone room appeared in front of Bai Feng. The top of the stone room was empty. A full moon like a silver plate appeared above the stone room, and the bright moonlight came straight down from the sky.

Under the moonlight is a huge stone. To be precise, it is a moon stone. The moon stone reflects bright light under the projection of the moonlight, illuminating the entire stone chamber like daylight.

One after another Pipi is dancing briskly around the moon stone. The moonlight condenses on the wings behind them, emitting a faint silver glow, making the Pipi look like a beautiful fairy.

As time went by, more and more moonlight condensed on Pipi and the others, and an invisible magnetic field was generated between Pipi and Bai Feng. Even Bai Feng and Bai Ye could sense it.

Suddenly a white light appeared on Pippi's body.

Bai Feng, who was hiding in the dark, looked surprised.

Is this...the light of evolution?

As the light of evolution appeared on the first Pippi, rich lights of evolution also appeared on the other Pippi's bodies one after another.

When the light dissipated, a Pokémon that looked similar to Pippi but was different from them appeared. It was Pippi's evolved form, Pixy!




The Pixis still walked cheerfully, sang bright songs, and danced in the moonlight around the Moon Stone. The silver moonlight condensed on their wings. They flapped their small wings and flew slowly into the air. middle.

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