The wings of the Picosi are very small and cannot support their flight. At most, they can reduce the resistance of their movements, speed up their movement, and make them look lighter, so the Picosi spin in the air. It fell again.

In this way, the Picos jumped and danced a beautiful dance under the moonlight.

As time passed, until the full moon disappeared, the dance of the Pixis stopped, and Bai Feng also walked out of the darkness at this time.

Seeing Bai Feng, a strange human being, appear, Pi Baobao, Pi Pi and Pi Kexi, who had been leisurely just now, began to scream in panic.

They ran around in the stone room in fear, but the entrance and exit were blocked by white maples, and the hollow above their heads was too high. Although they had wings, they couldn't really fly, so they couldn't get out at all.

Bai Feng didn't make a sound, and he and Bai Ye stood quietly at the entrance and watched Pi Baobao, Pi Pi, and Pi Kexi go from screaming to running away in a hurry, and then hiding in the corner shivering.

It wasn't until they calmed down that Bai Feng smiled and said, "Calm down?"

"Picosy~" What are you going to do?

One of the Pixies asked in a low voice while trembling.

This Pixie should be the leader of this group of Pi babies, Pipi and Pixie. It is quite responsible. Although it is very scared, it still bravely stands at the front and protects all its kin. .

Bai Feng replied: "Huh? Isn't my purpose obvious enough? Of course it is to conquer you!"

"Pikexi~Pikexi~" If you are dreaming, we will not follow you!

Chief Picosi said fearfully and angrily.

Bai Feng asked doubtfully: "Can you decide this?"

As he spoke, purple light flashed in his eyes, and then he raised a hand and pointed it at Picoxi, and then Picosi found that he could not move.

"Pi~Pi Kexi~Pi Kexi~"

Under the control of Bai Feng's super power, the leader of Picoxi slowly floated into the air. It kept gesticulating with its hands and kicked randomly with its feet, but it could not break free from the shackles of its super power.

Although this Pi Kexi is the leader, he is not very strong. It should be said that the strength of the entire Pi Pi tribe is not very strong.

Seeing that the leader was caught, other Pi Baobao, Pi Pi and Pi Kexi looked at Bai Feng angrily, and some even used skills to attack Bai Feng.

Unfortunately, these attacks couldn't get close to Bai Feng, so they were intercepted by Bai Ye using light walls and reflective walls.

Bai Feng smiled again and said to Chief Picoxi: "Look, you can't decide, right? As long as I want to conquer you, none of you can stop me."

Hearing Bai Feng's words, the leader of Picoxi, who was still struggling desperately, suddenly became frustrated and quiet, with a frustrated expression on his face.

At this time, Bai Feng revoked his superpower and slowly lowered the Picoxi leader back to the ground.

"Although I want to conquer you, I have no ill intentions towards you. I just made a little joke with you."

After hearing Bai Feng's words, except for the leader Pi Kexi who was still immersed in depression, the other Pi Babies, Pi Pi and Pi Kexi all stared at Bai Feng angrily.

Who wants to joke with you?

Bai Feng didn't care about their anger, but smiled and said to them: "Look, if I want to use force to conquer you, none of you can stop me. Even if it's not me today, someone else will come tomorrow.

It must be very hard to hide here and live secretly, right? Not only do I have to worry about food every day, but I also have to guard against being discovered where I am hiding.

In this case, why not come with me? I can promise to let you live a life without worries about food and drink, and I will not hurt you. If you help me work, I will also pay you corresponding remuneration and provide you with shelter, so that you don't have to worry every day. "

Bai Feng beguiled Pi Baobao, Pi Pi and Pi Kexi little by little, and then began to tell them about the benefits of working for him, leaving Pi Bao Bao, Pi Pi and Pi Kexi in a daze. .

Is there such a good thing in the world? Pi Baobao, Pi Pi and Pi Kexi couldn't help but think, and even the Pi Kexi leader began to waver in his heart.

After talking about the generous remuneration for his work, Bai Feng began to describe to them a blueprint for a better life in the future.

"The trainers who come to Yue Jian Mountain for adventure all want to find you. Once they discover your hiding place, your tribe will probably be torn apart.

But it's different if you follow me. I can provide jobs for all of you, so that you can live a prosperous life, and no one needs to be separated from the same race.

Don’t you want to bask in the sun openly? Don't want to play outside anytime and anywhere? Don’t want to dance under the moonlight without any worries?

A carefree life is the life you should live, instead of hiding in a dark cave like you are now, fearful and fearful every day. "

After saying this, Pi Baobao, Pippi and the Pikesi looked at Leader Pikesi together, feeling very shaken in their hearts. Leader Pikesi's face was full of expressions of struggle.

Seeing this, Bai Feng began to flaunt himself.

"You see, I can obviously take you all away by force, but I am willing to spend my precious time here to advise you earnestly and explain my interests to you. It shows that I am not a bad person, otherwise I don't need to worry about your feelings at all.

When you meet a good boss like me, if you don't grab it quickly, what are you hesitating about? If you miss this village, you won’t have this shop! Do you want to stay in this dark place all your life? "

Sure enough, as Bai Feng spoke faster and faster, Pi Baobao, Pi Pi, and Pi Kexi began to feel anxious. They gathered around the Pi Kexi leader and started talking in low voices.

"Pi~Pixi~" Are you telling the truth? It really won't hurt us? Will it protect us? Will you give us job opportunities? Will they still pay us?

Finally, Picoxi leader couldn't help but look at Bai Feng and asked, if possible, it certainly doesn't want its companions to live a life of hiding in hiding.

In fact, a long time ago, there were more than just such a few members of their tribe, but as more and more trainers came to take risks in Yuejian Mountain, their hiding places were repeatedly discovered, and many of their kin were forcefully taken away.

Pippin, Pippi, and Picoxi are all very rare Pokémon. Once a trainer discovers their traces, they will usually follow them closely, so they have always lived a life of fear.

"Of course, I don't have to lie to you!" Bai Feng said firmly.

After hearing Bai Feng's answer, Leader Picoxi turned around and started discussing with his companions.

After an unknown amount of time, the sun slowly rose in the sky, and the Piccoses finally made up their minds.

"Pi~Pixi~" We are willing to go with you.

Leader Picoxi took a step forward and said to Bai Feng.

A bright smile broke out on Bai Feng's face, "Very good! Wise decision! Without further ado, let's move now!"

With that said, Bai Feng opened the portal of the reverse space and asked Pi Baobao, Pi Pi and Pi Kexi to line up and walk in. When only leader Pi Kexi was left, he pointed at the huge moon stone and said to Bai Feng: "Picosy~" And this!

This is their family heirloom and cannot be lost under any circumstances.

Bai Feng gave it a reassuring look, "Don't worry, I won't forget it!" As he said that, he used his super power to control the giant moon stone to slowly enter the reverse space.

He just counted the number of members of the Pippi tribe. Among them, there are 15 Pippi, 14 Pippi, and 28 Pikoxi. A total of 57 Pokémon, which should be enough!

By the time Bai Feng and Bai Ye came out of the Pipi tribe's hiding place, the sky was already bright, and the golden sunlight shone on Yuejian Mountain, making Bai Feng's mood extremely bright.

Beautiful day begins!

"Mom, we have conquered Pippi, let's go back!" Bai Feng said to Bai Ye.


Bai Ye smiled and nodded.

Then Bai Feng released the Hackron, and he and Bai Ye rode on it and flew down the mountain.

The adventurous trainers below looked up and saw a Harker dragon roaring past their heads.

They looked at the Huck Dragon disappearing in the distance, and then looked at the small fist stone and mountain rat beside them, and couldn't help but sigh that they are the same person but have different fates.

Around noon, Bai Feng returned to Zhenxin Town successfully. As soon as he got home, he saw Chihong using a Pidgeot to fight against Xiaozhi who was commanding Pikachu.'s more like playing than fighting, because Xiaozhi, who is only four years old, doesn't understand fighting at all and is giving completely blind instructions.

It seems that father and son get along well!

"Xiao Zhi! Big brother!"

Bai Feng drove Hackron to land and waved to say hello to Xiaozhi and Chihong.

Seeing Bai Feng come back, Chihong looked surprised, "Come back so soon? It seems that the subjugation was successful. I thought you would have to spend a few days there to find Pippi!"

After Bai Feng put away the hacker dragon, he said to Chihong: "How can I have so much time? If I can't find it in a day or two, I'm going to spend money to buy it directly from the breeding house."

"That's true." Thinking of Bai Feng's net worth, Chihong felt that there was really no need to waste too much time looking for Pokémon.

"I plan to go back to Carlos tomorrow." Bai Feng said suddenly after the two chatted for a few words about Yuejianshan and Pippi.

Chi Hong frowned when he heard this, "It's so fast. You've only been here for a few days. Why don't you stay here for a while?"

Bai Feng shook his head, "No, Carlos is very busy every day. Besides, I'm still in school. It's not good to take too long a leave!"

Chihong had been traveling outside since she was ten years old, but she had forgotten that Bai Feng still had to go to school, so she could only say regretfully: "Well, I originally wanted to keep you here for a while!"

After being separated from her brother for so many years, it was not easy to find her. Of course Chi Hong hopes to spend more time with him, but unfortunately her brother has settled in the distant Kalos region.

At this time, Xiaozhi came over with Pikachu. When he heard that Bai Feng was leaving, he immediately hugged Bai Feng's thigh, raised his head and asked with a pout:

"Uncle is leaving again? I can't bear to leave you!"

Seeing this, Chihong patted his head and said, "If you have a chance, dad will take you to your uncle's house as a guest."

When Xiaozhi heard this, he looked at Chihong with bright eyes: "Really?"

"Of course, dad doesn't have to go out to work in the future. He has a lot of time to spend with you and mom. I will take you to your uncle's house after a while!" Chihong replied with a smile. He himself also wanted to visit the place where Bai Feng lived.

"Yeah! Yeah!"


Xiaozhi happily jumped up and down with Pikachu in his arms. He had been looking forward to going to his uncle's house for a long time.

The next morning, Bai Feng said goodbye to Chihong, Xiaozhi and Hanako, and boarded the aircraft returning to Kalos.

On the way back to Carlos, Bai Feng helped Pi Baobao, Pi Pi and Pi Kexi, who had just joined the Fang Xingshan family, get a general health care.

Sure enough, no Pokémon could withstand the temptation of extensive health care. Feeling the changes in their bodies, they were even more convinced of Bai Feng. Their original worries gradually disappeared, and a heartfelt smile appeared on their faces, finally completely accepting Bai Feng. .

Then Bai Feng began to use golden fingers to help them learn the skill of cosmic power.

Only a few Pipi and Picoxi know this skill, but most others don't, so Bai Feng needs to figure out the principle of its energy operation first, and then hand it over to Pipi and Picoxi.

As for the fur babies, they do not have the conditions to learn this skill.

As a superpower skill, cosmic power is not easy to learn, especially when using this skill, you need to use mental power to perceive the ethereal and elusive universe, and then draw energy from it.

The mere step of perceiving the distant universe stumped Pippi and Picoxi.

Until they returned to Biyi City, only a few Pipi and Picoxi, who had relatively high understanding, barely learned the power of the universe, but they were still not able to use it skillfully. Others who had not learned it needed to work harder.

After returning to Fangxing Mountain, Bai Feng released Pi Baobao, Pipi and Pi Kexi from the reverse space, and took them to visit Fangxing Mountain, telling them that this is where they will live from now on, and pointed to all the animals on the mountain. The Pokémon told them that they could make friends with any Pokémon here.

Hearing this, Pibaobao, Pipi and Pixi were very happy. When they lived in Yuejian Mountain, they did not dare to make friends with other Pokémon for fear of exposing the hiding place of their kind. Now they finally don’t have to. Terrified.

The Pokémon in Fangxing Mountain expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of Baby Pi, Pipi, and Pixi, which fully made Baby Pi, Pipi, and Pixi feel what it means to be enthusiastic.

Pippi and Pixy were more mature and cautious, but the lively and innocent Pippi babies didn't have so many scruples. It didn't take long for them to play with the other Pokémon on the mountain and start walking all over the mountain. Completely releasing his innocent nature.

Seeing the cheerful laughter and bright smiles of the leather babies, the older Pikesi suddenly realized that the hidden life in the past had brought so much depression to the leather babies. No wonder the new born in the tribe The number of skin babies is getting smaller and smaller.

It seems that they made the right choice!

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