The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 929: arrival

The Tianting side was repaired higher, Nangongjing and Pilu were one enemy two, Nangongjing was on the Tianfeng clan chief Zhao Wei and Jinfeng mother-in-law, and Pilu was fighting with the Kuchao chieftain Lu Yuzhong and the Dilong family leader Di Yan. It does not fall into the wind.

Fortunately, the people of the three tribes are dominant in quantity, and the land is good, and the rest of the heavens will not show weakness.

For a time, the two sides were deadlocked and it was difficult to separate the winners and losers in a short time.

However, because the elders and other elders were killed, the Pilu spirits were guarded in front of the Huangyun vortex, and no one of the three tribes was able to get close to the whirlpool. The space passage gradually stabilized, and the outer heavenly army began to flow in from the passage.

Although the passage space is narrow, the number of people who can pass at one time is limited, but in the long run, the situation is worrying.

Lu Yanzhong's brows are locked, but they suffer from lack of skills.

However, not long after, the large number of reinforcements from all three tribes rushed to the scene, and the tribes of the three tribes rushed to suppress the Tianting party that had not yet formed a scale.

Lu Yanzhong immediately made a look at Di Yan, who was not far away.

In the lower part, the figure swayed, about thirty people of the Holy Order, who came out from the battle group and rushed toward Huangyun.

Halfway through the road, except for the first ten people who went straight to the incarnation of the Pilu demon soul, and together with the battle, the remaining 20 more holy divisions were divided into two lanes, circling a circle and rushing to Pilu. The vortex channel behind the body.

It was a flash of light with Lu Luzhong’s confrontation with Lu’s eyes.

At the next moment, the black clouds around the whirlpool of Huangyun flickered, and a large black smoke like ink was rolling out and spread in all directions, covering more than a hundred feet in the blink of an eye.

The smoke was rolling, and there were a strange figure in the air, like a nine sinister ghost, and the claws of the claws greeted those who were holy.

"Not good, get rid of it!" Lu Yanzhong saw it and immediately shouted.

More than 20 holy orders at this moment are less than a hundred feet away from the vortex channel, and the sound immediately retreats quickly. However, the front-most people are unable to escape and are caught up by several weird figures.

Those weird figures passed under the guise of those people, and they were attached directly to their backs. The flash of light was integrated into the bodies of those people.


The people in the population made a scream of screams, their faces turned incomparable, their eyes became dark, and they couldn’t see a little white glutinous rice, and the whole body began to overflow with black smoke, which became extremely strange.

The rest of the same family saw the situation, but also wanted to go forward to rescue, but as soon as they approached, the few people rushed toward them madly, and the speed was very fast, just smothered and bitten to the companion, barely seeing A little bit of humanity.

"They have been possessed by the spirits and killed them." Lu Yanzhong said coldly.

The remaining ten people heard the words, hesitated for a moment, or they started to kill the few people.

However, as a result, these people did not dare to approach the Huangyun vortex.

The situation is once again deadlocked.

As time went by, the space channel became larger and larger, and more and more people entered the heavens. The situation gradually turned to the heaven side.

The number of people in the three races has gradually lost, and has gradually been overtaken, and the number of fallen people has also increased.

However, on the other side of the heavens, the gods did not decrease much.

Somewhere on the battlefield, Ximen Snow holds a golden sword like a sword like a sword, and one person fights three sacred turtles.

Its body shape is no trace, every sword stabbed out, there will be dozens of dazzling swords in the air, the power is not worse than the body, giving a sense of invincible.

The three tortoises are all sacred to the peaks of the Holy Order. At this moment, the demon's body has already appeared. The body is topped with a rock-solid giant turtle shell, and the mouth is spurted with a grindstone-sized earthy ball, which is shining with glare. The Huang Mang is the sacred earth mine.

These sacred earth gods are extremely powerful, and each one bursts, and it can sway the emptiness of the void in the square.

Even so, the three men are still not the enemy. With a gentle spin of the sword, they will easily smash these sacred earth mines.

The three men were sweating and sweating, and they were forced to spurt out the sacred gods. They were still forced to retreat. The wounds on the body quickly accumulated, and the shells could not withstand the sharp swords. The three quickly became three blood. people.

Ximen Xue sighed with a sigh of relief, his wrists shook, hundreds of bright and swaying, and the clear golden swords appeared out of thin air, staggered and twisted, and all the sacred earth gods were broken.

The golden sword shadow kept going, and the three people facing the opposite side were covered under the rain.


Three screams screamed at the same time.

The three holy scorpions were separated from each other, and the holy embryo was smashed out by the sword before it was thrown out. The corpse fell toward the bottom.

Ximen Snow looked around and there was a shadow in the depths of his eyes.

"Ximen God will, for a long time no see, the strength is really leaps and bounds." A figure flew over, but it was Zhao Wei.

His temperament is as usual, and it is obvious that the internal injuries have all recovered. This is only a moment of effort, and I don’t know what kind of magical medicine is the golden remedy.

"I am a little bit of a trick, and I dare to compare it with the nine-turned Xuan Gong of Zhao Hao." Ximen Xue smiled.

"Why should Ximen God be so modest? Who does not know, you get the body of the great man in the Kunlun secret, and the strength is leaps and bounds, and the sacred rule is used to kill the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect. Make a great contribution, even the esteem is also full of praise for you." Zhao Xiao said with a smile.

"Over the award, you have a lot of achievements this time, in one fell swoop to break the Tianfeng tribe alliance, this is the top priority of the Tianhe Star." Ximen Snow show a smile, said.

"A little record, why not hang on the teeth." Zhao Wei heard this, a glimmer of color in his eyes flashed.

"In fact, you and I are also old-fashioned. You don't have to call each other to see it. If you don't mind, call me my name." Ximen said with a smile.

Zhao Wei’s expression flashed a bit strange, nodded and smiled: “Exactly, I feel a bit awkward.”

"Speaking of it, the battle of the millennium ago, the 12th sacred will be degraded four, the tenth and twelfth positions will be succeeded now, the sixth and eighth positions will still be vacant." Ximen Xueyan turned, seems to have Said profoundly.

"Yes, that's it. It used to be that Zhao had misunderstood Simon's friends, but he was not surprised!" Zhao Wei blinked in the eyes, haha ​​laughed.

Simon's snowy mouth was slightly upturned, giving off a touch of beautiful beauty, so that Zhao can not help but see a little stay.

Ximen Xue was about to say something, his eyelashes trembled a little, and he seemed to see something, and the light shook a little.

Although the change of Ximenxue's expression of silk seems to be like water, there is no trace of the moment, but still did not escape Zhao's eyes, looking at the past along the eyes of Ximen Xue, but the direction of the Huangyun vortex channel.

There are crowds of people at the moment, and there will always be a heavenly battle that will fly out of the channel and join the battlefield below.

Near the passage, the Tianfeng tribes were leading a large number of people, and they were desperately attacking. They hoped to regain control of the passage and seal them again, but they were stopped by Pilu.

The shadows of the area are intertwined, the various colors are fluttering, the chaos is messy, and where can be seen.

Ximen Xue noticed Zhao’s look, his eyes were tight, but he was as usual.

"If Zhao Xiong has no other things, then I will leave." She said quietly, turned and flew toward a battle circle.

Zhao Wei looked at Ximen Snow and went away, his eyes flashing.

However, he shook his head and no longer wastes time here. He also rushed toward a battle circle.

At this moment, although the heavens are dominant, it is only a matter of time before the Tianfeng tribes are defeated. However, the more they arrive at this time, the less they can be taken lightly. The Tianfeng tribes have deep roots and can not be underestimated.

There is a hint of excitement in Zhao’s eyes. As long as he can occupy Wuyan Star in one fell swoop, swallowing the entire Tianhe Star Field is almost a matter of nailing.

With such great deeds, his position in heaven will surely increase.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yan’s face was full of excitement, and he made a big drink and turned his hand to remove the green steel vine spear.

With one hand and one wave, the sound of a huge spear of several dozens of feet emerged, and then slammed down.

At the same time, behind a rock in the distance, a silver robe man flew out and looked at Zhao Yu and Ximen Xue, and looked a little different.

This person is not someone else, it is Shi Mu.

After sneaking into the passage, he immediately changed his appearance. After all, the wide-faced man was the **** of heaven and he knew a lot.

The battlefield situation was very chaotic at the moment and it was not discovered.

Even so, he seems to be recognized by Ximen Xue at a glance, which makes him a little surprised.

Shi Mu looked around and his brow wrinkled.

"go to hell!"

At this moment, a thick stick shadow came from the side, hitting Shi Mu with a mighty momentum, but it was a great man of the Dilong family.

Shi Mu is wearing a heavenly costume at this moment, and is naturally recognized as an enemy.

He grabbed it with one hand, and a large red fire emerged. He grabbed the stick and gently twisted it.

The sticks suddenly dissipated, and a black long stick was caught in the hands of Shi Mu.

It’s extremely dangerous for the Dalong people to have a big heart and the magic weapon is controlled by the enemy.

He screamed, his whole body muscles swelled three points, huge power broke out from him, and the air was shaken out of the ripples, struggling to get back the long stick magic weapon.

However, the stick was caught by Shimu, as if it had been cast iron, and he was so far away from the ordinary people that he seemed to be a pillar, and did not pull the minute. The whole person stayed for a while.

Shi Mu faintly swept the dragon and the big man, and pointed a bullet, and the red flame suddenly broke out from his fingertips.

The Dalong Dahan screamed, and refused to recapture the magic weapon, let go and let go, and fly back.

The red flame was just a flash in the pan, and the next moment disappeared. The silver robe man disappeared together. Only one black stick floated there quietly.

The Dalong Dahan was suddenly stunned.

At this moment, Shi Mu has already reached hundreds of feet and flew through the battle circles.

With his strength, even if it is affected by some people, he can easily get out of the way without revealing the traces.

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