The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 930: Nine dead reincarnation

Shi Mu patrolled the battlefield while spreading the knowledge.

Soon, the entire battlefield was quickly reviewed by him.

He was in a shape and stopped at a relatively hidden place, his brow was locked, and his eyes were a little anxious.

The battle inside Wuyanxing seems to be a lot worse than he expected. The guardian star was broken and he had already learned that he just didn’t expect the Tianfeng tribe to be in such an unfavorable situation.

The situation will become more and more unfavorable. If this continues, it will not take long for the three tribes to collapse and it will fall completely.

Shi Mu’s thoughts turned sharply, and his eyes looked toward him in the air.

The roar of the air in the air is endless, and the various colors are intertwined, and there is a burst of horror.

Six grand and incomparable, different colors of the sun are intertwined, as if the six raging dragons rub against each other, it is Lu Yuzhong, Pi Luxian will wait for six people to fight.

The strength of the six people is too strong. The people around the tribe are far away from the battle of the heavens, and they are far away from each other.

His eyes fell on one of the refined men, and the pupils shrank slightly.

It was the Nangongjing who had previously succeeded in creating the patriarch of the patriarchal giants.

At this moment, he is fighting with Zhao Wei and Jin Feng's mother-in-law.

But seeing his figure shaking, every step of the foot stepping out, there will be a group of white ice crystals at the foot, like a white lotus blooming, looks very beautiful.

Anyone can feel the thick murderousness contained in this crystal lotus.

At this time, in the mid-air centered on it, it was filled with hundreds of dense white ice lotuses.

"You Tianfeng people have always been proud of fire. Today I will come to teach one or two." Nangong said with a smile.

He waved his hand, and the white ice lotus in the air suddenly became a big white light, rising several times.

In the next moment, those ice lotuses suddenly disintegrated, and the petals rose like a sharp-edged ice spear. They flew toward Zhao and two, as if there was an ice rain.

Jin Feng's mother-in-law gave a low drink, her body shape, her hands intertwined in front of her body, and she constantly made all kinds of laws.

A sacred Xuan Zang Jin Yan condensed in front of his body, turned into a red-hot fire of only a few feet in size, densely packed with more than a thousand, and the two wings agitated, bringing a burning heat wave, welcoming the rain of those ice spears go with.

Nangong Jing saw the shape, and the corner of his mouth evoked a trace of smile.

I saw it with a wave, and those ice spears suddenly appeared in the hail, white light, and the opposite flamingo group collided.


The fire was pierced one by one, and then it was frozen, like a fly in amber.

Nangongjing explored and took a frozen fire from the ice front.

"Hey, Xuan Zang Jin Yan, but that's it." After that, he immediately threw the group's fire in the ice and threw it into the tribes who were fighting with other gods.

A bang was heard.

The ice crystal shattered and a large group of flames rushed out of it, and instantly engulfed a great dragon of the Dilong family.

When Jin Feng’s mother-in-law saw it, her face was wrinkled and wrinkled.

All the fires were shot down and frozen, and the remaining white ice cones were covered by the golden phoenix.

In the hands of the fan fan fire, bang! Condensed into a huge red gold phoenix illusion suddenly appeared, blocked before the ice rain.

When the ice cone hits the shadow of the red gold and the phoenix, it immediately melts and turns into a water vapor.

"The phoenix fire fan, really worthy of the Tianfeng family of the town of the treasure, it is quite powerful." Nangong Jingmei slightly pick, faint opening.

Zhao Yan’s eyes flashed sharply, and the feather fan in his hand pointed out that the huge fire and phoenix shadow fluttered out and flew toward the Nangong scene...

Shi Muguang turned around and looked to the other side, and he was on the side of Lu Lu, who confronted the squadron of the tortoise.

This person is surrounded by black air, although it seems to be blocked by the blue light sword shadow and golden axe, but it seems to be calm under the attack of the two.

From time to time, there will be a magical spouting out of it, which will escape from the close attack of Lu Yuzhong and flock to the strong people of the three tribes below.

Some people who suffer from magical insults suddenly disappeared, but some bones melted into boneless empty pockets.

When Shi Mu saw this, his heart was tight.

This person also does not fall to the winds of Shangluo Zhonghua and Di Yan. The strength is at least comparable to that of Nangongjing, and even slightly better.

The scene that I am most worried about has appeared. The heavens sent here, and indeed there is more than one immortal, but two.

"Magic gas... Is this nothing... nine deadly reincarnation?" Shi Mu stared at the black air that fluttered in the sky, suddenly thought of something, muttered to himself.

It is rumored that the nine dead reincarnation magic is one of the three great magical works of the ancient magical magical field. It has the saying that "nine deaths are lifeless and eternal reincarnation". In the end, a total of nine demons can be born in the body. Qi, among them, there is a boneless magic that does not hurt the skin sac, but it can be smashed, and the defense is powerful, and it is impossible to break the sigh of sighing and sighing, and the sorrowful spirit that can make the sorrowful body devour the soul...

As soon as I read this, Shi Mu’s eyes flashed in different colors, and there was a bit more speculation about the origin of this person.

He was slightly indulged, and turned his head to look at the direction of the space channel guarded by Vilu, and his face was full of thoughts.

Then he swayed and disappeared from the place...

Time passed, and unconsciously, another hour passed.

Deep in the middle of the six-color cloud.

Pilu Xian will have a word in his mouth, his face will be solemn, his body will be black and white, and he will condense into a huge disc virtual shadow behind him. There are nine black portals on the disc, and each black portal has a **** smoldering gas.

Each of the nine magical weapons is different, some are light and foggy, some are dignified like water, and there are countless ghosts in the magical gas, and the sound of a hundred ghosts crying.

Each magical power is enormous, exuding the horrible power of swallowing the ground.

Nine magical dances, everything that passed through was turned into nothingness, and the opposite of Lu Yuzhong and Di Yan killed only the power of parry.

At this moment, Lu Yizhong has already revealed the body of the Yaozu. There is a piece of earthy scales on his body. The whole body blooms into the sky and the yellow mans. The pressure of the peak of the middle of the gods is completely spread out. The gestures of the devastating sea are exuded. .

Even so, there was no use before the nine-way magic, and it was forced to retreat.

The shield of the tortoise shell in front of him has been broken at the moment, many places are broken, and even a small hole is eroded, and the light is dim.

The yellow giant axe in the hand is also somewhat damaged, but much better than the turtle shell shield.

Di Yan's situation is the same. The blue flag on the hand is eroded out of a small pit, and the aura that radiates is dimmed a lot, which makes him feel very sad.

However, in the face of the nine magical spirits of the Pilu Xian, other magic weapons on his body are simply vulnerable. Only the blue flag Lingbao can resist one or two and can only continue to use.

On the other hand, Zhao Wei and Jin Feng's mother-in-law were completely suppressed by Nangongjing.

At the moment, Nangongjing has a white fingertip magic weapon on it. There are countless white runes jumping on it, exuding the power of the amazing law.

As soon as he pointed out, there was a white pointing shot.

These white finger-shadows are all condensed by the hail of gods, but they are much more powerful than the hail, and the shadows are frozen and cracked.

The crutches in the hands of Jin Feng's mother-in-law have been broken into two pieces. Many of them have been injured and their expressions have been ruined. They rely on the phoenix fire fan in the hands of Zhao Wei to resist the attack of Nangongjing.

"Hell, these two immortals will be cultivated to be similar to us, and the means are so strange! Lu Xiong, if you fight again, you can only barely delay, we are not their opponents, retreat!" Di Yan waved his hand The flag, a large piece of blue light emerged, condensed into a blue ice flower of a dozen feet in size, blocking the magical spirit that came from it, and the voice and Lu Yuzhong said.

Aside, Zhao Wei and Jin Feng’s mother-in-law saw this scene, but the look was a change.

"Death!" Pilu Xian will have words in his mouth, the black field suddenly rolled, and the black runes condensed together, turning into countless black filaments, which are densely confusing.

Piluxian will wave a law, and countless blacks will be sprayed out immediately, and they will call Lu Yuzhong and Di Yan.

Lu Yanzhong's face changed, and he shouted and spurted a strong yellow awn, which was integrated into the turtle-shaped shield and yellow axe in front of him.

Two pieces of Lingbao suddenly trembled, and then the light shines, and the light shines like never before.

The next moment, two pieces of Lingbao blasted into a thick yellow cloud, and numerous yellow runes flashed inside, covering Lu Yuzhong's own layers.

A loud noise came from the side, and Dean’s eyes were full of regrets, but his blue flag also burst open and turned into a blue light curtain, blocking it in front of him.

Puff puff!

Numerous black light thorns on the two people, Huang Yun light curtain trembled violently, the light flashed, greatly dimmed, but not penetrated.

Lu Yuzhong and Di Yan were pale and full of fear.

Piluxian flashed a glimmer of surprise in his eyes, but then he snorted and was about to do anything more.

At this moment, a rumbling bang suddenly came from the direction of the passage.

There was a huge cloud of fire in the passage, and there was a loud bang in it. It seems that there are countless volcanoes erupting.

The fire cloud covers a wide range, with a radius of hundreds of feet, and the exit of the space channel is also covered.

Pi Luxian and others, including Lu Yuzhong and Di Yan in the field turned around and looked at the past, all shocked.

I saw the fire cloud covering the exit of the space channel, as if the dam was built in the rapids, and the Tiantian army that continuously entered the outside stopped suddenly.

"What happened!" Nangong Jing was shocked and stopped the attack.

Zhao Wei and Jin Feng's mother-in-law had a loose face, and the figure flew out. After she had not sat down, she took out the medicine.

The two of them moved naturally, but Nangongjing, but he has no time to take care of the two, and his eyes are looking at the passage.

Zhao Wei and others look very different, and their faces are full of joy.

Although I don’t know who the Huoyun Shentong is, it’s definitely a party to the tribal alliance.

It’s just that this fire cloud power is very powerful. Even if they are a few people, they may not have such a powerful power. Who is it?

"Nangong, here I am alone, you immediately rushed, must kill!" Pilu Xian will scream.

Nangongjing's look changed slightly, and then he nodded, and the body flew out and flew toward the passage.

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