Before I woke up from the lightning strike, the driver reminded us to reach our destination.

The president's father took out an expensive and elegant handkerchief and carefully wiped his tears of excitement, I don't know when he changed his address to me, "Little book, let's go! Let's get this back for Batian. One round! Let’s create a beautiful today for Batian Group!”

The president's dad is really good at inspiring people. I didn't even realize it, so I followed the president's dad into the meeting room of the company.

I sighed in amazement. The CEO's father is worthy of being the CEO's father. This kind of talent and ability that can rival the leader of a MLM organization cannot be learned by ordinary people.

I was thinking about it, when the chairman of the company came in angrily with a group of employees.

I am very worried, looking at their posture, they are not going to smash our rotten eggs and rotten leaves!

I glanced at the CEO's dad cowardly, and the CEO's dad gave me an encouraging look.

The confidence of the CEO's father has infected me. If the CEO's father is not afraid, then I am not afraid either!

Everything is for the better tomorrow of Batian Group!


I was too naive, and I underestimated the masterful negotiation methods of the CEO.

Thirty minutes, I watched the atmosphere in the meeting room change from tense to fun.

The projection in the conference room is used to put on the MV of old songs from the 1980s, and the loudspeaker used in the annual meeting of the company is also raised.

The ties of the president's father and the chairman of the company were torn. The two of them were sitting at the negotiating table crookedly, their faces flushed, each with a disposable paper cup, and they drank the cheap white wine heartily. Dripping, "How are you guys! Six six six! Seven coincidences! Eight horses!"

I had question marks all over my face as I poured them drinks.

Your dad is your dad, the boss is worthy of being a boss, your uncle will always be your uncle.

I thought the big boss who mastered the lifeblood of the global economy would only sit in the Panorama office, sip the coffee from the Panama Emerald Manor, and slowly roll up the cuffs of a custom suit embroidered with his English name. Grab the Aurora Limited Edition Diamond Pen and sign your name in beautiful squiggly lettering.

Like the president.

I was wrong, I was still too young, I was too naive.

I knelt down, convinced, Rishbai.

When night shrouded the earth, Batian and his party finally got out of the company.

The reconciliation is undoubtedly a reconciliation. The compensation price that the company is willing to accept is lower than the price negotiated before the accident.

The president's father pressed the window, "Brother, I'm leaving!"

Chairman of Qiu Datou Company burst into tears, waving his hand after chasing the car, "Brother, come play next time! Bring your sister-in-law with you!"

The president's father responded loudly, waving his hand, "Okay! Go back, don't give it away!"

Our convoy left slowly under the reluctant gaze of the employees of the company.

My admiration for the CEO's father is like waves and mountains, I shook my head and sighed, "You are so amazing! You are beyond my imagination today, I don't know how to use it. Words to express my admiration for you, you are definitely my role model and the spiritual benchmark for my struggle! I will definitely work hard and strive to make the president a person like you as soon as possible!"

The president's father smiled kindly, "When you lead the Batian Group in the future, I believe you will succeed." This misunderstanding must be explained clearly! It's one thing for me to admire the CEO's father's ability to work, but it's another thing to marry into their family as a free laborer, "Mr. Batian, I don't want to marry the CEO..."

The president's father waved his hand and interrupted my generous speech, "I drank too much, take a break, alas, it's not good to be old!"

The president's father slowly closed his eyes and snored.

I just kept my mouth shut.

I was speechless all the way.

The car stopped at the entrance of Batian Manor, and the bodyguard opened the door from outside the car.

I woke up the CEO's dad softly, "Mr. Batian? Mr. Batian? When you're home, go in and sleep."

The president's father woke up in a daze, looked at the scenery outside the car, and it took a long time to come back to his senses, "uh", and turned to get off.

I suddenly thought of the CEO's brother, and quickly stopped the CEO's father and asked, "Mr. Batian, may I ask...Do you know where the CEO's brother is now?"

When it comes to the CEO's younger brother, the CEO's father's eyes become much gentler, the words are disgusting, but there is a slightly upward smile on the corner of his mouth, "The stinky boy is not willing to live in the hotel. When I go home, my temper is so stubborn that neither I nor my wife will see him."

I tried to ask: "How about I go see him? I'm an outsider, maybe he would like to see me."

I feel that the current mental state of the president's brother is a bit dangerous. I'm always worried if I don't confirm it with my own eyes.

Even if he is not anti-social, he must have a deep hatred for the president now. Don't do anything impulsive to hurt the president's personal safety, it will be irreversible.

President Dad thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

The driver listened and asked worriedly: "Would you like to give Miss Mi a bodyguard?"

The CEO's father smiled and shook his head, "No, my son knows that the CEO's brother is not a bad person."

The president asked the driver to take me downstairs to the hotel.

The younger brother of the president was unwilling to stay in the hotel under Batian Group, so he chose the super seven-star hotel where I stayed last time.

I said hello to the security captain and security uncle who had a long conversation all night, and came to the door of the presidential suite on the top floor.

This rug on my feet is proof that I once fought.

I slept here all night.

Ah, the past is unbearable.

“Ding Dong—”

The door opened.

Unexpectedly, it's not the kind of ruffian ruffian with flowery arms that I imagined, and there is no dark and distorted eyes.

Don't talk about dark circles, not even blackheads.

& nbsp;

Maybe it took me too long to be surprised, the CEO's brother said first: "Are you the secretary?"

I hurriedly greeted the younger brother, "Hello, I'm the secretary, do you know me?"

"I saw it in the news photos." The CEO shrugged casually.

"May I come in? I'll take your time for a while. I want to chat with you."

The president's brother made an indifferent expression, turned and entered the room.

I hurried in.

"Excuse me, did you write this report?" This innocent little chubby boy doesn't look like a bad guy!

The CEO handed me a bottle of Coke, "No, I hired someone to write it."

I sat down on the sofa and tried to communicate with the younger brother, "What is your purpose? Bring down the Batian Group?"

The CEO hesitated for a second, his eyes dodged a little, "No..."

I struck while the iron was hot and asked, "What is that?"

"I..." The CEO's brother stammered and lowered his head, "I just want my parents to notice me."

Ah, it turned out to be an adolescent boy who lacked family warmth.

The president's younger brother pursed his lips, his eyes were full of tears, the little fat on his face was crowded together, and he looked extremely aggrieved, "Every time they call me, they will only ask me Have you practiced an instrument today? Have you learned music theory? Are you going to participate in a competition? I have never been asked once if I liked music or not, and I have never been asked if I liked Italian.”

My heart was sour for a while, obviously both parents, but living like a left-behind child in a foreign country. Teenagers are the time when one's thoughts are prone to extremes, and they may mistakenly think that the CEO's parents don't love him and don't care about him anymore.

It makes me sad to think that I was sent overseas by my parents in the name of "for his own good". In order to make my parents happy, I forced myself to learn a musical instrument that I didn't like.

I held back the tears that I wanted to hide from my eyes, sat next to the CEO's brother, and gently stroked his shoulder.

Although it may be a little late, I still want to add a greeting to this lonely teenager, which may make him feel a little better.

I choked and asked, "Do you like music?"

The CEO gave me a look of "are you stupid?", "Of course I like it!"

I paused, and pressed my left hand on my right hand, which was about to be beaten, "Then do you like Italian?"

The president's brother nodded as a matter of course, "I like it, I chose the country myself."

My tears evaporated instantly.

Then you are a hammer!

I took a deep breath, "Excuse me."

I locked myself in the bathroom, took out my mobile phone and played the Sanskrit "Great Compassion Mantra".

Mobile phone records show that this song has been played more than 9999 times recently.

Looped 3 times and I'm ok again, I'm out.

I'm going to start talking about the things that my brother likes, and try to see if I can let his guard down.

I recalled the host's tone in the children's program, and showed the kind smile that should be treated when dealing with children, "Are you concerned about staying abroad? It's amazing! What musical instrument did you learn? Woolen cloth?"



My smile now is as stiff as a robot, "Well, I don't know much about music, I'm just curious, these two musical instruments really need to go to Italy for further study. ?"

The president's brother was very angry, thinking that I was insulting his professionalism, he immediately raised his suona and played a sweet "Love Cycle" on the spot.

How should I put it, the CEO's younger brother is really talented, and his performance is so consummate that he actually blew an immersive feeling of burying a family's grave.

I couldn't help but sway and dance to the music, I almost forgot what the purpose of this trip was to find the CEO's brother.

I finally struggled to swim to the shore from the ocean of music, I covered my old waist that was dancing too much with one hand, and pressed the suona of the CEO's brother with the other, "Wait a minute, let's talk talk."

The CEO gave me a provocative look, and then blew a note, "Bah—"

I couldn't help but sway again.

"Wait a minute! Stop blowing!"


"I told you to stop blowing!"

“Bah ah—”

The above dialogue went back and forth for five back and forth, and I finally grabbed the suona of the CEO's brother.

My heart is filled with infinite sorrow.

The Batian family is very strange, can the Batian group really continue to dominate the world?


When can I change jobs?

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