Teenage teenagers can easily go astray if not properly guided.

I feel that I shoulder the heavy responsibility of correcting the growth direction of the CEO's brother.

I suddenly asked, "Do you know how much your presidential suite costs per night?"

The president’s younger brother’s mind didn’t turn around for a while.

I looked solemn and my words were extremely stern, "Do you know how do you care about the high tuition fees and accommodation fees? How do you get your travel expenses around Europe? How about without spending money? If it weren't for your parents and brother working hard in the country, who would support your musical dreams?"

However, when it comes to my brother's hard work, I actually feel guilty.

My brother was stunned by my sudden criticism.

I stood up, my voice was enthusiastic, and I was dancing and gesturing, "What kind of image shadow will your parents and brother's painstakingly run the group suffer from today? And the loss, you know? Your father is getting old, and he has to come to the door to apologize, have you considered his feelings?"

The younger brother of the president avoided my burning gaze, "I'm just angry, my eldest brother has inherited the company, and my parents have been paying more attention to him..."

In order to win the attention of the parents, the pranksters have caused us so much trouble, I was angry and funny, "Then why don't you take the inheritance right?"

The president's brother is messy, "Huh?"

I didn't give the president brother time to breathe, I grabbed him, "Okay, let me tell you what basic knowledge a qualified heir needs to have. The president brother classmate , come on, let's start our first lesson now!"

The CEO continued to be messy, "Huh?"

Becoming a great teacher of the people is a dream that I had in my heart several days ago.

There is no blackboard, no teaching materials, I am a living lesson plan, "Let's start with the company system, do you know what caused the separation of property ownership and management? You introduce the origin of the company system..."

I gushed about mandatory indoctrination until the sun rose.

When the morning sun filled the room, I felt a little thirsty after talking all night, so I made a conclusion, "I gave you a general introduction to the company's strategy at the macro level. Wash up and have breakfast first, after breakfast we will have a preliminary understanding of financial knowledge.”

The younger brother of the president wanted to cry without tears. He lay on the sofa and howled in pain, "Secretary! Sister! I haven't slept all night!"

Working overtime for a long time made me accustomed to sleep less, the CEO's brother must have never suffered this kind of hardship, but it doesn't matter, I can encourage him verbally and give him strength!

I handed a glass of water to the younger brother, "I didn't sleep all night, it doesn't matter! Knowledge is the spiritual food of human beings! A great man once said: 'You can go without food for a day, and you can sleep for one day. If you don't sleep every day, you can't go without reading a book. 'Move up, boy, let's join hands to swim in the ocean of knowledge!"

I sent a message to the CEO's father to ask for leave, and then put the CEO's younger brother on the sofa for a whole day of cramming education.

At night, the CEO's brother couldn't hold it anymore. I authorized him to go to bed for two hours, and I also took the opportunity to take a nap on the sofa.

Then, the stern secret teacher slapped him awake and dragged him off the bed.

The CEO's brother was holding on to the quilt and refused to let go. He raised his voice and cried loudly, "Sister Mi, Sister Mi, please let me go and let me sleep for a while."

I tugged at the CEO's younger brother's ear and ruthlessly rejected him, "No way! You gave up so easily, how can you get the inheritance back from your brother? Get up! We Now let's learn the corporate legal system in the commercial legal system! Quick! Get up! Come!"

After a long night and no intention to sleep, the president brother knew the difference between a partnership and a company, and briefly understood the company's merger, division, capital reduction and liquidation.

At six o'clock in the morning, I again approved the CEO's brother to sleep for an hour.

Soon, it's dawn.

"Wow—" I opened the curtain with a wave of my hand.

The bright morning light poured mercilessly on the CEO's younger brother.

I stood beside the bed, my voice like a bell, "President brother! Good morning! Another red sun rises, let's start today's study!"

The CEO's eyes were dull, and he could no longer say "no".

I clapped my hands a few times and encouraged the CEO brother, "If you endure hardships, you will be the best. Come on! Unleash your vitality! A brand new day has begun!"

President's brother's sense of resistance was awakened when I took out my mobile phone to buy a practice book.

The president's brother rolled and crawled, grabbed my hand with all his strength, and stopped me from placing an order.

The president's younger brother's voice was filled with obvious crying, "Sister Mi, Mistress, if you have something to say, don't be impulsive. I've figured it out, I don't want to inherit the right, I want to stay back. Li, I want to blow the suona!"

I raised my eyelids and looked at him, "Have you thought about it?"

The younger brother nodded vigorously, "Think about it!"

"Absolutely no regrets?"

The CEO's younger brother's answer was sonorous and forceful, "I will never regret it!"

I sympathize with the younger brother, he may be in Stockholm.

I'll stop at it, don't let the child out of the psychological shadow.

I changed from a strict secretary teacher to a gentle and considerate secretary again, "Just think about it. Your parents miss you very much, why don't you move home."

The president's brother hesitated for a while, "Not yet."

The smile from the corner of my eyes disappeared instantly, "Do you know how many people lost their homes during the civil war in Syria on the east coast of the Mediterranean? The people are displaced, their greatest wish is It's just to go back to their home. And you? Don't go back if you have a home!"

I found a documentary about the war in Syria and watched it with my brother.

The young heart of the CEO's younger brother was strongly impacted, and he was holding a tissue to **** tears, "Sister Mi, they are really miserable..."

My sharp eyes were directed at him, "Say, are you going home?"

The president's brother burst into tears and affirmed: "Back!"

I gave the president a thumbs up with satisfaction, "That's right, let me tell your parents, you can go home and have dinner with them tonight."

The president's brother hesitated again, hesitantly said for a while, "It's still... no."

I slammed the table, "Do you know how many African children can't even eat? They are so skinny that they can't even walk. Starvation or semi-starvation, the number of people dying of hunger in the world is as high as 10 million every year! And you? There is food but you don't want to go back to eat it!"

I found a documentary about famine in Africa and watched it with my brother.

The CEO's younger brother burst into tears, grabbed my sleeve and sobbed, "Secret, they are really too miserable..."

I pulled my sleeves back in disgust.

This child, I don't know how many tears and snot on my clothes.

My sharp eyes shot directly at him for the second time, "Are you going home for dinner?"

The president's younger brother had mixed feelings and affirmed: "Go back! Eat!"

This child, it would have ended like this.

I urged: "Come on, pack up, I'll go to the front desk to check out for you."

Brother is too miserable..."

Huh? What does he mean by that?

Is it because of the sympathy for the president to learn so much knowledge?

In fact, the president may not know as much as the current president brother.

Alas, don't tell the CEO's brother this bad news.

Between checking out, I called the CEO's parents and told the CEO's younger brother that he was going home.

After hanging up the phone, I thought for a while. To guide adolescents to establish a correct outlook on life and values, knowledge reserves are far from enough.

Therefore, on the car to the manor, I conducted a comprehensive ideological and political education for the CEO's younger brother.

I expounded the basic principles of scientific socialism to the younger brother, emphasizing that we must adhere to the basic line of socialism with characteristics and unswervingly encourage the younger brother to return to China for development and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the nation. achievable contribution.

The car arrived at the gate of Batian Manor. The long-awaited CEO's mother waved a handkerchief, and the CEO's father hugged the CEO's mother.

The bodyguard opened the door.

The president's brother stepped out of the car and nodded to the bodyguard: "Thank you, Comrade Bodyguard."

The bodyguard was stunned.

The president's parents were also stunned.

All the servants who were watching were stunned.

A bodyguard who was standing farther away did not hear the conversation here, and stepped forward to open the trunk, intending to carry the luggage for the CEO's younger brother.

The younger brother of the president firmly rejected him, "No need, comrade bodyguard, I will take it myself. Labor creates the world, labor is a traditional virtue of a nation, an excellent quality, and a fine national spirit! "

The CEO's brother snatched the luggage, and struttingly walked into the manor.

The CEO's mother recovered from the shock and asked me blankly, "Xiaoshu, what's wrong with our layoff?"

My eyes were filled with tears of relief, "Brother President, his ideological realm has sublimated."

A servant came over in a car, "Little Master..."

The younger brother raised his hand to stop him, "No! Don't call me young master, please call me - comrade cut brother."

The servant's eyes were full of surprise, and he squeezed the words out several times before he succeeded, "Yes, yes... ah, comrade brother... comrade."

The CEO's mother looked worried, "Does he keep talking like this?"

In order to reassure the president's mother, I said earnestly to the president's younger brother: "Comrade cut brother, insisting on the socialist line is not just talking about it, we must keep this spirit in my heart and integrate it into Go to life bit by bit."

The CEO's brother was stunned for a moment, pondered for a moment, and said ashamed: "Ah, Comrade Secretary, you are right, after all, communism was not built overnight, I want to turn the power of words into actions. You Don't worry, I'll think about it."

I smiled approvingly, and when I looked up, I might just bump into the deep dark eyes of the president.

With another man?"

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-2916:24:54~2020-04-3021:37:03~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: I don't like 20 bottles of live animals; I am very grateful for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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