The prince is very fierce

Chapter 48 The sky is so high

The weather in Chang'an City in April is very comfortable, and there are many merchants on the streets and squares. As long as you are willing, you can basically find specialties from anywhere in the world in the corners of each square.

In the early morning, Zhu Manzhi was sitting alone in a tea shop on Zhuangyuan Street. She was wearing a thin warm white skirt and her hair was combed into a popular style for city girls. A flower hairpin was inserted in her hair, and the tail of the hairpin was a little magpie. She is as clean and tidy as a little girl from the surrounding neighborhood who comes out to relax.

Ever since he learned that his father was the Jiazi gangster "Sword Master Zhu Liu" wanted by the court, Zhu Manzhi became more careful. He was afraid that the Detective Department would notice something strange, so he resigned from the Wolf Guard job and carried the Yanling Sword with him. He also changed to an iron sword that he didn't know how to use, and pretended to be a charlatan.

At this time, there was a large teapot and a small tea bowl on the table of the tea shop. Zhu Manzhi did not lie down on the table, but imitated Ning Qingye's sitting posture, sitting with his back straight and pretending to be a chivalrous woman. After all, their identities are different now. Her father is the Sword Master and she is the Sword Master's daughter. If she has no appearance, how can she deal with friends in the world.

It's a pity that the sitting posture can be learned, but the momentum cannot be learned. It is better to lie on the table. Sitting upright like this, she looks like a silly girl.

Zhu Manzhi's waist felt a little sore after sitting for a while. He picked up the small tea bowl and took a sip. His face looked a little gloomy. After all, he had worked in the Wolf Guard for a few months. There was no credit but hard work. When the other Tianzi Camp Wolf Guards left, , the boss kept trying to stay, and some old people could shed tears and say goodbye, but she said something to the boss, and the boss slapped her in the face, "Man Zhi'er, you are really thinking..."

What happened to the shame of Tianziying? What's wrong with not being good at martial arts?

It's not like she hasn't made great achievements, such as Fuman Tower, Baima Village... Anyway, she participated in them all. When she gets to Suzhou City in the future, she will get a wolf guard... No, get a tiger guard...

After thinking for a while, Zhu Manzhi snorted softly and began to miss Xu Buling again.

"Why hasn't Mr. Xu come back yet... Oh~..."

Zhu Manzhi picked up the small tea bowl and drank it all in one gulp. When he was bored, a gong sound suddenly came from the street.


"Heroes and young heroes, Crown Prince Su and Qing Kui accepted the hero post yesterday..."

The sound was loud enough to be heard from half the street.

Zhu Manzhi's eyes lit up, and Ma Liu threw a few coins on the table, ran to the street with his sword, and looked up to see that a large stage had been built outside Longyin Pavilion in the distance.

Zhu Manzhi liked to join in the fun, let alone such Jianghu matters related to Xu Buling. He hurriedly trotted to the back of the crowded crowd. He was too short to see. He turned around and ran to the second floor of the restaurant opposite Longyi Pavilion. On the first floor, squeeze out a position from the window, stand on tiptoes and look out.

At this time, outside the Longyin Pavilion facing each other on the fifth floor, countless knights and gentlemen from the rivers and lakes or wealthy young men gathered. Zhu Manzhi knew only Xiao Ting, Tang Jiu, Situ Huyu and others, all of whom were from wealthy families in Chang'an City. The window fences of surrounding restaurants and brothels were also filled with people.

On the high platform built outside Longyin Pavilion, a gong was placed next to the master of ceremonies and he said loudly:

"... Prince Su is well-deserved to be named Qingkui, but as the saying goes, 'There is no second in martial arts', it is not advisable to work behind closed doors. Only by learning from each other can we improve. Prince Su is a rich man, and he cannot respond to all the heroes' invitations one by one. , so I specially asked me, Longyin Pavilion, to set up a martial arts competition. You young heroes will determine the top three, and then ask the prince for advice...

... For those who can get the top three prizes, Longyin Pavilion will take out a sword as a prize. If any young hero has the ability to take the 'Qingkui' golden plaque given by the Holy One, Longyin Pavilion will take out a sword. Pei Yulong and Pei everyone used the Danqing paintings copied by themselves as the starting point. This painting is the first painting made by the painter Xu Danqing after he came out of the mountain. He rates it as 'the most proud work of his life'. It has not yet appeared in the world, so you can understand its importance..."


As soon as this statement came out, the young talents who were planning to come over and become one of the top ten immediately became restless.

For young warriors, there is nothing more than a lifelong pursuit of swords, horses, and beauties. Xuan and Ba Kui have become a thing of the past. Nowadays, everyone is discussing who will be the first 'Zhao Hong Ba Kui'. This is the dream lover of more than ten years. big thing.

It's hard to marry a woman like Xu Danqing's painting, but it's equally difficult to get an authentic one.

There is only one painting saint, Xu Danqing, and there are only a few paintings. They are basically hung in places like the Imperial Study Room and the Prince's Study Room. There are only a few of them on the market. Most of the paintings that are circulated are copied by famous artists. Pei Yulong himself is a famous painter, and the "Beauty Picture" copied by him is also a treasure that can only be obtained with a lot of money. If you can get a painting with a Qingkui gold plaque, you can imagine the limelight.

However, although everyone was excited, their minds were still clear. Based on Xu Buling's appearance in Taiji Hall, there was not much chance of grabbing the gold plaque. When the time comes, they would be satisfied to have a look at who the Eight Chiefs of Zhaohong were. "The most proud person in my life." Zuo', that means she is more beautiful than Ning Yuhe, how beautiful is she...

Zhu Manzhi stared happily, wondering whether this beauty was Xiao Ning or a blue-eyed vixen. At this moment, a chuckle suddenly came from beside her:

"If you don't do this, I'm afraid I'll be angry to death..."

Zhu Manzhi was very sensitive to Xu Buling's name. He was unhappy when he heard this. He turned his head to take a look, and saw a poor scholar dressed as a scholar standing at the window, wearing a square scarf and carrying a book box. There was also a long stick wrapped in black cloth stuck to the side of the bookcase, which looked like a sword.

Zhu Manzhi frowned and looked up at the scholar. He had an ordinary face and was young, but he had the look of an "old master" with his hands behind his back. At first glance, he looked like he was stupid because of reading.

"Hey, scholar, why do you say that Prince Su will be angry to death?"

The scholar turned his head when he heard the sound, glanced, and then lowered his head, as if he had just discovered the little girl standing next to him, nodded and smiled warmly:

"Girl, you called me?"

Zhu Manzhi was very angry. She was right in front of him, so was he supposed to look over her head? What's so great about being tall? Mr. Xu is about the same height as you...

"Yeah, you just said that Prince Su would be pissed to death, what does that mean?"

The scholar shook his head and smiled, looking at the platform below:

"The secret cannot be revealed, the girl will know when the time comes."

Zhu Manzhi frowned slightly, thinking that the scholar was talking nonsense, but she was no longer a wolf guard, so she naturally couldn't check his identity, so she moved away a little, was silent for a while, and looked at the cloth behind the scholar:

"Are you also a man of the world? Use a sword?"

The scholar looked at the platform: "Not a man of the world, but I have learned to use a sword."

When Zhu Manzhi heard this, she was naturally a little proud that her father was a swordsman, the best swordsman in the world.

"How is your swordsmanship? How good is it?"

The scholar blinked, looked up at the sky, and thought for a while:

"The sky is so high."


Zhu Manzhi moved away a few steps, thinking that she had met someone with a mental disorder. After thinking for a while, she wanted to ask again, but when she turned her head, there was no one around her. The scholar seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Hey - where is he..."

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